Thursday, April 16, 2009


Well another day another million boxes down and still a million more to pack. I know I know I exaggerate. Last night Lehna BEGGED me to play with her. And I felt really bad so after about 7:30 I stopped for the night gave them baths and we sat on the couch and played for about 45 minutes. It was a nice evening. I don’t know how much I’m going to get done tonight. But I will work on what I can. I think I’m going to need more boxes. It’s crazy how FAST the freaking fill up.

I still have a number of things to pack so we’ll see what I can get accomplished… One positive thing… We are getting rid of the FUTON! Yeah! I’m so very excited. I HATE that futon… HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT! So I will be glad when it’s gone.

I can’t believe that it’s Thursday… where has the week gone? I hope that things get accomplished this weekend. I hope hope hope. I have been trying to stay positive. Which I am such a negative person, it’s really hard. I get to meet with Marge tonight. I’m really looking forward to it.

Lehna and Maya have been really good this week at daycare. They like to start behavior charts and then after three days they stop doing it. So yesterday I came in and Lehna had 3 stars next to her name and Maya had 3 stars too and I asked them what it was for and Lehna goes “It’s b/c I was really good today” So I was like okay. So that meant that they got to be the teacher’s helper or something… I don’t know. But just last week they had behavior sticks… so I don’t know what happened to them. It’s like they just create these random ideas and then they don’t follow through with them. It’s very strange. I have been keeping up with the treasure box Lehna is VERY consistent about asking when she gets to pick out of the box.

Maya slept the ENTIRE night last night… she woke up at 2 am and whined for like one second and went right back to sleep… she woke up at 4:30 (right before my alarm went off) and I brought her in the bedroom then I hit the snooze like 5 times. I enjoy sleeping. I love my snooze button. It was nice.

I gave Maya a breathing treatment last night b/c everyday when I pick her up from daycare they have been saying how horrible Maya has been coughing and how sick she is… but she isn’t running a fever… So I’m like Okay. So I gave her that treatment hoping that it would help her. She coughed MAYBE three times last night. So that’s a good thing. But the breathing treatment “should” make her cough more b/c it’s supposed to break up her chest nastiness so she can cough it out. So I don’t know maybe she just needs more treatments. She was so good I was able to put the mask around her head and she sat through it. No problems at all. Of course it helped that I put on Max and Ruby… seriously an Atomic Bomb could go off and Maya wouldn’t notice if Max and Ruby was one. She LOVES that show. And I have to admit it is a cute show. I feel bad for the little orphan bunnies and Ruby is quite a bossy bunny but it’s a cute show.

Yesterday in the car we were driving home and Lehna wanted to switch to Kipper the Dog which I like him too, but he makes me tired, and I was telling Lehna that he makes me sleepy. So last night Kipper was on and Lehna was already in the bed and she goes “look Mommy Kippers on now you’ll fall asleep” I was like yep. LOL I think it’s the British accents… it’s b/c I fell asleep for MANY years to the sound of Keeping Up Appearances, Are you being Served?, the Victor of Dibley, and Fawlty Towers… that every time I hear British accents it seriously puts me to sleep.

Well some crazy stuff happened to Tanna yesterday. Tanna is due like literally in 2-3 weeks. Well She went to the doctor yesterday and the doctor had a hard time finding the heart beat and so they hooked her up to a machine and shortly after the doctor came in and said that they needed to get her into ultrasound… he said that “you’re 36 weeks so we may just deliver this baby today” So they put her in the ultrasound and the baby was fine reading in the normal range. They think it was the baby’s position. Well Tanna doesn’t know what she’s having. And I asked if she found out and she goes “no I don’t want to know” LOL and I was like but you didn’t ask being so CLOSE! And she goes “no I want to be surprised" I don’t know about you but it’s KILLING me not knowing… LOL She already has the baby’s name picked out and it’s literally going to be the same name just spelled different… so she doesn’t care… I KNOW that I wouldn’t be able to do it… you know? And she has both a boy and a girl so she has both sets of clothing so whatever she has she’s covered… but I wouldn’t be able to stand it…

Okay that’s all the mindless nonsense I have…

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