Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Weekend in Review

Well this weekend was pretty good we went up to Wisconsin on Thursday night and we made pretty good time we only had traffic up at the tail end of our journey and it could have been b/c it was about 5-6 so it was their rush hour so that’s probably why we had just a little traffic, it was moving just had lots of pausing and then going… So then coming back the traffic was great… got home in a little over 3 ½ hours. So that was wonderful.

The weekend itself was really good too. I had an interview on Friday that I thought went pretty well. They said they would call me either Monday or latest by Tuesday, I’m still waiting. So hopefully that will move along a bit more quickly today. I hope. I know that they haven’t contact my owner or any of my references so that DOES have me concerned.

So we went to the Children’s Museum on Saturday and that was a lot of fun. Maya ran from exhibit to exhibit and it was fun to watch her climb on it then get off and jump on the next thing. It was really cute. Lehna was good she wanted to spend more time looking at things. She stayed with the post office area for quite some time while Maya went from bank to grocery store to auto repair… I guess she was just running her errands… The museum opened their new “forest park” exhibit… so they had Smokey the Bear and Woody thee Owl there… well Lehna DID NOT like them. She cried and around every corner we would make sure he wasn’t there b/c she just cried and cried… It was really cute. I was sad that they got rid of the “ball exhibit” for this thing… which I liked that exhibit b/c you used a golf ball and watched it roll around, I know doesn’t sound very exciting but it was…

After that we headed by Tait office it’s in the middle of the ghetto in Milwaukee so it kind of looks like a fortress. After that we took the girls to the park because it was such a nice day. Tait’s parents have a park just down the street from their apartment complex and there is a HUGE lake right next to it. So we went there to check it out and the girls played for about an hour or so. It started getting chilly b/c of the wind coming off the lake but it was fun overall.

After that I went shopping. I had really wanted to go to the outlet store and every time we go there we are always too busy so I wanted to pop by and see what kind of sales they had. I was in luck they had this really cute dress and I NEVER by dresses that I picked up. It looks cute on me. I also got a couple outfits for the girls and then headed back to Tait’s parent’s apartment. You know really exciting stuff.

Tait and didn’t get a date this weekend but we had a good time none the less. On Sunday we looked at different places to rent. Tait got the numbers of them and he is going to set up appointments to look at the properties and see what happens with those. They are all houses nice size so we’ll see what happens. We also visited our new ward that we will be going to when we move to WI. It was a pretty big ward unfortunately they didn’t have WARMTH as our current ward does. We got there a ½ hour late b/c they apparently start at 8:30 instead of 9… they have a Spanish group that meet at 11:30… so that’s why they start earlier. So maybe that’s why we didn’t get the warmth b/c they started earlier, even the missionaries weren’t very warm. I asked the one where our class meets and he said that it was down the hall and he was wrong… So that was fun. The Relief Society kept asking what my contact information was as far as where I live and I told them that I didn’t know yet… I mean seriously… I don’t know, but they asked me 3 times then kind of got snippy the third time and go “well do you have any leads” crappy I might add. So that was pretty interesting.

The girls had an “okay” day on Friday so I had stopped at Target for stuff for the drive up and both were rewarded. They had the Disney Princess Barbie’s for 6 bucks… they were on close out so I get Lehna and Maya one. Yesterday Lehna had a GREAT day. I got a call from the pastor after I had picked Lehna up and he said that they kept her and the “other” girl away from one another today as much as possible and that seemed to help Lehna quite a bit so that makes me happy. And Lehna even slept for Nap time! So hopefully we will continue with a good trend the rest of the week… if not then we will deal with it as it comes. I hope that it will be a good week.

So that’s what’s going on. I forgot my camera of COURSE so I don’t have any pictures from the weekend.

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