Friday, February 20, 2009

Another update that makes 3 this week!

Update! I’m getting pretty good at this update thing… I mean at least I have been consistently updating on a regular basis… LOL

So the news and views of Day 3…

Well surprisingly it was a pretty calm evening last night. I ordered a Wii Fit for my V-Day gift and it came in during the day so I was way excited to try it out last night! I told Lehna that when I picked her up that I had a big surprise in the car. She saw the box when we got to the car and she was REALLY excited. So we got home and opened it up and we set it up… and she seemed to like it… she played on it for awhile but then got frustrated after awhile. So I told her that it was time to get off for awhile so I could make dinner. She threw another fit b/c I told her it was time to “rest”. So after dinner we set it back up and she bowled. She liked that but after about 10 minutes she was done with it… and requested to watch cartoons.

I set up the Wii fit after the girls went to bed and let me tell you nothing motivates me faster then watching my little Mii figure go from a cute little shape to a ginormous round ball (b/c it shows you what you look like in the Wii world) So I got on it… did some aerobics: hula hoop, running, and step aerobics and attempted some balancing things but I was so bad at it… I kept going back to aerobics sections they were pretty fun. I played on it for like 20 minutes Wii time so I think I did a good job. I had a good time and I can’t wait to unlock some more games. I hope that I can loose weight with this thing. I have gained 6 lbs back but one REALLY positive thing was BEFORE I started working out my BMI number was SOOOOOO LARGE and I was really depressed… well now my BMI is still REALLY high but it’s down almost 20 points so that’s a good thing right? I guess that’s what will happen when you lose 35 lbs. I was hoping to hit a goal by Easter but since I got of the exercise bandwagon for about a month… I think I’m going to be off target unless I really step it up on the Wii. But it will be difficult without having someone to help corral the kids but hopefully with the early bedtime I’ll be able to work out after they go to bed  I hope.

Well last night was good. The girls were good overall just a few minor break downs but Maya fell asleep by 7:30 and Lehna was out by 8. They haven’t been napping at daycare so they are pretty tired. The girls are eating so well at night and I’m so glad. They were just picking at their food before and I never understood why they just would pick at their meals and I think it’s just b/c they snack they get on the way home is usually pretty small and so by the time it’s time to eat they are ready to eat. Yesterday Maya at two bowls of Hamburger Helper that NEVER happens… of course by 6 she is “mama eat, mama eat” when I’m trying to cook. But I’m glad they are eating better at dinner b/c it is annoying when you cook for them and they just look at you like “I’m not eating that” LOL OH well

Yesterday daycare wasn’t very eventful besides not being able to find their lunch containers but they were found in the sink (they apparently wash them) so I picked them up this morning. Maya had a pretty good night she only woke up once and then at 4:30 she thought she was ready to get up. I could hear her bouncing around in her crib and then by 4:45 she was out again. So that made getting myself ready MUCH easier. I woke up pretty sore from the Wii so that’s a good sign; well I am taking it as a good sign. LOL

Tonight Tait comes home and I’m so excited about it. It’s amazing how much I miss him. It’s just nice having another adult to talk to. I mean I love talked to Lehna and Maya but there is only so much Barbie, baby, princess, bottle and cartoon talk I can take… Lehna dressed up in her pretty dress with her pretty shoes and ran around the house dragging the dog leash… when I asked her what she was doing she goes “taking the dog for a walk” I mean what else would she have been doing the she proceed to tell me that they were in a race and she had to get to the finish line. Oh little kids they are pretty funny.

Big plans for the weekend. Well on Saturday morning I’m going to go grocery shopping ALONE. I can’t wait! LOL and then on Saturday night we have the missionaries coming for dinner and then Tait and I are going on a date. It should be fun. Sunday we have church and then that’s it. Just to get ready for the week to come. I have been pretty good about keeping up with the laundry this week so we shouldn’t have to be tied to that this weekend. I tried to do a load a night but you know some days are better then others 

Tait was telling me last night that his dad took his clothes to the laundry mat b/c their washer and dryer is broken… so he won’t have his laundry to do… YEAH! And besides taking all of his clothes to wash to IN then bringing them back to WI doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

Maya is really coming along in her speaking. She wasn’t calling Lehna anything besides Sissy and yesterday I was calling Lehna to get ready for bed and Maya was repeating her and she called her “Nah” which I know is a far cry from Lehna but at least she’s trying now so I was so very excited about that. I don’t really know why but I thought it was cute. She speaks pretty clearly for the most part sometimes I understand what she’s saying pretty well then other times I have no idea… but that’s pretty normal.

Good news for once about the job search. I had a GREAT interview with the staffing company in Kenosha. I mean it went REALLY REALLY WELL! So he said he will call me the end of next week to schedule a face to face so HOPEFULLY that will turn into a job. It’s a job I definitely want. I will get to run the office and I will get to hire my own staffing supervisors… I will be AWSOME. I think I didn’t as for enough Pay though b/c when I told him how much I was looking to make he goes “oh my it will pay the minimum of that” So I guess I didn’t ask for enough, but that’s always tough that part of it. So hopefully… Tait said that he talked to his HR about me where he is working and they are looking for Two HR recruiters (which is WHAT I DO) So he said that it’s not listed yet but they are going to be in the next coming weeks and seriously that would be cool to work for such a large company and their benefits are good that company they actually have educational programs where they will pay to extend your education and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get my Master’s that would be SWEEEEET. So hopefully in the next month something will really be moving forward… I just hate that it is taking sooooo long. (sigh) So hopefully things will keep moving in a positive light. I think it’s a good sign that I am having hits back so that’s good… I just looking for the right light you know.

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