Thursday, September 22, 2005


Well as promised I managed to get Lehna's 6 month pictures scanned and reformated so I could put them up on the web. I hope you enjoy. It's amazing just how FAST she is changing... Enjoy!

This is the face Lehna normally makes when the camera comes out!

This was the RARE occasion that we actually "captured" a smile!

This is the picture that Jackie scammed the lady out of at Wal-mart. Originally the picture had the lady's hair in the picture but Jackie convinced the lady that she would have only gotten that picture but since it had her hair in the picture she didn't want it... Then the lady offered it to her for FREE and Jackie said "okay"... Little did the lady know that's the picture Jackie LOVED and she was almost willing to pay the $20 buck for it! Sneaking Aunt Jackie!


Sarah said...

She is getting So big!! What a cutie!!

Stephanie said...

She is getting so big. Soon she'll be running around like Aubree!