Thursday, April 30, 2009

Greetings from Wisconsin

Well it's time for another update. We are offically here in Wisconsin. I have to say a big THANK YOU to all the family members and church members that helped us move out then in our new house. We totally appericated it! We moved out of the house in 1 1/2 hours so YEAH then unloading only took about the same as well. It was really cool. The new house has stairs so the novelty to the girls was REALLY REALLY annoying but it everyday they go up and down them less and less so that is good.

We couldn't get like 8 things in the truck and van so we are going back this weekend to clean and load the items that were left in the van. It is crazy how much we need to do in the old house to make it ready for 'showing' but we are going to get it done and make it look beautiful... LOL well... we'll see.

The move was pretty fast we are still unpacking but things are going well so far. It's kind of strange living in the same house with Tait. The girls are starting to get a routine down. We still don't have cable and we won't get it until Friday so we have watched a TON of DVDs and such and unpacking. I am ready to get some kind of routine down with them. I really want to do some "school" time with them... just so I feel like they are getting something other than just TV. The girls seem to be adjusting well. The weather has been sooooo crappy here. It's like what it was in Indiana like 2 months ago... so we are like 2 months behind. Someone in the grocery store yesterday was saying that they never have a spring it goes straight to Freezing cold to 90 degrees. So that was exciting news. I can always dress the girls warmer but the problem is the rain is CONSTANT so hopefully it will dry up here in the next couple of days and we'll be able to play outside.

We took the girls twice to the indoors Burger Kind play place so they could release some of their energy. We did take them last night to the lake to "feed the gulls" but there were nooooooo birds... I guess they figured it was too cold. We let the girls play on the stuff there for awhile.

So I'm just enjoying my time with the girls right now. But we'll see what happens over the next couple of weeks. Keep your fingers crossed.

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