Monday, April 06, 2009


Happy Spring Everyone! Can’t you tell its spring I mean the blistering cold the snow falling from the sky? I just love the spring time it just makes me so happy! Well maybe if I lived some where there was a spring then I would enjoy it more. We are seriously going to go straight from winter to summer… I hate that. That usually means that the summer will drag on. (Sigh) This will be good if we get season passes to GREAT AMERICA! I mean we will live 20 miles away from the place!!! LOL We’ll see what happens though.

Well this weekend it was very spring like on Saturday day it was beautiful outside so much that I got sunburned! Darn pasty white skin! We took the girls for an Easter Egg Hunt in Darlington at the park. It was really nice. The girls I think had a good time… we were there for literally 20 minutes! LOL The started each “age group” off at the same time so we couldn’t watch the girls together but it was fun to have them do it. Maya got to have “help” so Tait held her hand as she grabbed candy and put it in the bag… it was literally just candy thrown all over the ground and some eggs scattered all over the ground. For Lehna the parents couldn’t “help” so I stood along the sidelines trying to encourage Lehna to go out and get the candy. She didn’t want me to leave her side but I kept telling her that she has to go out by herself b/c I wasn’t allowed… so finally she went out there to get one piece and promptly brought it back to me… then I told her to go get another piece… then ran back to me… she did this a couple of times until she finally just stayed out there to pick up candy. Of course by then a lot of it was gone… she probably got like maybe 15 pieces total which is fine by me that’s the last thing I wanted was her hopped up on sugar… Maya however was the queen of candy. Tait said that they dropped like a big handful of suckers in a big pile and she stood there picking all of them up. Which out of all the candy out there she really enjoys suckers.

After we took the girls to the “hunt” we went to Wal-Mart to select birthday gifts from some birthday money that they got late. Well Lehna selected a bathroom set for her Barbie a little strange and I tried to get her to select something else but she totally wanted it. Nothing like a toilet for Barbie to use… Well Maya with Tait’s help picked out to “phones” which are really walkie-talkies and she seemed to like those… she didn’t quite understand to push the button to talk but she liked being able to here mom and dad talk to her through the phone.

On Sunday we didn’t really do anything we had general conference so we didn’t have church. We taped both sessions on Sunday we didn’t watch them but I will this week once the girlies go to bed. I enjoy watching them later so I can fast forward through the songs… you know… 

We did grill out on Sunday and that was WONDERFUL. I enjoyed that very much. We had steaks and baked potatoes. It was fabulous.

Tait and I got to have a date on Saturday night. We went bowling and my first game I actually broke 100 so I was excited about that the second game I didn’t break 100 I got up to like 92 so I was close… BUT didn’t break… oh well. We talked about going to a movie but seriously there was nothing out that even looked sort of good you know? So after that we went to BW3’s and that was a ton of fun. We sat at this table that had this game thing on the table and we played that. It cost money which sucked but they all of these trivia games and stuff like that Tait and I played as a team and just had a nice time.

I got the laundry done in record time this weekend. I started working on it through out the week and man let me tell you I even had time to do the extra things like the bathroom rugs… now usually when I do this Lehna inadvertently pees on them (on accident of course) so hopefully that won’t happen.

I’m getting really excited about moving to Wisconsin. I need boxes pretty badly. I am trying to talk Tait into just buying them b/c I need to start packing!!! So we’ll see what happens… If anyone has any boxes please please please let me know.

I don’t know what date we are going to move… to be honest with you we talked about both April 24th and then also May 2nd. Personally I would like to Move April 25th b/c then I will have the entire next week to clean the place up… we have a person interested in renting the place and I would like to rip up the carpet and paint… I mean even if we don’t rent I still am looking into someone buying our house and seriously those two things have to be done… so we’ll see what happens… keep your fingers crossed for me I hope it all works out. But any help to load would be much appreciated.

Okay that’s all I got for now. Here’s hoping for a good week!


Don said...

Hey, you might want to check with the local funeral home and ask if they have any clean fluid boxes....they work great!

Stephanie said...

We contacted our Priesthood president and he put us in touch with 4 seperate members who has some... so we should be okay... :) yeah! We got like 15 yesterday so I can pack... so YEAH! of course we are going away this weekend so that will make getting thigns packed tonight kind of crazy but I'll work on it...