Also Lehna is now becoming more vocal she made a new sound last night she can now make the trumpet sound like an elephant. She learned how to do it last night after smacking her lips together like an old man. It was pretty cute and VERY loud. Also she is starting to learn how to crawl very slowly of course. She can scoot backwards and turn all the way around but she still can't figure out how to do it forwards. Penny said she thinks by the end of September she will be crawling forward. Tait said by the end of next week he thinks she'll be crawling, me I'm not sure I really don't want her mobile yet so she can take her time. But anyways enjoy the Whiney Weekday!
Whiney Weekday!
Welcome to another week of Whiney Weekday the time I take to publicly whine all my private trials away!
1. Kitty Pee… Yep it’s on here again. This time we have eliminated the kitty pee in the dirty clothes but he’s now peeing on our shoes? How does one correct this when you aren’t home during the day? Of course he is on a one more time basis and if he does it again he’s going to be a permanent outside kitty cat!
2. Change of Seasons Cold Bug… Yes the wonderful cold bug has spread its magical pixy dust in our direction. So we all our suffering for the cough, congested sinus, headache, and body aches. Oh the change in seasons is a MIRACLE OF LIFE!
3. The Sock Monster… I don’t know about you but lately the sock monster has been eating up soooooo many of our socks. I swear I have about 50 new single socks and no matches to be found anywhere. I guess it’s time to spray again!
4. The Age of Patience… For those of you that know me my patience level is really VERY low and I am patiently trying to wait for a call from Manpower and I haven’t heard anything back yet! They said one to two weeks and this is the beginning of the second week… please call me back people!!!! I can’t take this type of waiting!
5. More Patience…. I finally talked to someone from Manpower today and well they told me that the position that we talked about in the interview, the supervisor position, is just now going to be to the public and I’m still a leading candidate for the position, which means MORE WAITING… such anxiety! She said she probably wouldn’t have the position fully filled for another 2-3 weeks… (((Sigh))) But I did mention to her that I hope that after the open resume collection that I am still in the lead for the position and she said “I hope so too” so I hope that’s something… I really don’t want to read too much into it! I think it’s a BIT late for that! (sigh) So once again I am thinking positive again!
6. Baby Diapers… Lehna’s room is starting to smell like old gym socks and it’s coming from her diaper pail. We empty the pail all the time but I am thinking that we may have to start washing it out… not that we get the crap (LOL) all over the trash can I just think the pail just smells of dirty baby diapers, YUCK!
7. Fleas… The animals have FLEAS AGAIN! Again we are on the endless battle of fighting the dumb fleas. Friends of ours had to finally call the Oren man to come out and spray… I really don’t want to do that… but it’s starting to look like a viable option to get rid of them forever! I hate fleas!
8. Baby Monitors… Why is it that baby monitors take batteries? I understand that you move them from room to room and sure having batteries would be nice on occasion when you do that… but why isn’t there like an adaptor hole for the monitor that you carry from room to room so when you put it in your bedroom at night you don’t have to worry if the batteries go out in the middle of the night… like last night!
9. Mowing the lawn… Well it’s that time again. We had a break last week b/c it was so freaking hot but it looks like this weekend we are going to have to mow the yard. At least it won’t be so hot here.
10. Laundry… Well I can now check up on all my laundry but I actually have no motivation whatsoever so now I have a continuously growing mound of clothes with no desire to start washing them!
Big Smile!
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