So I think the world has slipped off its axis well maybe just my side of the world… LOL so yesterday when I was at work… I got a call from the Pastor telling me the Lehna REFUSED to take a nap… and that she was waking up everyone and he wanted me to talk to her to get her to behave. The FIRST words out of her mouth were “mommy I want to you to come pick me up” and I told her NO I’m at work and she has to behave… I told her that all the other kids were watching her and were misbehaving b/c she isn’t listening… I told her that I was disappointed that she was behaving so badly. Sooooo then after giving her my “behave speech,” which incidentally I’m getting tired of saying every 15 minutes, I talked to the Pastor again and he just goes “well thank you for talking to her and we are just trying to get this under control and we are really trying to get the parents as involved as possible” And I said “you know that I’m trying everything I CAN with her to get her to behave, and nothing is working” and he said “well I appreciate that you are trying and he apologized for calling me at work and said that he hopes that me talking to her works” Well first of all… what did he accomplish… she wanted to talk to me… she wanted to tell me that she wanted to come home… so he rewards her by letting her talk to me… so now she understands… Hey if I’m REALLY bad then I’ll get to talk to mommy. Idiots!!!!
Then when I picked her up… she and her friend, the same friend that convinced her to poop her panties, pushed Keyton and Maya into the Nursery and slammed the doors on them and THEN held them against the wall and wouldn’t let them out. Yeah AWSOME! So when she got there I talked to Elizabeth again and just was so upset I don’t know what to do.
So no what to do, I mean this CAN’T continue… it just can’t… So I talked to Tait and well… this is my new plan. I feel that there are only a couple of options… I either takes them back to the old daycare in Crawfordsville, Talk to Elizabeth about her doing home daycare, or look for another daycare someone that is capable of handling them. Well my problems with the “solutions” getting her to Crawfordsville every morning would mean we have to leave our house no LATER then 5:30… right now I’m getting them up at 5:30 so that would make EVERYONE more tired, on top of that THAT would mean they would spend 11 hours at daycare in ONE day. The problem with a Elizabeth watching her… first of all she doesn’t have a car so if they get hurt they would have to call an ambulance… and I won’t be able to control who comes in and out of her house… so I am not comfortable with it… so the only VIABLE option is going to be looking for another daycare. I don’t know if more change is going to make the situation worse or if it’s going to make it worse… it’s horrible and I totally don’t know what to do. But I just don’t think that this daycare is the solution. I mean if we have to pay more… we might just have to pay more I mean I don’t know what else to do. She needs more structure and better discipline. I mean part of the problem is there are only 2 staff members to 15 kids… which that means 7 per teacher… that’s quite a bit to handle no matter who you are… and I know for a FACT that most of the people watching them are high schools students in the afternoon (who don’t really care) and the older ladies which I don’t know how much experience they not enough to handle 7 children.
So that’s where I am with it. I’m so worried about it its making me crazy. I have tried bribing… that’s not working… even though she gets upset that she doesn’t get anything but it’s not enough of an incentive for her to behave. I realize that I think her “friend” is somewhat to blame to b/c I think that child is a little wild too and the pair probably is REALLY hard to deal with. I mean Lehna can be a bully but I have NEVER had these problems before both so far she’s had a ton more structure then what’s she’s getting now… So I hope that is the problem but shaking out this old behavior from Lehna is getting tiring… I mean she has a total attitude with me she has a mouth on her… yesterday at church she was getting in the bathroom and I was getting Maya out of the bathroom and Lehna promptly tells me to “shut the darn door” and it wasn’t darn… (Sigh) seriously she is turning into a version of ME! Lord help us ALL! I just don’t know what to do…
So that’s where I am… I am just really stressed about it and I feel like I’m coming unglued. I can’t get the kid to behave. If anyone has any suggestions please suggest away b/c I’m running out of strength to get this under control
You could send us Lehna and we can take care of her for a while until Grandma comes done in May. If that will help let me know!
You poor girl. I feel for you I really do. I know when one of the docs at my office was having some issues with her little girl she bought this book called Parenting SOS - from what I understand it has some pretty good ideas in it. I don't know if that will help or not. Just hang in there I know it has to be rough. Just try to stay as consistant as possible and look into another daycare. It doesn't sound like the daycare they are at has much structure at all. Do they not have guidelines to follow as far as how many kids one teacher can have? Again I feel for you.. I'm here if you need to vent or anything. HUGS!!
I appericate your offer of taking Lehna off of my hands if she was just a little older then I would take you up on your offer but with her age I don't think she'll understand why she's being sent away so I don't want to do that too her. We decided that at the end of April I'm going to come up to WI if I have a job or not... b/c it's too hard on the girls and myself. So they only have 5 more weeks in this horrible daycare... so hopefully that after that this will end all of the behavior problems
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