Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Two Birthdays, a Trip to Wisconsin, and a ton of sleepless nights.

Well It has been so busy around here I have been neglecting my blog something awful. So I will update probably just once this week. So this weekend we headed up to Wisconsin. We were able to bring Helen back to her apartment b/c she is returning from her knee surgery. She is doing better, she still walks slowly but better I don’t think she gives herself enough credit. I mean two knee cap replacements and she’s up and walking around with out a walker… I think that is pretty amazing in less then 2 months. I mean wow! So we brought her up with us on Friday when we went up. We made pretty good time, I was totally worried about hitting traffic in Chicago since we left so late but we were stalled on 65 b/c it went down to one lane right before the Merriville exit (it looks like they are getting ready to do some major changes on the road so they are building up the median to move the traffic over). So it took us about 11 minutes to go 2 miles so that sucked. But once we were through it, it was smooth sailing until about 30 miles from Kenosha were we hit another “patch” it didn’t last very long but it was a pretty easy trip. The girls were good I rented Lady and the Tramp and Ratatitue for them to watch. They LOVED Lady and the Tramp or as Lehna refers to is as ‘the dog movie’ but the other… didn’t have any interest in they kept requesting the other movie. Just goes to show you the girls love their classic Disney.

So we got there and decided to crash there for the night b/c the next day we were going to head up to Hartford for the girls’ birthday and to hit a job fair. So I went to the job fair and well it was only for case management positions so I do have “some” experience doing that, it’s older experience, but some anyways and basically I was told that I have the wrong degree. So she introduced me to an HR recruiter for the company and I was telling her about my HR recruiting experience and then she cut me off and goes “we don’t have any open positions at this time” and I said well I have other skills, it kind of felt like the entire WIND was SUCKED out of my sail it was a very odd feeling. So I thanked them for meeting with me and moved on. So it wasn’t a total waste of time b/c I was able to meet with someone from HR and I got her “personal” email so I got a contact out of it… I don’t think it will go anywhere but who knows.

So when we got to Hartford we pretty much didn’t do much on Saturday. We had the girls open their birthday gifts and we sang and ate birthday cake which was fun for them. Maya got two new babies and Lehna got make up, a baby, and a game (I think that’s it). So they were pretty happy. They played with them pretty much all day. They started to get a little cabin fever but overall were good for most of the day.

On Sunday we went out for lunch at a place called “The Mineshaft” which is right there in Hartford it was a nice little pub restaurant and the girls ate and then upstairs they have this HUGE arcade area, very similar to Chuck E Cheese but NO mouse! So that was fun for the girls. Lehna kept going back over to the “rollercoaster ride” and we took Maya to this game in which you have to throw these balls into these big holes they seemed to really enjoy themselves. Tait wasn’t to go back there without kids. LOL so we’ll see.

The on Sunday afternoon we loaded the van and went back to Kenosha so we could have another birthday celebration with Helen and Tim. Maya got a new tricycle and Lehna got a baby Cinderella so again they were happy. We went to see the house we are looking at renting and it was really nice. So we are supposed to hear back this week as to if we can rent the house the guy was supposedly checking with his broker and he was waiting to hear if they got any offers on the walk through last week. So it was pretty exciting. I hope we find out soon b/c if not then we need to find another place to live. Tait is looking at another house today so we’ll see what happens. I keep trying to tell Tait that if we don’t end up getting this house then we should rent a CHEAP little 1 bedroom apartment with a month to month lease and look for something else… so we’ll see what happens.

On the Job front this week I got some good news from both companies actually. The one company in which I have never worked with before they just sent off the staffing agreement and are now OFFICIALLY waiting for the move in date… which means the date for me to start… YEAH! The second company the was VERY impressed with my testing scores and said that the put in a bid for an Onsite company in Kenosha and if they get that company they are going to put me in that company for a staffing supervisor for that specific company but if they don’t get that bid then they are going to assign me to a temporary assignment that will start on April 27th until they can pull me into their office. So either way it looks like I’ll have a job. Fingers Crossed Still of course.

So my last day at my current company is going to be April 24th. I was planning on moving/packing the week of April 27th just taking my time and packing and moving things through out the week and etc but it looks like with the “temporary” job starts on the 27th that may not be a possibility. So if we get the house on April 15th we will take loads up for the next couple of weekends then on May 2nd we will rent an uhal and move everything up there in a big push… I really want time to move b/c I want to be able to work on the house after it’s empty. I have a couple of ideas on what we are going to do about the house. So I need TIME to work on them. I don’t want to tell the temporary job that I can’t work that week (good lord can’t turn down work in this economy) but I am hoping that one of the other jobs comes in. So I’m still in limbo for the most part… but improving. Again nothing solid yet… but it’s in the works. If anyone knows where I can get boxes please let me know… I still have the contents of the items we are still USING in the house that need to be boxed.

It’s hard to believe the girls are now 2 & 4 I’m glad that Lehna is FINALLY out of the horrible stage I hear that age 4 is wonderful… but I’m just entering the horrible stage with Maya… LOL I hope that Maya isn’t as bad but who knows. She is more patient child. Lehna definitely enjoys her birthday now which is kind of fun. She likes it so much she didn’t want Maya to have her birthday she told me that Maya doesn’t deserve a birthday and so she was going to take her’s. I hate it when people try to take my Birthday away.

So my sleeping has really been sad this week. I have been falling asleep but staying asleep has really been a challenge. I know that I’m just stressed right now and it’s just affecting me but you’d think that I would at LEAST be able to sleep… yeah not so true. I have been having dreams about old ghosts and that type of thing… it truly sucks. So I figure if I keep this up then I will finally sleep through the night b/c I’m just sooooo exhausted. So let’s all hope that happens soon. I have to hit the coffee every morning just to make it through the first half of the day.

So that’s life right now… I’m just tired.


Don said...

Uhaul sells boxes.

Stephanie said...

yeah but they are expensive if you get them through Uhaul I want them to be free! Or at least CHEAP!

Don said...

you could try asking the cosmoprof beauty supply there in lafeyette. Or Sally beauty supply