Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Packing... Packing... Packing

Well Day one of packing. And it is over. Only one more Monday left and we will be loading the truck. YEAH! Well last night I got some stuff done, I wish I could have gotten more done but the girls were so wild that they weren’t going to go to sleep.

Things that I got accomplished.

I packed All of Lehna’s clothes that didn’t fit so all of the 4 & 5 that were in the toy room, her closet, and closet. I packed all of the 3’s that are soon to be moved to Maya’s closet (once we move). I packed the entire toy closet which there is only three things left in the closet but I needed a bigger box and I forgot box tape when I went to the store yesterday so I couldn’t make any bigger boxes… I was able to get all the things hanging in the toy room so pictures, the curtains, and wall items packed. I also got all the pictures down from the hallway and packed and most of the pictures out of my room and kitchen. And I got all the remaining toys and books packed away.

I still have a ton left to pack. It’s amazing just how much that is left to do… it’s kind of depressing to be honest with you.

So tonight my game plan. Go through Maya’s clothes and pack away all of her things that don’t fit anymore, the bathroom, and lien closet, and finish with all the pictures on the wall.

My house is a complete disaster. I didn’t put anything away from our trip so I have like bags and stuff of things that need to be put away from the trip. Lehna and Maya were awesome enough to go through them and remove all items from the bag and put them on the floor so that was great. So now instead of the stuff being in bags piled the stuff is just all over the floor. I have an entire sink full of dishes my kitchen counters are piled… Too many things to do and not enough hours in the day to get it done.

Last night at about 8:30 I put the girls to bed and they were PINKING off the walls. Maya was shaking her crib so badly that I thought that someone was knocking on the front door. Lehna came out of her room every 5 minutes to tell me something unimportant about Maya. Usually “Maya won’t go to sleep and she’s keeping me awake” I told them that if they don’t go to bed that tomorrow they are going to really be tired when I wake them up. Of course you know telling this kind of logic to a 2 & 4 year old really doesn’t make any sense… but you know saying “go to bed” 50 million times wasn’t working either. So I worked for another hour and then I decided that if I don’t go to sleep that they will NEVER go to sleep. So I went to sleep.

This morning the girls were horrible, just like expected. It’s like they were missing 2 hours of sleep or something. So it was nice actually being able to pick our clothes for Lehna without having to push and move the clothes out of the way (her closet was full of clothes that didn’t fit her) So after I got them dressed and they were SLEEPY I told them to get their coats it was seriously like watching two zombies walking through the house saying “coats, coats” They are so tortured. I only had two break downs this morning one from each of them. I told them the more fits they through the earlier their bed time will be at one point I told Lehna that she is going to have to be in bed even before she gets out of the car tonight. So then she stopped. One day at a time and one task at a time. I will make it and if we are lucky the kids may make it too! So as rough as the morning was I have a feeling I’m going to have a HORRIBLE report this afternoon… which I told them when I dropped them off they are tired and cranky… so maybe that will help… I doubt it but MAYBE!

I’m sending an SOS to all of those in my area by the way. We are packing up the house to load the truck on April 25th. We really need some help loading so if there is anyone around that would like to help us… we would really appreciate it. And you only have to help Load just think of it that way… So please let me know if you can help me.

Okay well that’s all that’s going one… I love boxes… I love packing… I love it love it love it.

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