Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay so yesterday the day got completely away from me before I could write and update. Luckily there really wasn’t much to tell. We are doing MUCH better this week as far as the routine. I have been getting up later so I came up with a BRILLIANT plan to help me get out the door earlier… I decided to set my alarm 10 minutes fast to then when I get up I will actually be 10 minutes ahead of schedule… well apparently when I set my alarm I set it 10 minutes SLOW! So when I got up this morning it was 10 minutes ahead of where I normal am… (sigh) I thought it was a brilliant plan… too bad I didn’t do the math part correctly… So was behind again this morning… But I was able to get to work with 5 minutes to spare. So I will readjust my alarm when I get home… (geeze)

The girls have been really good so far I haven’t had too many issues with them as far as getting the dressed and getting them out the door. On Tuesday morning I had a little trouble with Lehna but I just told her that I needed her to be a big girl and get dressed on her own and after saying her name a few Million times she got up and did it herself. I have been getting them to bed about 7:30-7:45 b/c by the time it rolls around they are both so very tired… that I just moved it back a little bit. It seems to work out. Of course Lehna the last two nights has come into my room about 3 a.m. and I don’t fight her I just let her come in. So we’ll see how long that little routine lasts…

Molly has been really great too I must say. When Tait was getting the girls ready in the morning Molly would REFUSE to come in and she would be left outside all day. Well Molly has been coming in when I go to the door, there has only been one day where she refused to come in when I called her. It really hasn’t been too cold outside either so that makes me happy that I don’t have to fight with her in the morning. This morning she did something really CRAZY I usually have to put the baby gates up so she goes right down the hall into her crate well this morning I moved the baby gates so the hallway was open… well Molly went around to the other side and looked at me and I go “oh darn it” and then I moved the gate Molly went right down the hall and went right into her crate… I didn’t have to chase her or anything… very strange for this dog. But at night since Lehna has been coming in my room at night Molly starts to growl when she sees the door opening… then once she sees its Lehna she settles right down… it’s so strange. I’m glad that she’s around b/c she does make it feel safer in the house at night… and if every I am worried about anything ‘being in the house” I just let her do a quick security check then I put her back in her room. It’s been really reassuring to have her around.

So this week Helen had surgery on her knees both knees so tonight we are going to go see her in the hospital. I wanted to get her a couple of days rest before I brought the girls by and I guess yesterday she was still really out of it so tonight we are going to stop by to do that. I think she will like it. It also happens to be Tim’s 60th Birthday, and he should be there so the girls can wish him a Happy Birthday. So that will be a nice little change to the evening.

Only two more days and then Tait comes home. This weekend we have the missionaries coming for Sunday lunch and also I teach for YW so that will be good. I have been reading my scriptures more b/c I feel like I need to but last night… I couldn’t find them. I asked Lehna and she goes “I don’t know where they are mommy” and I kept asking her b/c I figured that they probably moved them b/c they like to play with the buckles on the holder and Lehna finally goes “mommy will you stop asking me where they are… I don’t know” LOL so I thought that was hilarious.

Last night Lehna and I were talking about prayers and she said that she likes to pray to God and I told her that was good and I told her that I need to pray for a job in WI and she goes “mommy we can pray for a job for WI for you… here let me do it” so she gets up behind me and puts her hands on my head and goes “God please get a job for my mommy in WI, thank you, amen” LOL So Lehna gave me a blessing… very sweet. I must be talking about this job thing a lot b/c she seems pretty focused on it… but so am I so maybe that’s why… So I still haven’t found my scriptures and I looked last night… I thought maybe I carried them to the van but I forgot to look this morning… so hopefully they will appear b/c I really want to make sure that I can continue to read them. (Sigh)

Alright so that’s the news so far.

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