Friday, December 19, 2008


Well it IS time for another update.

It’s been awhile… but tis the season I guess…

Well Lehna and Maya had their first Christmas Program. It was really cute. I am glad that this daycare does do something like this b/c their old daycare always had a summer program so this was kind of neat to see them in their Christmas Program. Maya was SUPER cute. When she came into the room she goes “Mama” really loud and everyone laughed… when she walked by me she tried to walk over to me but they steered her down the aisle to the front of the room. She stood on the stage and they played a slide show and rang jingle bells it was very very cute. She also had antlers on her head. She was in MANY pictures for the slide show a lot of the pictures she had things on her head or was making funny faces it was really cute. I video recorded it. Of course when I watch it it will probably be like being on a rollercoaster… b/c I had to zoom REALLY closely and I was far back so getting to see her all the way was difficult. But she was SUPER cute! Lehna was also super CUTE… when she came in… Maya goes really loudly “Sissy!” and then when she got up there… Lehna waved to me and goes “mommy” it was very cute and I of course waved back… Lehna did the songs she actually did all the hand motions and everything it was really cute. Lehna has been singing these songs for a couple of weeks but I didn’t know they were the songs they were going to perform for the program. They weren’t very long but it was certainly very cute. Tait recorded Lehna’s part b/c I had Maya on my lap and she was EVERYWHERE on my lap… She didn’t want to sit still.

Maya in all her cuteness (notice her holiday smile) LOL

Another picture of Maya and her class

Lehna Singing
After the different groups the kids went back to sit with their families and it was like 8 p.m and Lehna and Maya both were tired of sitting…they were DEFINTELY ready to go home… Lehna saw in the lobby they had cookies and she cried to go out there and get a cookie… well not really cry just whined… I felt bad b/c she was so loud… That was really difficult to hold her still when she was pushing against me… by the time the whole thing was over I was READY to be home. I think the girls were too.

So we went home and the girls got to shake out their crazies… Maya and I were so tired. Maya fell asleep on me about 8:30 and I was out like 8:31 I was so tired… I couldn’t believe it… I hadn’t even taken off my work clothes. So by the time I got to bed I was definitely ready to snooze the night away. This has been my last early week so I don’t know if it has just been catching up with me or what…

Well some exciting news. Lehna wrote Santa a letter this weekend and surprise Santa wrote back to her on Tuesday. She was SOOOO excited to read the letter. I read it too she and she ran through the house with it in her hand saying “daddy daddy Santa wrote me a letter” it was really a cool moment. Maya also got a letter from Santa… but she didn’t respond nearly as excited as Lehna… She basically tried to take the paper out of my hand and write on it… I think maybe she’s going to be a writer… this kid could write for HOURS with a pen and paper… and it could be on little pieces of paper it entertains her for HOURS! It’s really quite amazing…

I am so excited on Saturday we are going to finish/start Christmas shopping. I know it’s nothing like waiting to the last minute… but I can’t wait. Trent is going to come and watch our girls and we are going to go to Lafayette to finish. There are several things that I am hoping to land but we’ll see what I come up with…

Well I have to say I lost another pound this week. I am so slacking with my exercise… I think I did the 40 minute twice this week and the 20 minute just once this week… I feel like a slacker when I do that 40 minute… although I’m getting faster at the 40 minute and it is only taking me like 25-35 minutes, which is SUPER NICE… I need to continue to work out so I can continue to loose. Of course my stress level definitely helps b/c I don’t have a need to want to eat… which is strange b/c in the past I have always been an emotional eater… I don’t know b/c it’s b/c this stress is so different… who knows… Life will continue.

Well that’s all I have right now in the world me us… Hope all of you have a safe weekend… the weather is kind of touchy these days!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


So I need to update… It’s really hard to update right now b/c of all the crap that is going on right now. So I’m not going to go into much detail b/c honestly… I don’t think that I want to remember this later when I’m going back and rereading this one day. I will say that Tait and I are having some problems. We are dealing with them together we are both seeing a marriage and family therapist and that are it. We are working through them and hopefully by the time we get to the end of this journey we will be much stronger then we have ever been.

As far as what’s going on in our family. Lehna and Maya are growing minute by minute. Lehna has really started to be a protector for Maya, any time Maya is upset and crying Lehna is right there trying to make her feel better. It’s a really cool trait to see that my oldest has for my youngest and I hope that it continues. Maya has become Lehna’s little side companion. I can’t wait until Maya can really “play” with Lehna, they try the best they can but Maya really doesn’t know what to do… and just usually follows Lehna’s foot steps basically just doing copy cat. Lehna sometimes gets upset especially when Maya grabs that doll that she is playing with or whatever but for the most part Lehna is pretty tolerant of her little sister.

We moved Maya into the booster seat for dinner. We had her in the high chair for a long time but Maya really didn’t like it and when we pushed that tray part on it it trapped Maya too much and she kind of revolted and cried… so the Booster seat is where she sits now. It’s funny at dinner time both girls are so different. Depending on the day will depend on who will be the best eater. I used to be able to depend on Maya being the best eater but recently Lehna has really been a better eater. Maybe Lehna is going through a growing spurt and needs to food to help her grow or something… who knows.

As far as the holidays it was more stressful then normal. Tait and I went to his family in Williamsport then I went to Peru to see my side of the family. I thought about taking the girls with me but then I thought it would be an easier trip for me if I just went by myself. It was nice being able to see family. I was disappointed b/c I was really hoping we would play games and return to normal but we didn’t. I was surprised that there wasn’t very many people there I expected to see more but I’m sure I’ll see them for Christmas. I love Christmas I just love it b/c everyone is just so happy.

On Friday of Thanksgiving we had a pretty low key day I didn’t even go shopping we took the kids to Indianapolis to see Tait’s Aunt and Uncle and Tait’s’ parents stayed over night and took our kids for the even and Tait and I spend some much needed time together one on one. It was really nice. One Saturday Helen and Tim brought our kids back to us and we had lunch and Tait’s dad fixed our dryer… well it now makes a new noise but that’s okay at least he tried. Then on Sunday we didn’t do much of anything besides putting up our Christmas tree. Putting up our tree didn’t take very long it probably took us like maybe 20 minutes total to put it up. It was really crazy how quickly we put it up. This was help from Maya and Lehna too. Lehna really was a big help she would put all the ornaments up in one spot. Maya tried a couple of times but she was more interested in taking them off verses putting them up so after telling her to no touch a couple of times… she got bored and walked away. It was fun to let Lehna help put up the tree I think she really liked it. Now at night she is kind of strange b/c I thought she would really like the tree turned on and light up… but about 8 p.m. every night she announces that the tree needs to be turned off and she walks over and pushes the button to turn of the tree… it’s kind of strange but I think she likes to push the button on the floor.

For the most part that is what’s going on…