Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Well this weekend was a lot of fun. Since the girls’ daycare was closed on Friday due to Good Friday we headed up to WI on Thursday night to spend some time with the Grandparents. We got there about 7 ish on Thursday and spend the night with Tait’s parents. Lehna had been sick during the day she was running a fever during the day and so I figured it was a UTI b/c she had been acting like that that was the problem. Well I called our Pediatrician on the way up to WI and she said that she should come into her office on Friday, but since we were leaving the state I told her that that wouldn’t be possible. So she suggested that we take her some where on Friday to get checked out. So Friday morning I called the Children’s Hospital (in which Tait works for) and asked them for a list of pediatricians and told them our predicament… so they set us up with a Pediatrician so we went meet with a new patrician. I really liked the doctor he really seemed to know what he was doing. He did three different tests on her to see what the issue was. The problem was that Lehna shouldn’t have had a fever with a UTI so he was concerned that if she still was running a fever that it was actually something much more serious. So he gave us a general antibiotic and told us that he was going to run some “cultures” on her urine and see what happens, and if they came back with something than they would have to see her right away on Monday and possibly put her on IV medication. He said to all the on call doctor on Sunday to see what the test results were. So all weekend we kind of watched her fever. By Saturday it had broke and she was totally acting herself but Friday she was definitely feeling pretty horrible. So at least we now have a doctor in Wisconsin for the girls. So this is good thing.

On Friday we headed up to Hartford to spend the remaining weekend with Mom and Terry. The girls had SUCH a good time. My mom had some cool activities for them that they REALLY enjoyed. They painted pictures of Eggs and decorated their pictures. They had TWO separate Easter egg hunts. They dipped eggs for coloring and decorated them with stickers, played with bubbles and play dough, and went to the park twice. It was a busy weekend for them, but they enjoyed every minute of it. (That goes for both Mom and Terry too!)

The city of Hartford has an annual Easter egg hunt and since it was literally right across the field from their house we went to that egg hunt. It was more of an adult hunt instead of a kid hunt. The parents were picking up their kids and literally running from egg to egg… it was insane… Maya got about 10 eggs so she didn’t do too badly. Lehna I think got around 10 as well.

Later we had another egg hunt in Mom and Terry’s back yard. That was a lot more fun I think. Lehna and Maya were really funny looking for Eggs. They had a good time. When we colored eggs later on that day Lehna kept asking if we were going to hide them for the Easter Bunny to eat. She got the two concepts confused.

It was a fun time. Tait and I went on a date on Saturday evening. We headed to the Mineshaft to play the arcade games and we had some dessert. It was a nice little date nothing too exciting but it was fun. I played “Big Mother Trucker” and let me tell you I was quite Talented at it… I was a big Indian named Iron Claw (or something like that) but that was only b/c I picked the wrong truck. I kicked Tait A$$ in basketball. I beat him by 15 points! He said it was b/c he only had 2 balls and I had 4 but I think he just doesn’t like to own up to my awesome skills. He did however kick my butt in the Air Gun Propeller Game you basically just shot this plastic balls through these holes where they have spinning propellers spinning around them… it was pretty challenging. I totally sucked at it. I think I got maybe 3 points.

After we played some games we went down and had some pretty fabulous dessert. I had this strawberry/orange cheese cake and Tait has some pretty fabulous chocolate ice cream, brownie dessert thing. We of course shared but it was just a nice relaxing date. We were only out for like 2 hours by the time we came home the girls were fast asleep. Mom said that it took them no more then 15 minutes before they conked out. They were tired busy busy day.

I got home last night and looked around and decided that I am going to pack a room/closet a night It’s going to be challenging b/c I’m usually pretty beat after spending all day at work then playing with the kiddos but I figure if I can do one room/closet a day… then by the time April 25th comes around I SHOULD be ready to go. I hope. I want to call the Young Women and see if they want to come and do a service project at my house… have them pack… LOL But I don’t want to do that.

Well I stepped on the scale and much to my disgust I have gained some of my lost weight back. I was pretty bummed this morning. I attribute it to the fact that I’m NOT exercising nor am I watching what I eat… so I’m think THAT’S where the weight is coming from. So I told myself when I’m finally in WI it’s on man. I have worked so hard and in the past couple of weeks I have really let it all go to the way side and it’s kind of depressing. So that’s my game plan… So you hear that body you have two more weeks of this nonsense and that’s it! It’s over! You may ask why I’m waiting for two weeks, but I figured that in the next couple of weeks I’m going to be pretty busy packing that I won’t have time to really focus on my weight loss goals again. I’m trying to keep realistic; of course this doesn’t give me the freedom to eat like a huge piggo either.

So that’s where I stand, pretty exciting stuff. I am starting to get really anxious about not having a job line up. I have to tell you. I have been looking everyday and have been applying to pretty much everything and anything that I possibly qualify for. I think once that gets settled THAT would help tremendously. I know we will have daycare taken care of but Helen is planning on spending several weeks with Tanna once she has her baby so it’s kind of hard to really “plan” anything. I need to find daycare for the girls but I need to see if I’m going to be employed first and see when Tanna has her baby. It’s all very up in the air. It’s pretty hard to plan your life when everything is so up in the air I have to tell you.

So hopefully the world will start to come into line and everything will start showing some options in the next two weeks! I hope!

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