Monday, February 23, 2009

A Weekend in Review.

Well as promised I have another update for you. This probably won’t be as long, but we’ll see. Well I have to first say that I am going to have a new outlook on my current situation. Not to get too “churchy” but this weekend we had a lesson from the Missionaries, Sunday School, & Young Women all talked about three things, having faith, your attitude and how it influences your behavior, AND your divine role as a wife and mother. Well let me tell you those lessons were ALLLLL for me. So I have decided to take a different path. My week last week was horrible I had a horrible attitude all week and so therefore I have to change my perspective. Which for me it will be hard b/c for me it’s easier to be negative then positive. But I’m going to focus on my “lessons” and really use them to my best ability. I’m going to put my faith back in the big man upstairs and know that he won’t let me suffer and that he will open all the right doors for me. I didn’t have a lot of faith in him last week and I think that’s why my week was so horrible. I’m also going to focus on using this time to be a better mom to my girls. Man last week I was a horrible beast to them just yelling and angry and this week I’m going to try to have more patience with them. I may make them take play time in their room for 15-20 minutes just to give me a break for the short span of the evening but maybe that will help. But I’m going to get better at this and this is an opportunity for me to learn and to adjust my parenting skills accordingly. I’m really going to try to stay positive, which again is REALLY hard for me.

So the weekend. On Saturday Tait was home yeah!!! Well technically he came home Friday night but it was late enough it was almost Saturday morning. So we had some much needed family time. We played a lot on the Wii Fit and that was TONS of fun. It was a total of 40 minutes (wii fit time) but it was off and on the entire day. Tait kept teasing me telling me he was going to take the Wii fit and I told him No way Jose… I enjoy it way too much and so does Lehna… she doesn’t really know what she’s doing but she seems to have a good time with it.

Saturday night we had the missionaries come over for dinner. IT was amazing the Sunday before we got this book thing and it was a schedule for feed the missionaries… well I had no idea this book even existed b/c I’m in YW and apparently they pass it around the RS and to the Nursery leaders but that’s as far as it goes… so I was glad to help. We had ham, potato bake, corn, corn bread and brownies. We sent ham and brownies home with the Missionaries b/c I didn’t want them to go bad and there was simply no way we would have eaten that entire ham. Trent came over and he watched the girls and Tait and I went out for a date. It was nice we went to BW3 and played poker on the screen Tait was doing really well and I told him that it was all the “luck of the cards” then he explained to me that “math part” of Poker and then I seemed to do much better after that. I didn’t realize there was Math in Poker… so I’m a little slow. So I hope that Tait can teach more about the math part of it, b/c he said that it just takes practice so I hope to play more. Since we had such a large dinner we literally ate French fries and drank our cokes… nothing exciting just a nice evening out.

Sunday we went to church and we had leftovers and we had some much needed family time again. It was a pretty relaxed evening overall. So that was kind of nice compared to the week I liked being able to enjoy the weekend.

So Lehna is really having a hard time adjusting to Tait leaving and has been bad as far as her behavior which I expected. But last night when we were getting the girls ready for bed Tait told Lehna that when she wakes up that he was going to be back in WI and Lehna goes “you are always leaving us, you always leave, leave, leave, it’s like we are babies or something, why do you have to leave so much daddy?” So Lehna got mad at Tait and wouldn’t let Tait hold her or anything and Tait explained to her that he had to go there to save babies and that he would call her everyday to make sure she knew that he loved her and missed her everyday. Lehna then looks at him with her big blue eyes and go “well you bring me another princess doll?” LOL Tait goes “of course I will bring you something” So he asked Lehna what he should bring Maya and she goes “I think you should bring her another baby b/c she loves babies” But when Tait brought the new baby home Lehna played with it all weekend… So we’ll see what happens.

So I think that explains her horrible behavior last week. She is mad at Tait… well I hope that she gets over it quickly I’m sure she won’t… but I hope she does… I know it’s really hard on her and Maya both. I mean I thought this was hard on me but I mean it is such and adjustment for them and I have to just keep telling myself that this is so much harder for them and that I need to be strong so they will adjust faster.

One thing that I thought was really really sweet is, I wish on Stars. I have done this since I learned the poem to recite when I was really young. But I have been doing the poem out loud when I see the first star of the evening and Lehna will also recite her version of the poem and say her wish out loud. Lehna also asks what I wish for when I make my wish and recently my wish has been to “find a job in Wisconsin” I have been wishing on this so long that it’s starting to become routine. Well this morning as I was driving them to daycare Lehna saw a star in sky and did her version of the poem and goes “today my wish is not for me but it’s for mommy, I wish for her to find a job in Wisconsin.” It was so sweet I started to tear up. She also wished for my family to love me too… but I already know that my family loves me. But I thought that was so sweet. I told her thank you for giving me her wish and she goes “I just want you to be happy mommy” This kid is so intuitive it’s kind of scary.

So here we go another week another outlook and a fresh start. If I start to get depressed and horribly “ugly” on these posts if someone could comment and say “suck it up or remember to keep positive for the girls” you know something that will help get me back on track that would really be helpful.


Joyce said...


I love you! I know it's hard...but remember you have a goal to reach for! Keep your chin up and your eye on the prize! You can call me anytime...I listen...I don't have good advice but I can listen and love you...if that helps?!?!?

Stephanie said...

Well thank you. I am keeping my eye on the goal. I just am trying to stay positive. I just want to be there, so very badly. I know that HF with provide for me. I just have to have the faith that it will happen on HIS time line... NOT on mine... which is hard to accept :(

I know you are always my ear when I need to talk. I usually talk to you after Marge... LOL I love you. Thank you for caring about me :)