So I maybe a couple days late but darn it
Welcome back to the world of Lehna boy am I glad that Christmas is over. It seemed to have crept up on me and now that it's over I can officially say that I'm happy to see it go. I never realize just how stressful the holidays are until they are here. I just didn't remember running as much when I was a kid growing up to what we do every year. And we literally went to the Wagner's and camped for 3 days... even then it still feels like we were traveling all over this great earth. But all whining aside it was great to see all my family again!
Santa was VERY kind to Lehna this year. Lehna received lots of nice things from her grandparents; both mom and Helen were incredibly generous. Lehna has LOTS of toys that make noise and have flashing lights on them. So it makes Lehna happy so that's all that matters. She really didn't open anything she would like tear a few pieces off the box and then lose interest so I opened all over her gifts, which was fun for me. I need to enjoy it now because before long she's going to be doing it herself and not want my help at all.
Lehna got a GEORGOUS new dress from my mom that she made with her own two hands. I actually didn't get a picture of her in her dress at Christmas b/c I suck but my plan is to take her to Lifetouch VERY soon and then put them up. So until then.
We got Lehna's 9-month pictures taken just a few short weeks ago and they turned out REALLLLLLLY cute so I can't wait to put them up on the web. She's so darn cute I have to show her off right?
Lehna is now officially cruising she's not 100% but she definitely has the general idea of what to do, of course is she would just get off her tippy toes she would balance a heck of a lot better, but a 9 month old doesn't really listen to ya, go figure. She also takes long moments of where she stands on her own and then falls to her bottom, it's a good thing she has soft diapers or her butt would be red!
Work is MUCH better now the holiday season has calmed down and things are MUCH better I have gotten the opportunity to shoot and that has REALLY helped the whole "liking" element of the job. I actually shot most of the day and that was really fun. I have decided that I like older kids between the ages of 3-adult. They are sooooo easy and possible. I even got some complements on my work today so that made my spirits raised a bit. What's really strange is when I look at the pictures I find my favorites RIGHT away and then find the ones I think aren't very good, and it's funny all the pictures that I don't really care for are the ones the people choose which is odd to me and I'm sure that over "time" that will change it's just odd right now. Some other news is I found out that I would not be taking over the store manager position for this store at the end of this month THANK THE GOOD LORD. I am not ready and I have soooo much more to learn so I'm excited that I will still have someone to "teach" me the ropes before I'm required to do the job on my own. But it was also mentioned that I maybe going to a "new" store which would be totally awesome b/c that would mean that I get to hire my own employees. Which of course would be fab b/c then they would only know me as the boss and I wouldn't be in the position that I'm in now where I don't feel very "boss like" b/c they know that I'm new. Which hey is fine by me give me a new slate and I'll start over. But enough about work.
Tait managed to get a few more video games for Christmas this year. So he has been trying them out the last couple of days, which is fine. It gives me a chance to play with Lehna.
Also in some other news is I did go back to the doctor about my "attack" and they aren't really sure what's up, so I am supposed to meet with the surgeon on Thursday to talk about the possibility of having my gall bladder removed since I have 5 stones which I won't know anything about that until I talk with the doctor, chances are I probably won't have surgery but we'll see. My doctor seems to think that it is possibly my stomach but he's not sure what exactly is up with it. He said that all the "biggies" aren't really a factor since my symptoms are consistent with them, but he said that if I have "another" attack then they maybe have to do a CT and run a scope of my tummy. Personally the test he told me about does NOT sound pleasant so I'll pass on that unless I HAVE to have it so we'll see. So I'll keep you posted on that bit of excitement.
Speaking of health we got a call today from Lehna's daycare and they said she has pink eye, so Tait picked her up and got drops for her she will be returning tomorrow but it's just another day around here! Last night she FINALLY slept the night thank goodness b/c I don't think Tait and I could have taken another night over interrupted sleep. I think the fact she was in her own bed and able to snuggle to the sound of enya filling the room must have influenced her waking up every 30 mins to be held and feed a bottle.
Well that's all I have for now and quite frankly this is REALLY long so I'll go now. Thanks for reading about us and I hope to post again very soon.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
A short update…
I wanted to update since I read Jackie’s Blog and I figured that it might cause a few questions and emails so I wanted to fill in everyone the information that I have as of now.
On Saturday at 5 in the morning I woke up to an explosion of pain in my lower ribs region, it felt right about my diaphragm and I went into the living room where Tait was already awake and hit the floor in pain. I was crying and Tait was asking me what he should do and so he called 911. After about 15 mins the first responders came to our house and the pain had lessened quite a bit. They put me on oxygen b/c I was having a tightness in my chest and they weren’t exactly sure what was happening. So instead of taking the ambulance ride I opted to have Tait take me to the ER. Well we made a quick call to Marcus and Jackie so they could come pick up Lehna at the hospital (since they were planning on taking her on Saturday anyway) and I went to the hospital for tests. Well after 4 hours of tests it was decided that I had a gall bladder attack. So what they told me is that I need to go in for an ultrasound on Tuesday to see if I have gall bladder disease. That was “basically” all they told me but that was good enough from me at the time. So they put me on a bland, no spice, no grease diet this weekend and I haven’t had much pain since. They also gave me some POWERFUL pain meds so if I do have any discomfort I can ease the pain away. So I’m hoping that on Tuesday I’ll have more answers. The doctor did say that it is VERY common for women my age that right after the woman has a baby to have this type of gall bladder problem so we’ll see. I’m feeling much better and I have been pretty careful with my diet so you should be proud.
Sunday we watched the heart breaking colt’s game what a sad loss. And we relaxed we did manage to bake the 5 dozen cookies of no bakes that Tait needed for his cookie exchange at work but other than that that was all I did.
This week at work I am supposed to be “trained” to shoot at work so I’m MAJORLY excited about that! I am a little nervous but I think the more I do it the better I’ll get so I have to get over the hump. Work should be better this week since the “holiday” rush is pretty much over tomorrow so that will be WONDERFUL! That will give me enough time to actually “learn” the manager responsibilities. So that should be interesting.
I can’t believe Christmas is NEXT WEEKEND! What in the world where did the time go! I’m excited b/c it’s going to mean LOTS of time with family, my mom is coming down from Wisconsin AND my aunt Sam is coming from Boston so we are going to have a GREAT Christmas! Tait and I still don’t have our plans nailed down yet but once we do it will be crazy I’m sure. But that’s the holiday season. We have gotten a few things for Lehna for Christmas and I have a few things for Tait… Tait said he hasn’t had time to go shopping which is true so he maybe going Christmas Eve… but that’s okay. All right well that’s all I have for this update. I will try to include more information about my test once I know.
On Saturday at 5 in the morning I woke up to an explosion of pain in my lower ribs region, it felt right about my diaphragm and I went into the living room where Tait was already awake and hit the floor in pain. I was crying and Tait was asking me what he should do and so he called 911. After about 15 mins the first responders came to our house and the pain had lessened quite a bit. They put me on oxygen b/c I was having a tightness in my chest and they weren’t exactly sure what was happening. So instead of taking the ambulance ride I opted to have Tait take me to the ER. Well we made a quick call to Marcus and Jackie so they could come pick up Lehna at the hospital (since they were planning on taking her on Saturday anyway) and I went to the hospital for tests. Well after 4 hours of tests it was decided that I had a gall bladder attack. So what they told me is that I need to go in for an ultrasound on Tuesday to see if I have gall bladder disease. That was “basically” all they told me but that was good enough from me at the time. So they put me on a bland, no spice, no grease diet this weekend and I haven’t had much pain since. They also gave me some POWERFUL pain meds so if I do have any discomfort I can ease the pain away. So I’m hoping that on Tuesday I’ll have more answers. The doctor did say that it is VERY common for women my age that right after the woman has a baby to have this type of gall bladder problem so we’ll see. I’m feeling much better and I have been pretty careful with my diet so you should be proud.
Sunday we watched the heart breaking colt’s game what a sad loss. And we relaxed we did manage to bake the 5 dozen cookies of no bakes that Tait needed for his cookie exchange at work but other than that that was all I did.
This week at work I am supposed to be “trained” to shoot at work so I’m MAJORLY excited about that! I am a little nervous but I think the more I do it the better I’ll get so I have to get over the hump. Work should be better this week since the “holiday” rush is pretty much over tomorrow so that will be WONDERFUL! That will give me enough time to actually “learn” the manager responsibilities. So that should be interesting.
I can’t believe Christmas is NEXT WEEKEND! What in the world where did the time go! I’m excited b/c it’s going to mean LOTS of time with family, my mom is coming down from Wisconsin AND my aunt Sam is coming from Boston so we are going to have a GREAT Christmas! Tait and I still don’t have our plans nailed down yet but once we do it will be crazy I’m sure. But that’s the holiday season. We have gotten a few things for Lehna for Christmas and I have a few things for Tait… Tait said he hasn’t had time to go shopping which is true so he maybe going Christmas Eve… but that’s okay. All right well that’s all I have for this update. I will try to include more information about my test once I know.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Wow has it been THAT LONG....
Okay so it has been quite awhile since I have updated... almost a month actually BUT I have been SWAMPED at work and by the time I get home I want to spend time with Lehna and Tait so that's the MAIN reason why this hasn't been updated.
I am still at the photo studio if you are still wondering... we are battling our last bout of Holiday picture appointments and I'm told after this weekend we will return to "normal" THANK GOD! Is truly all I can say... it has been HELLLLLLLLL these last two months! I was getting home 2-3 hours after I was supposed to which is hard on Tait and Lehna and work was HELL! I mean these people may have wanted "Christmas pictures" but they sure weren't feeling the "christmas spirit" they have been rude, pushy and down right mean! And me being the "star" of customer service with my new job title I was told to kiss allllll the customer's butts and give them WHATEVER they want... Great policy right? Yeah that's what I think too... which you'd think that that would make the situation better... yeah not so much. Man I hate the public LOL just kidding... I LOVE YOU GUYS! OH wait I'm not at work... you all suck and you can kiss my cherry butt for all I care... that's what I reallllllly want to tell some of these people... and I'm also SICK of indecisive people... people make up your freaking minds... I mean their pictures and this isn't brain surgery... pick one then MOVE ON! That's what I want to SCREAM at these people but of course I just node and say... "no you can take as much time as you want" YIKES!
Also I found out that I didn't get the court reporter position and boy was I bummed I cried and threw a fit... poor Tait. But I did make it to the top two... so I'm trying to stay positive about that... personally I think they were intimidated b/c I was younger b/c I saw the chick that got the job and she was their age you know older 30's younger 40's... and I guess at 25 year old just wasn't in their "pefect" person... so whatever. So there you have it in a nut shell.
Lehna of course has a new website feel, which I KNOW most of you know b/c you probably have been here more lately then I have. Which I know is sad :( But it looks great and THANK YOU JACKIE! I decided that it was time to make her more "grown up" trust me she's doing that off the website.
Lehna has mastered crawling and she pulls herself up VERY easily. She hasn't quite started to cruise but it's not far in the distance. I would say in a couple of weeks she'll be allllll over the furniture. Her sleep pattern has really changed this week so Tait and I are up during the night again... and she REFUSES to sleep at daycare... so when she gets home she's just tired and grumpy... Nice hua. But she's still WAY too cute. She still only has two lower teeth and that's it... which is okay by me. She looks really cute with her two pearly whites.
I am still trying to get out to Christmas shop for this year... Tait and I have decided to really not do Christmas for one another only b/c we don't have time to get it done... so my goal for tomorrow is to actaully get some done (for the ones that I'm required to shop for)... LOL AND I still haven't taken Lehna to see Santa... which if I don't get on that soon she may miss the boat. Of course she doesn't care but I don't want her to miss out on those "picture" memories. Since she won't remember anyways. Well that's my life in a nut shell... pretty busy and not the most EXCITING thing in the world... but what do you want... Okay well that's all I got for now. I hope to see most of you for the Holidays and if I don't see you Please have a GREAT holiday and I hope your good... since Santa only stops at the "good" kids houses.
I am still at the photo studio if you are still wondering... we are battling our last bout of Holiday picture appointments and I'm told after this weekend we will return to "normal" THANK GOD! Is truly all I can say... it has been HELLLLLLLLL these last two months! I was getting home 2-3 hours after I was supposed to which is hard on Tait and Lehna and work was HELL! I mean these people may have wanted "Christmas pictures" but they sure weren't feeling the "christmas spirit" they have been rude, pushy and down right mean! And me being the "star" of customer service with my new job title I was told to kiss allllll the customer's butts and give them WHATEVER they want... Great policy right? Yeah that's what I think too... which you'd think that that would make the situation better... yeah not so much. Man I hate the public LOL just kidding... I LOVE YOU GUYS! OH wait I'm not at work... you all suck and you can kiss my cherry butt for all I care... that's what I reallllllly want to tell some of these people... and I'm also SICK of indecisive people... people make up your freaking minds... I mean their pictures and this isn't brain surgery... pick one then MOVE ON! That's what I want to SCREAM at these people but of course I just node and say... "no you can take as much time as you want" YIKES!
Also I found out that I didn't get the court reporter position and boy was I bummed I cried and threw a fit... poor Tait. But I did make it to the top two... so I'm trying to stay positive about that... personally I think they were intimidated b/c I was younger b/c I saw the chick that got the job and she was their age you know older 30's younger 40's... and I guess at 25 year old just wasn't in their "pefect" person... so whatever. So there you have it in a nut shell.
Lehna of course has a new website feel, which I KNOW most of you know b/c you probably have been here more lately then I have. Which I know is sad :( But it looks great and THANK YOU JACKIE! I decided that it was time to make her more "grown up" trust me she's doing that off the website.
Lehna has mastered crawling and she pulls herself up VERY easily. She hasn't quite started to cruise but it's not far in the distance. I would say in a couple of weeks she'll be allllll over the furniture. Her sleep pattern has really changed this week so Tait and I are up during the night again... and she REFUSES to sleep at daycare... so when she gets home she's just tired and grumpy... Nice hua. But she's still WAY too cute. She still only has two lower teeth and that's it... which is okay by me. She looks really cute with her two pearly whites.
I am still trying to get out to Christmas shop for this year... Tait and I have decided to really not do Christmas for one another only b/c we don't have time to get it done... so my goal for tomorrow is to actaully get some done (for the ones that I'm required to shop for)... LOL AND I still haven't taken Lehna to see Santa... which if I don't get on that soon she may miss the boat. Of course she doesn't care but I don't want her to miss out on those "picture" memories. Since she won't remember anyways. Well that's my life in a nut shell... pretty busy and not the most EXCITING thing in the world... but what do you want... Okay well that's all I got for now. I hope to see most of you for the Holidays and if I don't see you Please have a GREAT holiday and I hope your good... since Santa only stops at the "good" kids houses.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
I have survived another week…
Well this week was better at the studio of course it was packed the WHOLE week but it seemed better. I of course am still crossing my fingers and praying twice DAILY for the clerk position to come through but supposedly I won’t find that out till THIS week. So that’s kind of a bummer. But according to the judge who I talked to last week she said that I’m in the top two and that she wanted to check with a particular board (I don’t remember the name) to see if hiring me would be a conflict of interest so personally I think that I must be the leading candidate or why would she go through all this trouble… of course this could just be optimistic thinking on my part… but time will tell.
The job is well not so great it’s retail so anyone who’s ever worked retail knows what I’m talking about, the hours suck and dealing with the public in this realm isn’t so fun… it’s especially not very fun when we are sooooo overbooked I can barely think straight. I think the worst day was Friday and I almost walked out because of the rudeness of the people and how understaffed we were but then I thought that it would just make it so much worse for my fellow employees that it wasn’t their fault we weren’t fully staffed. Of course when you ask anyone about that they simply say “we managed it didn’t we” and I reply and say… “Barely” of course I’m new and I’m told over and over that this will pass in three more weeks… I just keep thinking to myself that I hope NOT to be there in three weeks. It’s horrible and I know it will be rough on my boss but I’m not willing to sacrifice my family time and that’s what I WILL have to once I’m made manager. Of course if I don’t get the clerk job then I can always run the studio anyway I want and that means NOT understaffing my front end… I could of course keep going on this rampage but I don’t think you really care to hear about that.
On the family end this week. This week was pretty normal. Lehna is now pulling herself up clear to her feet now. Penny said she has done it over and over at daycare and we really hadn’t seen it until today and she managed to pull herself up on Tait’s leg, which was really sweet. When she gets up to her feet she really doesn't know what to do and usually falls shortly after her climb up but I figured by Christmas she will be cruising. Lehna is such a BUSY baby she wants to be down exploring her world which keeps us busy but it’s fun watching her.
I helped Jackie and Marcus move into their new apartment this past Saturday and boy did they work me like a dog. Of course there was only 3 of use moving them so that made it rough but that’s what happens sometimes. I woke up on Sunday and my body hurt in places that haven’t hurt in years. Of course today I took some Tylenol and I’m feeling MUCH better.
Tait, Lehna, and I headed to Lafayette on Sunday to get Lehna a new car seat for the Sunfire. Her old carrier car seat just wasn’t cutting it anymore… I couldn’t carry it for one when she was in it AND when she had her winter coat on I could barely buckle the seatbelt so it was time. We found one at Toys R Us that will last clear until she’ll need a backless booster seat, her other car seat will convert into the backless booster so we figured when she was 80 lbs. we would have to get her the backless booster seat which will be later, like a couple of years. We also managed to get to Wal-Mart for some groceries AND I got to go to Once Upon a Child in Lafayette for Lehna for some new jeans for her. I found about 7 pairs of cute ones and I got her 6 shirts so I was happy about that. I think the store in Indy has MUCH more selection but she really needed new jeans that fit.
Well that is about it for our family… not very exciting I know but what do you expect… hopefully next update I’ll have fabulous news about a new job! That would make my Thanksgiving wonderful! Okay keep your fingers crossed for me.
The job is well not so great it’s retail so anyone who’s ever worked retail knows what I’m talking about, the hours suck and dealing with the public in this realm isn’t so fun… it’s especially not very fun when we are sooooo overbooked I can barely think straight. I think the worst day was Friday and I almost walked out because of the rudeness of the people and how understaffed we were but then I thought that it would just make it so much worse for my fellow employees that it wasn’t their fault we weren’t fully staffed. Of course when you ask anyone about that they simply say “we managed it didn’t we” and I reply and say… “Barely” of course I’m new and I’m told over and over that this will pass in three more weeks… I just keep thinking to myself that I hope NOT to be there in three weeks. It’s horrible and I know it will be rough on my boss but I’m not willing to sacrifice my family time and that’s what I WILL have to once I’m made manager. Of course if I don’t get the clerk job then I can always run the studio anyway I want and that means NOT understaffing my front end… I could of course keep going on this rampage but I don’t think you really care to hear about that.
On the family end this week. This week was pretty normal. Lehna is now pulling herself up clear to her feet now. Penny said she has done it over and over at daycare and we really hadn’t seen it until today and she managed to pull herself up on Tait’s leg, which was really sweet. When she gets up to her feet she really doesn't know what to do and usually falls shortly after her climb up but I figured by Christmas she will be cruising. Lehna is such a BUSY baby she wants to be down exploring her world which keeps us busy but it’s fun watching her.
I helped Jackie and Marcus move into their new apartment this past Saturday and boy did they work me like a dog. Of course there was only 3 of use moving them so that made it rough but that’s what happens sometimes. I woke up on Sunday and my body hurt in places that haven’t hurt in years. Of course today I took some Tylenol and I’m feeling MUCH better.
Tait, Lehna, and I headed to Lafayette on Sunday to get Lehna a new car seat for the Sunfire. Her old carrier car seat just wasn’t cutting it anymore… I couldn’t carry it for one when she was in it AND when she had her winter coat on I could barely buckle the seatbelt so it was time. We found one at Toys R Us that will last clear until she’ll need a backless booster seat, her other car seat will convert into the backless booster so we figured when she was 80 lbs. we would have to get her the backless booster seat which will be later, like a couple of years. We also managed to get to Wal-Mart for some groceries AND I got to go to Once Upon a Child in Lafayette for Lehna for some new jeans for her. I found about 7 pairs of cute ones and I got her 6 shirts so I was happy about that. I think the store in Indy has MUCH more selection but she really needed new jeans that fit.
Well that is about it for our family… not very exciting I know but what do you expect… hopefully next update I’ll have fabulous news about a new job! That would make my Thanksgiving wonderful! Okay keep your fingers crossed for me.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
My Deepest Apologizes to my Loyal Readers
Well with my new job I have had very little time to blog this week so I apologize to all of those people that have so patiently waited... AND today with an update I have PICTURES of our cute little skunk from Halloween! So let me begin.
So far Lehna has one and a half teeth still. She really hasn't made any new progress on her second tooth it's there and starting to peek but not up yet. Lehna has been under the weather these last couple of days I figure is because of her teeth. The poor girl I can't imagine the soreness her mouth probably feels. She has a slight fever nothing serious and her congestion is pretty bad but she suffers sinus problems like her daddy so coupled with teeth I can't imagine she feels perfect... but even with her issues she still is a smiling giggling baby... so what else can you want?
From my earlier update last week I mentioned that my mom was coming and she DID! She came last week for a couple of days it was FABOULS Lehna, mom, and I went shopping and had a really nice time together. She also brought some wonderful cheese and sausage from Wisconsin so that was nice to nibble on. I was also able to 'catch up' on my housework LOL of course that was a week ago so now I behind AGAIN, but what else would you expect?
Lehna has been able to crawl all day at daycare and they say she's getting really good. We put her down at our house and she doesn't crawl very much she usually get distracted by the animals and she stops to watch them, which is fabulous because then she doesn't "explore" which makes my baby proofing tests easier to pass, if you know what I mean. Penny said at daycare her favorite place to be is by the air vent. Penny said she go over to the vent and run her fingers up and down on the slots and look at Penny in amazement. So Lehna's favorite toys are an old remote control and an air vent at daycare... why do we buy toys again?
Lehna's rash she had on her back and legs is exema so they prescribed her some lotion to clear up her rash and we were told to lotion her with lotion one-twice a day with a heavy lotion. Penny has been trying to do baby massages at daycare so Lehna has had LOTS of pampering when it comes to lotion and rubbing... which of course she loves... Tait can rub her back and neck and she stops instantly... looks like she going to be addicted to massages... smart girl!
Well there's my update and below are some pictures of the last couple of weeks. Thanks for reading about us and I HOPE to update soon. Probably next weekend!
So far Lehna has one and a half teeth still. She really hasn't made any new progress on her second tooth it's there and starting to peek but not up yet. Lehna has been under the weather these last couple of days I figure is because of her teeth. The poor girl I can't imagine the soreness her mouth probably feels. She has a slight fever nothing serious and her congestion is pretty bad but she suffers sinus problems like her daddy so coupled with teeth I can't imagine she feels perfect... but even with her issues she still is a smiling giggling baby... so what else can you want?
From my earlier update last week I mentioned that my mom was coming and she DID! She came last week for a couple of days it was FABOULS Lehna, mom, and I went shopping and had a really nice time together. She also brought some wonderful cheese and sausage from Wisconsin so that was nice to nibble on. I was also able to 'catch up' on my housework LOL of course that was a week ago so now I behind AGAIN, but what else would you expect?
Lehna has been able to crawl all day at daycare and they say she's getting really good. We put her down at our house and she doesn't crawl very much she usually get distracted by the animals and she stops to watch them, which is fabulous because then she doesn't "explore" which makes my baby proofing tests easier to pass, if you know what I mean. Penny said at daycare her favorite place to be is by the air vent. Penny said she go over to the vent and run her fingers up and down on the slots and look at Penny in amazement. So Lehna's favorite toys are an old remote control and an air vent at daycare... why do we buy toys again?
Lehna's rash she had on her back and legs is exema so they prescribed her some lotion to clear up her rash and we were told to lotion her with lotion one-twice a day with a heavy lotion. Penny has been trying to do baby massages at daycare so Lehna has had LOTS of pampering when it comes to lotion and rubbing... which of course she loves... Tait can rub her back and neck and she stops instantly... looks like she going to be addicted to massages... smart girl!
Well there's my update and below are some pictures of the last couple of weeks. Thanks for reading about us and I HOPE to update soon. Probably next weekend!
Friday, November 11, 2005
A Short Update for all my loyal readers
I just wanted to say Thank you to Cousin Sarah for her wonderful card. I appericate it. This week has been a rough week for me. I just started my new job at the photography studio as the Assistant Manager and well I feel incredibly overwhelmed and stressed all rolled into one. I know that I have a lot of anxious readers wondering how it was going and I wish I could say it was the BEST job ever but... it's quite a change. This week I have been learning the different "zones" and areas of the store and it has been stressful. I was also told this week for CERTAIN that in December I will be taking over as the Store Manager for the studio which is INCREDIBLY flattering but at the same time I am SCARED *%6$less... It's so much to learn in only about a month's time and there are some MAJOR schedule adjustments that I have to make with my family. I think this has been the HARDEST part of this new position is the hours. I was used to having weekends off and working straight 8:30-4:30 every day and this job is not like that at all. This is also the busiest store in this district so I feel as though I have A LOT of pressure to help keep it busy and the business plentaful. Overall I have gotten mixed reviews from some of the associates and accepting of me as their new "boss" but it really hasn't really sunk in yet for some. Which I can't quite tell yet if this is a good thing or bad... I'm not sure. They has also decided that they are not going to teach me the photography zone until after Christmas which is sad for me, but we are so busy that I understand their reasoning. It just makes me sad afterall this was a MAJOR reason why I wanted this position. My current store manager is also pretty helpful she worries about getting me trained in time and I have to admit that's also weighing on my mind. I have had some pretty wild dreams about it, for those of you that know me most of my stress I take with me to bed... and I dream about it, making sleep difficult to achieve. I am having some mixed emotions about this position right now and I'm not really sure how to handle all my "newness" and I think some of my anxiety is dealing with that. I know that in every job I've taken there has always been an adjustment period and I have to keep thinking that that's what I'm facing right now. So thank you all for your kind thoughts and advice and I do appericate it. I am hoping that after the "christmas rush" I'll be able to make a decision over whether this is something I like or don't like... right now... well let's just say it's not my favorite place to be right now, but I have to keep thinking that it WILL get better. So this is the update... and don't stress about the pictures of Lehna in her skunk outfit... I am going to get them off my camera this weekend... my computer decided NOT to talk to my digital camera... so it's been another issue for the week. So thanks for reading about us!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Here is a little brief update for this weekend. I am not going to get the Whiney Weekday up today but I would imagine I will have some time this week and I of course come up with some stuff to whine about which I am SURE it will be tough for me… yeah right!
This weekend as you can see we were able to catch Lehna crawling. Jackie managed to upload the pictures to the site… she’s much quicker than I am AND she knows how to do it. I hope we can get some more clips up as Lehna grows.
Here is Lehna taking a bath this weekend. I figured out that I didn’t have any “bath” pictures yet, I do have some video of her taking a bath but… not pictures… so here’s a picture!
This morning we dressed Lehna as a pumpkin for daycare. She really isn’t as unhappy as she looks in this picture. Lehna was GREAT she didn’t take her hat off once athough she did pull it down over her eyes, she might have been embarrassed.
Here is a picture of Lehna and Tiger. Tiger is REALLY good with the baby. He is more interested in getting “laptime” from me so he doesn’t seem to mind that Lehna constantly pulls his fur and gives him kisses. I’m lucky we have such a docile cat… of course to us he bite our fingers and stuff.

Well I probably will have another update later this week, Mom is coming down from Wisconsin tomorrow! So Lehna and I will be spoiled all week! YEAH! AND I’ll have a bunch to write about!
This weekend as you can see we were able to catch Lehna crawling. Jackie managed to upload the pictures to the site… she’s much quicker than I am AND she knows how to do it. I hope we can get some more clips up as Lehna grows.
Here is Lehna taking a bath this weekend. I figured out that I didn’t have any “bath” pictures yet, I do have some video of her taking a bath but… not pictures… so here’s a picture!
This morning we dressed Lehna as a pumpkin for daycare. She really isn’t as unhappy as she looks in this picture. Lehna was GREAT she didn’t take her hat off once athough she did pull it down over her eyes, she might have been embarrassed.
Here is a picture of Lehna and Tiger. Tiger is REALLY good with the baby. He is more interested in getting “laptime” from me so he doesn’t seem to mind that Lehna constantly pulls his fur and gives him kisses. I’m lucky we have such a docile cat… of course to us he bite our fingers and stuff.

"Pretty Kitty!"
The last picture is of Lehna and her piano. The foam squares have a piano with like playable keys and stuff… of course Lehna could care less about that she just wants the square box that changes the sound and stuff, figures.Well I probably will have another update later this week, Mom is coming down from Wisconsin tomorrow! So Lehna and I will be spoiled all week! YEAH! AND I’ll have a bunch to write about!
Saturday, October 29, 2005

She's been 'crawling' for about a week now, but she got quite the work-out today! Our big girl is now on the move!!! Click the image below to see footage of Lehna crawling. (Between you and me, it was a heck of a lot more interesting than the Purdue game!)

You must have Windows Media Player to view
A lot has changed in the past seven months! She started out so tiny. I can't believe how fast she's growing! Click the image below to see Little Lehna-Bean just barely an hour old.

You must have Windows Media Player to view

Friday, October 28, 2005
Whinney Weekday
Don't fret I wrote a whiney weekday and I was very disappointed in it, it was very weak, so don't dispare I will have one next week... probably Monday! So just consider this week WHINE FREE Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Milestone week update!

Well here is a brief update for the week. I have lots of things to say right now but I will tell you all about Lehna’s Milestone’s first since this is HER blog! Well our big girl has been trying to sit up on her won since she was four months old and the little darling has learned how to do it ALLLLL BY HERSELF. She kind of rolls to her side and kind of pushes herself up with her arm… it’s kind of hard to explain but she has discovered she can sit up on her changing table… which she was already moving all around on the changing table and now she just sits up in the middle. It makes it VERY difficult to change but it’s typically for a baby her age to not want to sit still. So with her new discovery she is also trying to pull herself up by latching onto things and just pulling as hard as she can. She can’t quite do it but has convinced me that it’s time to move her crib rails up at night so she doesn’t learn how to fall out accidentally.

Also in the realm of milestones Lehna is also now crawling. I know I mentioned this before in my blog but she has definitely gained improvement over the last couple of days and she is now taking more than just one step and stopping. Last night she crawled to a ball several times she would usually get about half way there and lay down and rest and then crawl again after she takes a little break. It’s really amazing watching her change and grow. She always is on the go and is always so busy it’s really wonderful. She now also has a tooth it’s poking up and is VERY sharp and I think she might be getting another tooth right next to her new tooth, I can’t say for certain and I’ll keep you posted on it.

Even with her learning new tricks and cutting teeth Lehna has been in a great mood and she is still just a great baby. I hope she continues to be so laid back and good natured. I know that I don’t deserve such a good baby since I was such a horrible child to MY parents but luckily we have a few angels up there that picked out a very special baby.

Also in the spirit of good news I was recently offered a new position with Lifetouch photo studio. I was offered the position of being an Assistant Manager. I have accepted the position and my last day with my current company will be on Monday. Some of you know that I also interviewed with the Tippecanoe County Juvenile court this past week as well for a court report position there. I am still in the running with that position. Both positions will offer me two very different lines of work and very different opportunities. Tait has been very supportive of me and there are some minor concerns with Lehna and daycare but we think we have ironed those wrinkles out, of course time will tell if we need more adjustment. I am excited about the Assist Manager position and I got the impression during the interview that they are hoping to move this position up very quickly to the manager position, which would be very excited and challenging. I know that this move will be exciting for me and scary all at the same time. I want to make the right decision for my family and for myself. I really thank all of those that have given their support and advice through this decision. It has really helped me and I appreciate it. So you may notice that my blog may not be as updated as quickly as before BUT I will try my best to keep it updated weekly.

Monday, October 24, 2005
What a weekend!
This was a great weekend for the Wagner household it’s hard to know where to begin to write about! As most of you know this weekend Tait, Lehna, and I traveled north to visit my mom and step dad in Wisconsin and we had such a WONDERFUL time! It was fantastic!
The drive up was crazy but that’s typical Tait and went up via the Sky Way through Chicago and ALLLLLLL of the Sky Way express ways were CLOSED and there was NO signage that let us know that until we tried to get on the express way so needless to say it was a little chaotic going up it was only stop and go for about 30 minutes but as soon as we left the city it was smooth sailing the rest of the journey!
We tried to keep Lehna up as much as possible on the way up there but we could not stop the train of sleepiville so Lehna crashed about 6:30 and was out clear to Hartford! When we got there Lehna was WIDE awake and ready to play. Luckily Mom and Terry volunteered to stay up with her to get her back to sleep. I love visiting relatives they are always so generous!
Saturday morning we headed to Milwaukee to go on the Miller Company Brewing Tour. I was in when they said FREE SAMPLES! It was a pretty interesting tour over all.
The tour didn’t start until 1:30 and we got there at 1:15 so we hung out in the gift shop. As you can see from the picture below Lehna got to try on some of the souvenirs… It didn’t quite fit.

The tour began with 15 minute video where you watched a BUNCH of miller commercials and a very BRIEF history of probation and the process of the beer brewing. I was a little nervous about the video b/c I wasn’t sure how well Lehna would do having to sit through a video but she was EXCELLENT! We only had to trade her once b/c she got a little squirmy after 10 minutes and even then she was FINE! After the video we headed to the bottling and packaging part of the “miller experience.” We were a little sad b/c the machines weren’t turned on but it was kind of interesting to see all the big machines. They said they only have the machines turned off once a week and that’s on Saturday… you’d think that they would move it to let’s say Wednesday when tours of people weren’t going through but… they didn’t ask me. Below is a picture of the most beer I have ever seen in my life. There were ROWS AND ROWS of this stuff. They said there was enough beer in this room to fill 5 football fields which that’s A LOT of beer!
Tait and I joked about him starting at one end and me at the other and meeting in the middle… of course we would probably DIE but it was funny.
After we went through the different stages of processing (they were kind of boring) we were lead into this section called “the cave” this is where F. Miller would allow his beer to ferment after being processed… they don’t use it any more. The “cave” was closed for many years where it was then turned into a restaurant… this cave was creepy it looked like an old mining shaft so needless to say the restaurant was short lived. I thought it would be an EXCELLENT place for a Halloween tour b/c it was just spooky enough. But again… they didn’t ask me

After the tour we were lead in the “the tasting room” I was REALLLLLLLY excited about this part of the tour. We were seated at tables and then the beer wenches brought the beer. We got to taste three beers total: Miller Light, Miller High Life, and Miller Genuine Draft. I have to say that out of the three I enjoyed the Miller Light the most… but I’m still a bud light girl through and through… Well we were “supposed” to have three beers BUT mom didn’t like her Miller High Life so I finished her’s off… THEN they left an extra MGD on the table soooo Tait and I finished it off. Now normally I wouldn’t drink 4.5 beers in twenty minutes and on an empty stomach but I did and boy was I feeling good.
A little side note about the beer tasting... is they had free pretzels for your beer tasting pleasure and they said when you came in... Please enjoy as many as you like... well there was ONE package on the table for everyone that was it! They never came around and handed out more... it was sad :(
Tait and I were both giggly and I was having some trouble walking. We noticed that the whole room got a little giggly which was funny. Mom and Terry were the sober ones in our group which was good b/c Terry was driving and Mom had Lehna. Here are some pictures of the “beer tasting”

The view from this restaurant was breath taking. We arrived a little early so we had cocktails and appetizers (yes more alcohol) and relaxed until they served dinner. They seated us in the front of the restaurant so we had a lake view of Lake Michigan it was beautiful and right next to us was the Milwaukee Art Museum. It was quite wonderful below is a picture of the art museum and Milwaukee city scape. (The art museum had the panels open when we arrived and they closed them during the meal… this is a picture of the panels closed)

The food was so wonderful. We had this wonderful soup called Beer Cheese soup and it was like a cheesy bread soup it was very yummy. The soup was just the start of the meals to come. The meal was definitely first class it was just really good. If you ever visit Milwaukee give this restaurant a try you will be knocked off your feet.
After dinner we headed back to mom and Terry’s and enjoyed the rest of the weekend at their house. It was really nice. Mom and Terry really enjoyed being able to see Lehna and Lehna was so wonderful the whole weekend.
Lehna also had a milestone SHE CRAWLED FORWARD! She was quite frustrated when she did it… but she learned how to do it. She doesn’t quite trust herself completely to move her arms very far in front of her but she did a GREAT job. We were all really excited. Tait and I are hoping to catch her tonight with the video camera. I know that with a few more weeks of practice she’ll be gone once we put her on the floor!
Well that was pretty much our weekend. Tait and I want to go visit them again very soon. I hope that the weather continues to stay mild and maybe we can visit before the weather gets to crazy, but we’ll see.
The drive up was crazy but that’s typical Tait and went up via the Sky Way through Chicago and ALLLLLLL of the Sky Way express ways were CLOSED and there was NO signage that let us know that until we tried to get on the express way so needless to say it was a little chaotic going up it was only stop and go for about 30 minutes but as soon as we left the city it was smooth sailing the rest of the journey!
We tried to keep Lehna up as much as possible on the way up there but we could not stop the train of sleepiville so Lehna crashed about 6:30 and was out clear to Hartford! When we got there Lehna was WIDE awake and ready to play. Luckily Mom and Terry volunteered to stay up with her to get her back to sleep. I love visiting relatives they are always so generous!
Saturday morning we headed to Milwaukee to go on the Miller Company Brewing Tour. I was in when they said FREE SAMPLES! It was a pretty interesting tour over all.


The tour began with 15 minute video where you watched a BUNCH of miller commercials and a very BRIEF history of probation and the process of the beer brewing. I was a little nervous about the video b/c I wasn’t sure how well Lehna would do having to sit through a video but she was EXCELLENT! We only had to trade her once b/c she got a little squirmy after 10 minutes and even then she was FINE! After the video we headed to the bottling and packaging part of the “miller experience.” We were a little sad b/c the machines weren’t turned on but it was kind of interesting to see all the big machines. They said they only have the machines turned off once a week and that’s on Saturday… you’d think that they would move it to let’s say Wednesday when tours of people weren’t going through but… they didn’t ask me. Below is a picture of the most beer I have ever seen in my life. There were ROWS AND ROWS of this stuff. They said there was enough beer in this room to fill 5 football fields which that’s A LOT of beer!
Tait and I joked about him starting at one end and me at the other and meeting in the middle… of course we would probably DIE but it was funny.
After we went through the different stages of processing (they were kind of boring) we were lead into this section called “the cave” this is where F. Miller would allow his beer to ferment after being processed… they don’t use it any more. The “cave” was closed for many years where it was then turned into a restaurant… this cave was creepy it looked like an old mining shaft so needless to say the restaurant was short lived. I thought it would be an EXCELLENT place for a Halloween tour b/c it was just spooky enough. But again… they didn’t ask me

After the tour we were lead in the “the tasting room” I was REALLLLLLLY excited about this part of the tour. We were seated at tables and then the beer wenches brought the beer. We got to taste three beers total: Miller Light, Miller High Life, and Miller Genuine Draft. I have to say that out of the three I enjoyed the Miller Light the most… but I’m still a bud light girl through and through… Well we were “supposed” to have three beers BUT mom didn’t like her Miller High Life so I finished her’s off… THEN they left an extra MGD on the table soooo Tait and I finished it off. Now normally I wouldn’t drink 4.5 beers in twenty minutes and on an empty stomach but I did and boy was I feeling good.
A little side note about the beer tasting... is they had free pretzels for your beer tasting pleasure and they said when you came in... Please enjoy as many as you like... well there was ONE package on the table for everyone that was it! They never came around and handed out more... it was sad :(
Tait and I were both giggly and I was having some trouble walking. We noticed that the whole room got a little giggly which was funny. Mom and Terry were the sober ones in our group which was good b/c Terry was driving and Mom had Lehna. Here are some pictures of the “beer tasting”
After stumbling back to our car we headed to Pieces of Eight restaurant.

The view from this restaurant was breath taking. We arrived a little early so we had cocktails and appetizers (yes more alcohol) and relaxed until they served dinner. They seated us in the front of the restaurant so we had a lake view of Lake Michigan it was beautiful and right next to us was the Milwaukee Art Museum. It was quite wonderful below is a picture of the art museum and Milwaukee city scape. (The art museum had the panels open when we arrived and they closed them during the meal… this is a picture of the panels closed)

The food was so wonderful. We had this wonderful soup called Beer Cheese soup and it was like a cheesy bread soup it was very yummy. The soup was just the start of the meals to come. The meal was definitely first class it was just really good. If you ever visit Milwaukee give this restaurant a try you will be knocked off your feet.
After dinner we headed back to mom and Terry’s and enjoyed the rest of the weekend at their house. It was really nice. Mom and Terry really enjoyed being able to see Lehna and Lehna was so wonderful the whole weekend.
Lehna also had a milestone SHE CRAWLED FORWARD! She was quite frustrated when she did it… but she learned how to do it. She doesn’t quite trust herself completely to move her arms very far in front of her but she did a GREAT job. We were all really excited. Tait and I are hoping to catch her tonight with the video camera. I know that with a few more weeks of practice she’ll be gone once we put her on the floor!
Well that was pretty much our weekend. Tait and I want to go visit them again very soon. I hope that the weather continues to stay mild and maybe we can visit before the weather gets to crazy, but we’ll see.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Whiney Weekday
AWWWW my time to vent some steam... ENJOY!
1. Keeping up with the Laundry… Since we will heading north this weekend I have made it my GOAL for this week to actually keep up with the laundry allllll week so that we have clean clothes to come home to.
2. Daycare… So the lady that normally takes care of Lehna is out for a death in the family and her replacement is the most INCOMPETENT person I have ever met. Penny and I have an agreement that she is NOT to let Lehna sleep more then an hour and a half at a time because if she does she will NOT sleep at night. This lady KNOWS THIS we even talked about it… on Monday she let her sleep a little longer then her normal 1 ½ hour but she didn’t sleep really well on Sunday b/c of her coughing which I told her that was fine on Monday but try not to let her do that the rest of the week. Well last night Lehna was restless and woke up like 3 times last night. I asked her when I dropped her off this morning how much sleep she had gotten and she said “I don’t think very much” and she looked at the chart and SURE ENOUGH Lehna got 2 ½ hours of sleep in one chunk!! It's not a surprise that Lehna didn't sleep last night! When I questioned her about her she said “well she just looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake her up.” Well that’s fine at 3 am she can come over to our house and stay up with her if she things she looks so peaceful the stupid woman!
3. Stupid Daycare lady… I know this is another repeat but what’s scary is in less than 4 month this lady is going to be in charge of Lehna THE WHOLE DAY! I am NOT looking forward to that b/c the stupid lady doesn’t LISTEN to a word I say… grrrrrrrrr!
4. Kitty Kats… The two kitty kats have this FUN game at night where they run up and down the hallway all night making quite a commotion. I can hear their paws clumping down the hallway through the baby monitor and then I can hear it when they reach our bedroom door. It wouldn’t be that bad if it didn’t wake me up and then have my OVERACTIVE imagination on top of that thinking that it’s some killer that is coming to do me in, in the middle of the night! Once they run back and forth a couple of times they will then run to our door and start to sharpen their claws on the door frame of the bedroom door… so then I start thinking that we have little goblins in our house that have sharp swords that are Jumping to reach the door handle… I swear one day I’m going to wake up and I’ll be staring into the eyes of a horrible red goblin with a sharp sword!
5. Coupons… I was so excited about getting the Indy newspaper every Sunday so that I could get a BUNCH of coupons to help save money, but as I’m using these HORRIBLE coupons I have found that I’m spending MORE money on stuff that I don’t normally buy but I justify it to myself b/c I have a coupon! I’m out of control!
6. New Shoes… I need to get some new shoes for work. I have a few pairs of tall shoes that I really LOVE but one of the pairs of shoes is a sandal and with winter just a few weeks away I won’t be able to go open toe to work any more so I need to hit the shoes store.
7. Garlic Breath… Today for lunch I put garlic salt on my food and I feel like I could repeal any vampire away within 100 miles. My mouth is almost burning because of the garlic taste and wouldn’t you know it. I have no gum or mints AGAIN!
8. My feet hurt… I got two new outfits the other day and since I’m short I have to wear tall shoes so that my pant leg don’t drag the floor and by doing this I have made my feet so very soar. I have only worn my platform shoes twice this week but they are definitely starting to revolt… I think it’s time for new shoes… please see above whine.
9. Dirty Clothes… Now as I mentioned before in my whines I stated that I have been trying to keep on the laundry this week b/c of our trip this weekend. So I asked Tait on Tuesday VERY nicely to please make sure he took his laundry to the white hamper in the laundry room this week, instead of leaving it in our bedroom. Well last night I came in and THERE WAS HIS CLOTHES ALLLLLLL OVER THE FLOOR! Men!
10. Spam email… Our office doesn’t have a spam filter right now so I am getting some of the MOST disgusting spam emails ever. I am so tired of getting emails that say things like “Want to give you girlfriend more pleasure?” “Do you dribble?” “Get it up quicker” I think you get my point. It’s gross and it drives me nuts. I know that everyone is getting these emails but MERCY SAKES! There was even a picture of a NAKED woman in my email and I’m talking TOTALLY naked she wasn’t hiding ANY secrets. Isn’t there a law that says that people can’t be subjected to this kind of nastiness? I mean if was searching for these type of things on websites then SURE bring it on… but I don’t get on those types of websites… please make it stop!
1. Keeping up with the Laundry… Since we will heading north this weekend I have made it my GOAL for this week to actually keep up with the laundry allllll week so that we have clean clothes to come home to.
2. Daycare… So the lady that normally takes care of Lehna is out for a death in the family and her replacement is the most INCOMPETENT person I have ever met. Penny and I have an agreement that she is NOT to let Lehna sleep more then an hour and a half at a time because if she does she will NOT sleep at night. This lady KNOWS THIS we even talked about it… on Monday she let her sleep a little longer then her normal 1 ½ hour but she didn’t sleep really well on Sunday b/c of her coughing which I told her that was fine on Monday but try not to let her do that the rest of the week. Well last night Lehna was restless and woke up like 3 times last night. I asked her when I dropped her off this morning how much sleep she had gotten and she said “I don’t think very much” and she looked at the chart and SURE ENOUGH Lehna got 2 ½ hours of sleep in one chunk!! It's not a surprise that Lehna didn't sleep last night! When I questioned her about her she said “well she just looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake her up.” Well that’s fine at 3 am she can come over to our house and stay up with her if she things she looks so peaceful the stupid woman!
3. Stupid Daycare lady… I know this is another repeat but what’s scary is in less than 4 month this lady is going to be in charge of Lehna THE WHOLE DAY! I am NOT looking forward to that b/c the stupid lady doesn’t LISTEN to a word I say… grrrrrrrrr!
4. Kitty Kats… The two kitty kats have this FUN game at night where they run up and down the hallway all night making quite a commotion. I can hear their paws clumping down the hallway through the baby monitor and then I can hear it when they reach our bedroom door. It wouldn’t be that bad if it didn’t wake me up and then have my OVERACTIVE imagination on top of that thinking that it’s some killer that is coming to do me in, in the middle of the night! Once they run back and forth a couple of times they will then run to our door and start to sharpen their claws on the door frame of the bedroom door… so then I start thinking that we have little goblins in our house that have sharp swords that are Jumping to reach the door handle… I swear one day I’m going to wake up and I’ll be staring into the eyes of a horrible red goblin with a sharp sword!
5. Coupons… I was so excited about getting the Indy newspaper every Sunday so that I could get a BUNCH of coupons to help save money, but as I’m using these HORRIBLE coupons I have found that I’m spending MORE money on stuff that I don’t normally buy but I justify it to myself b/c I have a coupon! I’m out of control!
6. New Shoes… I need to get some new shoes for work. I have a few pairs of tall shoes that I really LOVE but one of the pairs of shoes is a sandal and with winter just a few weeks away I won’t be able to go open toe to work any more so I need to hit the shoes store.
7. Garlic Breath… Today for lunch I put garlic salt on my food and I feel like I could repeal any vampire away within 100 miles. My mouth is almost burning because of the garlic taste and wouldn’t you know it. I have no gum or mints AGAIN!
8. My feet hurt… I got two new outfits the other day and since I’m short I have to wear tall shoes so that my pant leg don’t drag the floor and by doing this I have made my feet so very soar. I have only worn my platform shoes twice this week but they are definitely starting to revolt… I think it’s time for new shoes… please see above whine.
9. Dirty Clothes… Now as I mentioned before in my whines I stated that I have been trying to keep on the laundry this week b/c of our trip this weekend. So I asked Tait on Tuesday VERY nicely to please make sure he took his laundry to the white hamper in the laundry room this week, instead of leaving it in our bedroom. Well last night I came in and THERE WAS HIS CLOTHES ALLLLLLL OVER THE FLOOR! Men!
10. Spam email… Our office doesn’t have a spam filter right now so I am getting some of the MOST disgusting spam emails ever. I am so tired of getting emails that say things like “Want to give you girlfriend more pleasure?” “Do you dribble?” “Get it up quicker” I think you get my point. It’s gross and it drives me nuts. I know that everyone is getting these emails but MERCY SAKES! There was even a picture of a NAKED woman in my email and I’m talking TOTALLY naked she wasn’t hiding ANY secrets. Isn’t there a law that says that people can’t be subjected to this kind of nastiness? I mean if was searching for these type of things on websites then SURE bring it on… but I don’t get on those types of websites… please make it stop!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Stephanie the Author...
Okay so I have decided on a whim that I should write a romance novel. I guess since I have read like 40 billion romance novels I figure that I could do it. So I have created a story in my mind and have started the novel. It’s coming along pretty smoothly so far no big road blocks yet but I do figure that I will run into some along the way. I have also discovered that I suck at grammar, so I feel sorry for all of my wonderful relatives that have volunteered to read my book to proof it… sorry guys I suck just a prewarning. So we’ll see how it goes I have a knack for starting things and only getting about half way through them before I abandoned them. It’s a HORRIBLE habit I have so hopefully the passion will continue and it will allow me to finish.

Another exciting event for this weekend is Tait, Lehna, and I are going to travel north to Wisconsin to visit my mom and Terry. I am VERY excited. Mom hasn’t seen Lehna in almost 6 weeks and she’s changed so very much so it will be fun for her to see her.

Lehna still has the dreaded cough and I called her specialist again this week to see if he would like to see her to hopefully prescribe another medication and he prescribed another medication first. It’s a nasal spray to help loosen her congestion in her upper respiratory region, he said that he wants to help treat this upper region and see if this helps her chest cough. Last night we tried her first dose and she didn’t cough but maybe a few times the whole night. I was happy for that but I don’t know if it was for the spray of if her cough just has gotten better. I don’t know who’s to say but it really doesn’t matter as long as her cough goes away… that’s the most important part. So I’ll keep you posted on her progress.

Football this weekend… wow the Boilers did it AGAIN they lost… it was a HEART breaking loss. They were getting the butts beat in the first two quarters THEN they came back to gain the lead in the 3rd quarter and in the first half of the 4th quarter but only to lose it was sad. I went back to the tailgating area hoarse it was horrible. Tait and I had brought our campfire grill and we did end up having hot dogs and smores AND we also had wonderful fajitas they were WONDERFUL. Helen once again out did herself. The fire was nice because as the evening wore on it got pretty cold outside so it was nice to snuggle up to the fire. I told Tait that the next home game I just want to go and tailgate I LOVE tailgating it just so much fun.

On Monday night the Colt’s won Tait and I watched the first few minutes of the game and though that they were going to lose so Tait went to bed not wanting to see both of his teams lose. I did stay up a little longer but I turned the channel. Well Tait was in the bedroom and he did stay up and watch the end of the game and the Colts did pull it off so that was WONDERFUL! Of course my picking for this week was HORRIBLE all of my teams did NOT help me… the double shocker for NFL, for both of us, was the Bears vs. Vikings and of course I picked the Vikings… and of course they lost… then the double shocker for both of us in College I had Michigan vs. Penn State… and I of course picked Penn state and of course THEY LOST so that didn’t help me! So now Tait won both… I’m very sad… of course I did win last week both. So now I have to become the expert masseuse… darn it!

I am kind of going out of order but on Sunday it was a nice relaxing day Tait and I played with Lehna all day and enjoyed not having to do anything. I did have to go to the grocery store but that’s pretty typically for a Sunday afternoon I mean the stuff for lunches does run out. Tait and I were looking at our lawn this weekend and we have been dreading the thought of having to cut it. It’s so incredibly long that I think if we tried to cut it now then it would kill our mower. I was hoping that it would get REALLLLLLY cold so the grass wouldn’t grow anymore but it still seems to be growing strong. So it maybe waist high before we do cut it, and then we’ll have to use the weed whacker!

So this week my goal is to keep up on the laundry and house cleaning so that when we get back on Sunday we won’t have anything to do. Won’t that be nice…? Well I think that’s all I have for this week’s update. I will have lots of pictures from this weekend so don’t worry about that.

Another exciting event for this weekend is Tait, Lehna, and I are going to travel north to Wisconsin to visit my mom and Terry. I am VERY excited. Mom hasn’t seen Lehna in almost 6 weeks and she’s changed so very much so it will be fun for her to see her.

Lehna still has the dreaded cough and I called her specialist again this week to see if he would like to see her to hopefully prescribe another medication and he prescribed another medication first. It’s a nasal spray to help loosen her congestion in her upper respiratory region, he said that he wants to help treat this upper region and see if this helps her chest cough. Last night we tried her first dose and she didn’t cough but maybe a few times the whole night. I was happy for that but I don’t know if it was for the spray of if her cough just has gotten better. I don’t know who’s to say but it really doesn’t matter as long as her cough goes away… that’s the most important part. So I’ll keep you posted on her progress.

Football this weekend… wow the Boilers did it AGAIN they lost… it was a HEART breaking loss. They were getting the butts beat in the first two quarters THEN they came back to gain the lead in the 3rd quarter and in the first half of the 4th quarter but only to lose it was sad. I went back to the tailgating area hoarse it was horrible. Tait and I had brought our campfire grill and we did end up having hot dogs and smores AND we also had wonderful fajitas they were WONDERFUL. Helen once again out did herself. The fire was nice because as the evening wore on it got pretty cold outside so it was nice to snuggle up to the fire. I told Tait that the next home game I just want to go and tailgate I LOVE tailgating it just so much fun.

On Monday night the Colt’s won Tait and I watched the first few minutes of the game and though that they were going to lose so Tait went to bed not wanting to see both of his teams lose. I did stay up a little longer but I turned the channel. Well Tait was in the bedroom and he did stay up and watch the end of the game and the Colts did pull it off so that was WONDERFUL! Of course my picking for this week was HORRIBLE all of my teams did NOT help me… the double shocker for NFL, for both of us, was the Bears vs. Vikings and of course I picked the Vikings… and of course they lost… then the double shocker for both of us in College I had Michigan vs. Penn State… and I of course picked Penn state and of course THEY LOST so that didn’t help me! So now Tait won both… I’m very sad… of course I did win last week both. So now I have to become the expert masseuse… darn it!

I am kind of going out of order but on Sunday it was a nice relaxing day Tait and I played with Lehna all day and enjoyed not having to do anything. I did have to go to the grocery store but that’s pretty typically for a Sunday afternoon I mean the stuff for lunches does run out. Tait and I were looking at our lawn this weekend and we have been dreading the thought of having to cut it. It’s so incredibly long that I think if we tried to cut it now then it would kill our mower. I was hoping that it would get REALLLLLLY cold so the grass wouldn’t grow anymore but it still seems to be growing strong. So it maybe waist high before we do cut it, and then we’ll have to use the weed whacker!

So this week my goal is to keep up on the laundry and house cleaning so that when we get back on Sunday we won’t have anything to do. Won’t that be nice…? Well I think that’s all I have for this week’s update. I will have lots of pictures from this weekend so don’t worry about that.
His birthday is on Saturday!

Thursday, October 13, 2005
Pictures of Lehna
I tried not to disappoint so here are some fun pictures of Lehna. I hope you enjoy!
I have completed the Whiney Weekday but I wanted everyone to see Lehna's Pictures first so I have changed the order of the posts... so the Whiney Weekday is listed below for this week! Enjoy!
I have completed the Whiney Weekday but I wanted everyone to see Lehna's Pictures first so I have changed the order of the posts... so the Whiney Weekday is listed below for this week! Enjoy!
Have a good one!
Whiney Weekday
Whiney Weekday
Here’s another round of Whiney Weekday!
1. Short Week… This week was a short week since we had to take Lehna to the doctor this week and it seems like the week just won’t end! That’s the problem with short weeks once you get out of your normal “routine” the short weeks seem some how longer then the normal 5 day weeks!
2. Exhaustion… I have been so incredibly tired this week. I have no energy to do much of anything. My house is a mess and I have no energy to clean it up. I keep trying to convince myself to pick up after I put Lehna to bed but I just can’t seem to get any energy to do it. Last night both Tait and I were exhausted by 7:45 and we were barely keeping our eyes up to get Lehna put to bed.
3. Patience… Well I’m waiting patiently for another response from my latest “appointment” from this week. I can’t stand this part the waiting part is what kills me. When I talked to the lady she made it sound like all would have to do is talk to her boss and she is supposed to call me to schedule another “appointment” and the lady said within the next couple of days she should be contacting you… Today is day number 2! (((sigh))) Such torture!
4. Waiting on Hold... So I had to call the IPD today to make a request to file out a report… and let me tell you first I couldn’t get the phone to ring I just kept getting a busy signal then after I did get the phone to ring the phone went into this system that put me on hold for 15 mins! Of course there was all so wonderful hold music and a very annoying voice that came on that said “all of our dispatchers are currently busy please continue to hold and your call will be answered in the order it is received” and the worst part is I just had some questions regarding what information they would need in order to just file the report… I wasn’t even going to file the report I was going to have to CALL AGAIN just to do that! Mercy! I keep hearing the song from Adam Sandler version of Linda’s Song from the Wedding Singer and the phrase “somebody kill me please” keeps repeating in my head OVER AND OVER!
5. Purdue Boilermakers… I am so disappointed by the Boilermakers this year. Every year I try to keep faith and hope that they will do well but they always disappoint. I’m still a fan and I continue to torture myself by going to the games week after week, but they need to get their stuff together! I mean Tait has been a BEAR to live with since they are doing so bad, it’s so bad he’s actually thinking about not getting season tickets next year! So pull it together boys… and I have heard that if we do qualify for a bowl (keep your fingers crossed) then it will be either the Music City Bowl (Tennessee) or the Motor City Bowl (Detroit) which means we could go if they qualify!!!!
6. Wet Hair Look… I still haven’t gotten up any earlier so I still have the horrible “wet hair look” all day and I HATE IT, but I’m just to freaking lazy to get up early to give myself extra time.
7. Energy Prices… So I’m so tired of hearing how expensive our winter heating bills are going to be this winter I think I could vomit. We have propane heat which I HATE and we normally only have to have it filled 3 times a year and it is normally about $300 to fill it which you know that sucks but you know what can you do… well I’m so afraid that this winter will put us in the poor house because of the expense of filling the stupid gas tank! I have told Tait that we are going to have to dress warm to ensure that we don’t spend too much, I was just thinking about our pipes and finding the temperature that won’t allow the pipes to freeze but keeping it so we won’t end up in the poor house at the same time! Gosh I hate the government and those greedy gas whoring Opeck officials.
8. Post Office Natzi… well I didn’t think it was possible that government officials would be from the Natzi party but it is true and she works at the Darlington Post Office. She is the meanest lady ever! She returns things to the sender if we don’t have our Post Office box on the letters which I guess she’s just toooooo lazy to look at the address to put the mail in the right slot. The only time we can actually get packages and stuff from the horrible post office lady is on Saturday well the hours are like 8:35-10:35 every Saturday… they are like that I DON’T KNOW so usually we just miss getting our packages or large envelops on Saturday b/c they are closed and usually if we hear someone in the back we will knock and they will get us our mail, I mean I can’t help when they are open we are at WORK! Well the other workers are always SUPER nice and will get them… well this last time I asked to get my package the Natzi mail lady handed it to me and then goes… “The hours are from 8:35 am to 10:35 am… only” the freaking jerk I mean give me a break! But she has sent my checks back to me… checks… I HATE this lady… I mean why can’t we get home delivery I’m willing to pay the extra tax to do that!
9. The Golden Reimbursement Check… Well we are still waiting for the golden reimbursement check from the state office. I have come to the conclusion that we may never receive this check and maybe we need to start sending out search parties looking for it. Tait said that he gets emails from the mail accounting office stating that they are way behind and yada yada and that they should be processed soon. So we still go everyday for our daily dose of disappointment and check the post office.
10. Weather… Well just when I think that fall has FINALLY arrived the next day we get another day of 70 degree weather. I think the trees are confused on what to do whether to drop their leaves or hold on to them. Our big oak trees haven’t even started to change colors yet and if they don’t change soon, they will simply turn brown and fall off and THAT’S NO FUN! I just hate having to watch the weather report every morning before knowing how to dress Lehna for daycare!
Here’s another round of Whiney Weekday!
1. Short Week… This week was a short week since we had to take Lehna to the doctor this week and it seems like the week just won’t end! That’s the problem with short weeks once you get out of your normal “routine” the short weeks seem some how longer then the normal 5 day weeks!
2. Exhaustion… I have been so incredibly tired this week. I have no energy to do much of anything. My house is a mess and I have no energy to clean it up. I keep trying to convince myself to pick up after I put Lehna to bed but I just can’t seem to get any energy to do it. Last night both Tait and I were exhausted by 7:45 and we were barely keeping our eyes up to get Lehna put to bed.
3. Patience… Well I’m waiting patiently for another response from my latest “appointment” from this week. I can’t stand this part the waiting part is what kills me. When I talked to the lady she made it sound like all would have to do is talk to her boss and she is supposed to call me to schedule another “appointment” and the lady said within the next couple of days she should be contacting you… Today is day number 2! (((sigh))) Such torture!
4. Waiting on Hold... So I had to call the IPD today to make a request to file out a report… and let me tell you first I couldn’t get the phone to ring I just kept getting a busy signal then after I did get the phone to ring the phone went into this system that put me on hold for 15 mins! Of course there was all so wonderful hold music and a very annoying voice that came on that said “all of our dispatchers are currently busy please continue to hold and your call will be answered in the order it is received” and the worst part is I just had some questions regarding what information they would need in order to just file the report… I wasn’t even going to file the report I was going to have to CALL AGAIN just to do that! Mercy! I keep hearing the song from Adam Sandler version of Linda’s Song from the Wedding Singer and the phrase “somebody kill me please” keeps repeating in my head OVER AND OVER!
5. Purdue Boilermakers… I am so disappointed by the Boilermakers this year. Every year I try to keep faith and hope that they will do well but they always disappoint. I’m still a fan and I continue to torture myself by going to the games week after week, but they need to get their stuff together! I mean Tait has been a BEAR to live with since they are doing so bad, it’s so bad he’s actually thinking about not getting season tickets next year! So pull it together boys… and I have heard that if we do qualify for a bowl (keep your fingers crossed) then it will be either the Music City Bowl (Tennessee) or the Motor City Bowl (Detroit) which means we could go if they qualify!!!!
6. Wet Hair Look… I still haven’t gotten up any earlier so I still have the horrible “wet hair look” all day and I HATE IT, but I’m just to freaking lazy to get up early to give myself extra time.
7. Energy Prices… So I’m so tired of hearing how expensive our winter heating bills are going to be this winter I think I could vomit. We have propane heat which I HATE and we normally only have to have it filled 3 times a year and it is normally about $300 to fill it which you know that sucks but you know what can you do… well I’m so afraid that this winter will put us in the poor house because of the expense of filling the stupid gas tank! I have told Tait that we are going to have to dress warm to ensure that we don’t spend too much, I was just thinking about our pipes and finding the temperature that won’t allow the pipes to freeze but keeping it so we won’t end up in the poor house at the same time! Gosh I hate the government and those greedy gas whoring Opeck officials.
8. Post Office Natzi… well I didn’t think it was possible that government officials would be from the Natzi party but it is true and she works at the Darlington Post Office. She is the meanest lady ever! She returns things to the sender if we don’t have our Post Office box on the letters which I guess she’s just toooooo lazy to look at the address to put the mail in the right slot. The only time we can actually get packages and stuff from the horrible post office lady is on Saturday well the hours are like 8:35-10:35 every Saturday… they are like that I DON’T KNOW so usually we just miss getting our packages or large envelops on Saturday b/c they are closed and usually if we hear someone in the back we will knock and they will get us our mail, I mean I can’t help when they are open we are at WORK! Well the other workers are always SUPER nice and will get them… well this last time I asked to get my package the Natzi mail lady handed it to me and then goes… “The hours are from 8:35 am to 10:35 am… only” the freaking jerk I mean give me a break! But she has sent my checks back to me… checks… I HATE this lady… I mean why can’t we get home delivery I’m willing to pay the extra tax to do that!
9. The Golden Reimbursement Check… Well we are still waiting for the golden reimbursement check from the state office. I have come to the conclusion that we may never receive this check and maybe we need to start sending out search parties looking for it. Tait said that he gets emails from the mail accounting office stating that they are way behind and yada yada and that they should be processed soon. So we still go everyday for our daily dose of disappointment and check the post office.
10. Weather… Well just when I think that fall has FINALLY arrived the next day we get another day of 70 degree weather. I think the trees are confused on what to do whether to drop their leaves or hold on to them. Our big oak trees haven’t even started to change colors yet and if they don’t change soon, they will simply turn brown and fall off and THAT’S NO FUN! I just hate having to watch the weather report every morning before knowing how to dress Lehna for daycare!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Weekly Update
Well another it’s time for another episode of WEEKLY UPDATE! (Round of applause) Okay so maybe not but here’s the update.
On Friday of this weekend Tait and I were enjoying a nice peaceful evening at home with Lehna Bean and the puppies when all HELLLLLL broke loose! Everything was going well it was about 8:30 and we had just put Lehna to bed when Tait was in the bedroom with Molly and Daisy. Well all of a sudden I was just about to come into the bedroom and Tait started Yelling for me and I could hear Molly and Daisy having it out.
Molly was eating some of the dog food that was littered on the floor and Daisy was starting to have a treat as well. Well Molly attacked Daisy and Daisy was growling and barking and Molly had a hold of Daisy by the back of the neck and was not letting go. Tait was straddling Molly and had a hold of Molly and was frantically screaming and trying to get Molly to let go of Daisy… Well I come in and I tried to pry Molly off of Daisy by reaching around Daisy (the front of her) and pry Molly off, well in the mean time Daisy reached out and bit me! Well I then went to the back of Molly with Tait and I reached under Molly and started pinching and pulling Molly’s belly to get Molly to let go of Daisy. Well Molly let go of Daisy and in the mean time bit Tait on the knee, but he a hold of Molly’s head (it was kind of a mess) and we put Molly in her create and put Daisy in the other room. Well Tait and I were both kind of in shock that this had happened and we walked out into the living room Tait was limping and I was going into the kitchen for an ice pack for my bite. Well Tait put alcohol on his bite and I kept ice on mine and after about a half hour we went to bed. It was one crazy night. When I woke up the next morning my arm was still hurting and I looked down and it looked horrible. The bite had bruised my arm and I could still see the teeth marks (not to shabby for a dog with no teeth) and Tait was still limping! We were a sad sight to see. Well the dogs were totally fine with one another the food was cleaned up and everyone was okay.
On Saturday we went to Purdue for tailgating and to watch Purdue get their butts handed to them. It was a horrible game and it was sad to watch. This weekend is going to be Northwestern and I have a feeling it’s going to be another beating. YUCK! But the tailgating was a lot of fun. We of course had a ton of great food and that was a LOT of fun. Theresa watched Lehna for us so I was a little bit freer to overindulge if you will and I got a pretty good buzz which was nice. Jackie and I were both feeling really good by the time game time rolled around. Of course by the second quarter I was back to my normal self and as we were walking back to the car Tait kept telling me how annoying I was the first quarter and the walk there… but other than that I had a good time. I am hoping that next weekend is chilly b/c Tait and I would like to bring our fire pit grill thing and have hot dogs and smores for the next game, but I would like it to be a little chilly for us to bring that contraption. Which it doesn’t sound too promising, I love football games when it’s cold outside! OH and this weekend for football picks I kicked Tait’s butt. I won BOTH college and Pro picks! So that means that I’m ahead in overall points for both and Tait has to make dinner on one of my nights this week AND he had to spend one night this week with NO play station/computer and have total attention towards Lehna and I. Not that he normally doesn’t spend time with us… it’s just this will be total our time to play and stuff. I can’t wait! So hopefully next week will bring the same… VICTORY IS MINE attitude!
Sunday we headed out to the Roy’s for the weekly Colt’s game and the Colts won Yeah! So now they are 5 and 0 which is great b/c it gives us Purdue fans something to cheer for! But Lehna was great she played and played and didn’t whine the whole day. She’s become quite the mommy’s girl this weekend. She would constantly reach for me and watch me when I’m in the room making sure that I’m paying attention to her. It’s very difficult to get anything done when she does that though, b/c I feel bad for not paying attention to her!
On Monday we took Lehna for her 6 mth check up and she got three shots. Dr. Patel checked her out and said she was a very BIG girl and that she looks really healthy. She said she can still hear some wheezing due to her latest cold but she thought it would clear up in a couple of days. She’s still on the liquid steroid for a few more days and then she’ll continue her breathing treatments for twice day until November then she’ll go back to once a day. Lehna is a whooping 19 lbs 2 oz. and she is 26 ½ inches long. She said that due to her weight she’s in the 90th percentile and she’s in the 75th percentile for her length. She was impressed by Lehna’s constant on the go, busy demeanor when we where there. I told her that Lehna has been getting on all fours and rocking but we haven’t seen crawling yet and the Dr. said that normal development is 9 mths for crawling so she said she’s ahead of the game. Dr. Patel also said that by her next appointment at 9 mths she said that she is certain Lehna will be crawling if not more… so we need to get our house baby proofed as soon as possible, which it some needs work. Lehna was upset by the shots but after both Tait and I held her she stopped crying and managed to let us take her to Kroger’s and out to eat so I was happy about that. She even ate lunch really well.
Once we got home we played with Lehna some more and enjoyed the day with her. Well minus the shots of course but Lehna was a trooper and that was wonderful! She did get a little whiney as the afternoon let on and she wanted me to hold her, I would walk out of the room and Lehna would cry, or I would just walk by her and she would cry wanting me to pick her up! So at night we gave her a bottle and tried to put her to bed at 8 and she just wouldn’t give into it so as she was drifting off to sleep I decided to put her in her crib to “fall asleep on her own” and I placed her in her crib and before I had even shut the door she was crying. I let her cry for 5 mins before getting her. I know I should have let her cry more but I just couldn’t do it. So I went in and picked her up carried her to the front room and sat down in the chair and in that time she had fallen asleep she was THAT tired, she just was being stubborn. What did I expect though after having a day full of shots and being carted around everywhere… she was bound to be fussy some time! But for the most part that was our day.
I have also found out that the weekend of the 22nd in October we are going to go north and visit my mom in Wisconsin again! I’m sooooo excited! Tait said he can’t wait to see mom’s new house and check out where she lives. The original plan was that Trent and Tait were going to go to the Purdue vs. Wisconsin game while Lehna and I went to mom’s to hang out with her…. But since Purdue is just sucking all over… that may not happen and Tait and I will just visit mom. I can’t wait regardless! Okay so I should go since this post is like forever long but I will have pictures THIS week probably tomorrow b/c I need to post them for all of you Baby Hounding Monkeys!
On Friday of this weekend Tait and I were enjoying a nice peaceful evening at home with Lehna Bean and the puppies when all HELLLLLL broke loose! Everything was going well it was about 8:30 and we had just put Lehna to bed when Tait was in the bedroom with Molly and Daisy. Well all of a sudden I was just about to come into the bedroom and Tait started Yelling for me and I could hear Molly and Daisy having it out.
Molly was eating some of the dog food that was littered on the floor and Daisy was starting to have a treat as well. Well Molly attacked Daisy and Daisy was growling and barking and Molly had a hold of Daisy by the back of the neck and was not letting go. Tait was straddling Molly and had a hold of Molly and was frantically screaming and trying to get Molly to let go of Daisy… Well I come in and I tried to pry Molly off of Daisy by reaching around Daisy (the front of her) and pry Molly off, well in the mean time Daisy reached out and bit me! Well I then went to the back of Molly with Tait and I reached under Molly and started pinching and pulling Molly’s belly to get Molly to let go of Daisy. Well Molly let go of Daisy and in the mean time bit Tait on the knee, but he a hold of Molly’s head (it was kind of a mess) and we put Molly in her create and put Daisy in the other room. Well Tait and I were both kind of in shock that this had happened and we walked out into the living room Tait was limping and I was going into the kitchen for an ice pack for my bite. Well Tait put alcohol on his bite and I kept ice on mine and after about a half hour we went to bed. It was one crazy night. When I woke up the next morning my arm was still hurting and I looked down and it looked horrible. The bite had bruised my arm and I could still see the teeth marks (not to shabby for a dog with no teeth) and Tait was still limping! We were a sad sight to see. Well the dogs were totally fine with one another the food was cleaned up and everyone was okay.
On Saturday we went to Purdue for tailgating and to watch Purdue get their butts handed to them. It was a horrible game and it was sad to watch. This weekend is going to be Northwestern and I have a feeling it’s going to be another beating. YUCK! But the tailgating was a lot of fun. We of course had a ton of great food and that was a LOT of fun. Theresa watched Lehna for us so I was a little bit freer to overindulge if you will and I got a pretty good buzz which was nice. Jackie and I were both feeling really good by the time game time rolled around. Of course by the second quarter I was back to my normal self and as we were walking back to the car Tait kept telling me how annoying I was the first quarter and the walk there… but other than that I had a good time. I am hoping that next weekend is chilly b/c Tait and I would like to bring our fire pit grill thing and have hot dogs and smores for the next game, but I would like it to be a little chilly for us to bring that contraption. Which it doesn’t sound too promising, I love football games when it’s cold outside! OH and this weekend for football picks I kicked Tait’s butt. I won BOTH college and Pro picks! So that means that I’m ahead in overall points for both and Tait has to make dinner on one of my nights this week AND he had to spend one night this week with NO play station/computer and have total attention towards Lehna and I. Not that he normally doesn’t spend time with us… it’s just this will be total our time to play and stuff. I can’t wait! So hopefully next week will bring the same… VICTORY IS MINE attitude!
Sunday we headed out to the Roy’s for the weekly Colt’s game and the Colts won Yeah! So now they are 5 and 0 which is great b/c it gives us Purdue fans something to cheer for! But Lehna was great she played and played and didn’t whine the whole day. She’s become quite the mommy’s girl this weekend. She would constantly reach for me and watch me when I’m in the room making sure that I’m paying attention to her. It’s very difficult to get anything done when she does that though, b/c I feel bad for not paying attention to her!
On Monday we took Lehna for her 6 mth check up and she got three shots. Dr. Patel checked her out and said she was a very BIG girl and that she looks really healthy. She said she can still hear some wheezing due to her latest cold but she thought it would clear up in a couple of days. She’s still on the liquid steroid for a few more days and then she’ll continue her breathing treatments for twice day until November then she’ll go back to once a day. Lehna is a whooping 19 lbs 2 oz. and she is 26 ½ inches long. She said that due to her weight she’s in the 90th percentile and she’s in the 75th percentile for her length. She was impressed by Lehna’s constant on the go, busy demeanor when we where there. I told her that Lehna has been getting on all fours and rocking but we haven’t seen crawling yet and the Dr. said that normal development is 9 mths for crawling so she said she’s ahead of the game. Dr. Patel also said that by her next appointment at 9 mths she said that she is certain Lehna will be crawling if not more… so we need to get our house baby proofed as soon as possible, which it some needs work. Lehna was upset by the shots but after both Tait and I held her she stopped crying and managed to let us take her to Kroger’s and out to eat so I was happy about that. She even ate lunch really well.
Once we got home we played with Lehna some more and enjoyed the day with her. Well minus the shots of course but Lehna was a trooper and that was wonderful! She did get a little whiney as the afternoon let on and she wanted me to hold her, I would walk out of the room and Lehna would cry, or I would just walk by her and she would cry wanting me to pick her up! So at night we gave her a bottle and tried to put her to bed at 8 and she just wouldn’t give into it so as she was drifting off to sleep I decided to put her in her crib to “fall asleep on her own” and I placed her in her crib and before I had even shut the door she was crying. I let her cry for 5 mins before getting her. I know I should have let her cry more but I just couldn’t do it. So I went in and picked her up carried her to the front room and sat down in the chair and in that time she had fallen asleep she was THAT tired, she just was being stubborn. What did I expect though after having a day full of shots and being carted around everywhere… she was bound to be fussy some time! But for the most part that was our day.
I have also found out that the weekend of the 22nd in October we are going to go north and visit my mom in Wisconsin again! I’m sooooo excited! Tait said he can’t wait to see mom’s new house and check out where she lives. The original plan was that Trent and Tait were going to go to the Purdue vs. Wisconsin game while Lehna and I went to mom’s to hang out with her…. But since Purdue is just sucking all over… that may not happen and Tait and I will just visit mom. I can’t wait regardless! Okay so I should go since this post is like forever long but I will have pictures THIS week probably tomorrow b/c I need to post them for all of you Baby Hounding Monkeys!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Whiney Weekday
Whiney Weekday!
1. Dirty Dishes… Slowly the dirty dishes are starting to take over my kitchen sink, counters, and stove! The dish washer is currently clean and the dishes need put away and the dirty dishes reloaded. I have not done this for two days so now the dishes are slowly taking over my kitchen.
2. Animal hair… Yesterday I put Lehna on the floor for less then 15 mins after I picked her up I then had to spend another 10 mins just picking the animal hair from her death grip fist.
3. Empty Hangers… Why is it that I’m the ONLY adult in my house that can take the empty hangers back to the laundry room? I realize that I was the one elected to do the laundry until the end of time but why do I not only have to get the laundry clean, fold the laundry, put away the laundry… THEN take the empty hangers and dirty laundry back to the beginning of the cycle? I mean I don’t think Tait’s arms are broken… I will double check tonight, but if I don’t take them to the laundry room then they start to take over the guest room door!
4. Dirty Laundry… Why was I elected to do the laundry? I mean just because I’m a female doesn’t mean that I should automatically be elected to do the clothes… I mean after all Tait doesn’t wonder around naked? Shouldn’t he be responsible for having to do at least HALF of the clothes? And I HATE doing laundry!
5. Beginning of the Month… Yeah another month has begun and it’s another two weeks of feeling broke… Yeah! Gosh I hate bills! Actually I hate money all together!
6. Headache… I woke up with a headache this morning that I just can’t shake. Morning headaches are the worst they put me in such a GLORIOUS mood for the day!
7. Pissy People… I have run into a number of pissy people today that I would like to throw them out of the 10 story window in my building just to watch their bodies crumble on the pavement below… oh how glorious would that be!
8. Dumb Drivers… I think every dumb driver was out this morning on Washington St! I was boxed in by Dumb and Dumber and then after I finally got around them… every person and their brother wanted to SLAM on their breaks to turn right this morning! I was cursing and was not happy! Stupid People!
9. Frozen Coffee Heaven… Well normally my Mint Mocha Chip Frapachino is like the best treat ever… but apparently the ladies making my frozen heaven decided to half ass my drink and not let the ice get totally crushed… b/c I keep sipping HUGE pieces of ice down the straw! Making my frozen heaven taste kind of like it’s only half mixed… so sad
10. I need a Pedicure… The other day I was looking at my feet and I have decided that I need a pedicure… the only problem is my feet look really horrible… so that would mean that I have to actually show my feet to a stranger… then have them work on them…. I DON’T THINK SO! Lord only knows what the lady would think if she saw me feet in the current condition they are in… so no pedicure for me…
1. Dirty Dishes… Slowly the dirty dishes are starting to take over my kitchen sink, counters, and stove! The dish washer is currently clean and the dishes need put away and the dirty dishes reloaded. I have not done this for two days so now the dishes are slowly taking over my kitchen.
2. Animal hair… Yesterday I put Lehna on the floor for less then 15 mins after I picked her up I then had to spend another 10 mins just picking the animal hair from her death grip fist.
3. Empty Hangers… Why is it that I’m the ONLY adult in my house that can take the empty hangers back to the laundry room? I realize that I was the one elected to do the laundry until the end of time but why do I not only have to get the laundry clean, fold the laundry, put away the laundry… THEN take the empty hangers and dirty laundry back to the beginning of the cycle? I mean I don’t think Tait’s arms are broken… I will double check tonight, but if I don’t take them to the laundry room then they start to take over the guest room door!
4. Dirty Laundry… Why was I elected to do the laundry? I mean just because I’m a female doesn’t mean that I should automatically be elected to do the clothes… I mean after all Tait doesn’t wonder around naked? Shouldn’t he be responsible for having to do at least HALF of the clothes? And I HATE doing laundry!
5. Beginning of the Month… Yeah another month has begun and it’s another two weeks of feeling broke… Yeah! Gosh I hate bills! Actually I hate money all together!
6. Headache… I woke up with a headache this morning that I just can’t shake. Morning headaches are the worst they put me in such a GLORIOUS mood for the day!
7. Pissy People… I have run into a number of pissy people today that I would like to throw them out of the 10 story window in my building just to watch their bodies crumble on the pavement below… oh how glorious would that be!
8. Dumb Drivers… I think every dumb driver was out this morning on Washington St! I was boxed in by Dumb and Dumber and then after I finally got around them… every person and their brother wanted to SLAM on their breaks to turn right this morning! I was cursing and was not happy! Stupid People!
9. Frozen Coffee Heaven… Well normally my Mint Mocha Chip Frapachino is like the best treat ever… but apparently the ladies making my frozen heaven decided to half ass my drink and not let the ice get totally crushed… b/c I keep sipping HUGE pieces of ice down the straw! Making my frozen heaven taste kind of like it’s only half mixed… so sad
10. I need a Pedicure… The other day I was looking at my feet and I have decided that I need a pedicure… the only problem is my feet look really horrible… so that would mean that I have to actually show my feet to a stranger… then have them work on them…. I DON’T THINK SO! Lord only knows what the lady would think if she saw me feet in the current condition they are in… so no pedicure for me…
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Political View
So I took this test and this was was my result: You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
I think my favorite question was...
It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match.
What is this one of my romance novels?
So take the test it was interesting and learn something about yourself!
I think my favorite question was...
It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match.
What is this one of my romance novels?
So take the test it was interesting and learn something about yourself!
You are a Social Moderate (55% permissive) and an... Economic Moderate (50% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Monday, October 03, 2005
Happy October!
Well another weekend has left us and boy am I sad I want the weekend to come back already and it just left! We did have a fun filled weekend and we were busy. So that in turn made the weekend FLY by!

On Saturday we headed to West Lafayette to go and tail gate for the Purdue vs. Notre Dame football game. We went to the field at 1:00, the game didn’t start until 6 but since we weren’t planning on going to the game we didn’t really care how long we were there. We were just going to for the food and some fun. Helen and Tim got on of those Bean Bag toss games (everyone has them in the tailgate areas) and we played with that. I have found that I have absolutely no talent in trying to play the bean bag game and I think I had a few people convinced that I was drunk b/c my bean bag skills were so poor. Of course I wasn’t drunk nor did I really drink much at the game others around me… not so true. I think you know who you are Heather! Let just say Heather was feeling pretty good. I wonder how she was feeling the day after?

So we all feasted on Helen’s wonderful cooking and talked and enjoyed being outside. Lehna had a good time I think. It was so nice outside and under the shade of the canopy it was so nice to have her outside. Lehna played in her pack n play, went for a few walks, she managed to catch a look at the Purdue Band, and took a nice nap. She’s pretty content where ever she is so it wasn’t a bad day. There was a group of guys that we pretty smashed a few tailgating spots down from us and they provided much of the entertainment for us. They were wrestling on the ground and walking along the bed of their trucks singing and chanting various things it was funny. We only got a little scared when they started tossing the football around and were not doing a very good job b/c the ball kept bouncing into other people’s camps. But all in all it was a good time. Of course this was all BEFORE the game started, once the game started then it wasn’t very much fun. Lehna crashed about 7 ish and so we started walking back to Tanna’s apartment b/c they left the minivan for the people that went to the game. So as we were walking back Tait and Tanna ranted and raved about how horrible the game was going, and the players. It was quite a pleasant walk. Once we got in the car and headed out of Lafayette Tait was angrily listening to the game and grumbling… finally he got fed up enough to turn the game off. So we listened to 80’s music the rest of the way home. IT WAS SOOOO MUCH FUN! LOL Actually it wasn’t too bad I’m glad Trent wasn’t with us… I can only imagine what kind of a mood he was displaying, Tait was bad enough. After we got home we put Lehna in bed and Tait kept flipping the game back on and would get mad and flip it off. It was kind of entertaining. I kept telling him to turn it off and not watch it… but he didn’t listen… I think he likes torture. So that was SATURDAY night!

On Sunday we polished up the house for the Colt’s game on Sunday. We had a house full of people and it was soooooo much fun! It was so worth cleaning the house and getting ready for everyone! Jackie entertained Lehna so that was a great break for us. Thank you Jackie! We had really good hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill with chips and a VERY yummy chocolate chip cake! (I didn’t make the hamburgers this week we bought them already in patties, not to have a repeat of LAST weekend!) It was a nice time. The Colt’s won if you didn’t know it was GREAT! It was actually a higher scoring game too so that made it even better! So it was nice that one of our teams pulled through for us! Oh and the Tally… I won the Big 10 teams this week and Tait won the NFL picks. So Tait has to give me a back massage for a half hour… and I have to give him one! Darn it! Just once I’d like to win BOTH but one is better than none I guess!

Lehna was having some minor digestive issues on Saturday and after a full day and a half with no BM I decided to take action and give the poor girl some prunes… let’s just say Lehna is back to working order. Lehna got a mid-afternoon bath during the Colt’s game!

As far as big plans for the week we really don’t have much going on this week. Just normal work and such YEAH my favorite! I do have to go to the grocery store once this week to pick up more baby food and lunch stuff… but that’s as exciting as I get. I know I’m BORING!

Next weekend it’s the Iowa game and Theresa is going to watch Lehna. I know she’s very excited about it. Well at least I hope she’s excited about it. So it should be a good time. It’s funny every time Purdue doesn’t do well the boys in my family always talk about how they aren’t going to get season tickets next year and blah blah blah… every year… the same old story. It’s kind of amusing and after this game the talk of not getting tickets was again tossed around, but I know for a fact that they would HATE not being able to go to the games! Boys they are so silly sometimes… but when you look forward to this EVERY year… Poor Tait… I think he’ll pull through. Okay well that’s all I got for right now. I know I don’t have pictures on this post… but hopefully through out the week I can get some up. Lehna’s not feeling 100% right now she has a little sniffle… too much fresh air I guess! Or it’s those WONDERFUL Sick Gods that are sprinkling us with their magic pixy dust once again.

On Saturday we headed to West Lafayette to go and tail gate for the Purdue vs. Notre Dame football game. We went to the field at 1:00, the game didn’t start until 6 but since we weren’t planning on going to the game we didn’t really care how long we were there. We were just going to for the food and some fun. Helen and Tim got on of those Bean Bag toss games (everyone has them in the tailgate areas) and we played with that. I have found that I have absolutely no talent in trying to play the bean bag game and I think I had a few people convinced that I was drunk b/c my bean bag skills were so poor. Of course I wasn’t drunk nor did I really drink much at the game others around me… not so true. I think you know who you are Heather! Let just say Heather was feeling pretty good. I wonder how she was feeling the day after?

So we all feasted on Helen’s wonderful cooking and talked and enjoyed being outside. Lehna had a good time I think. It was so nice outside and under the shade of the canopy it was so nice to have her outside. Lehna played in her pack n play, went for a few walks, she managed to catch a look at the Purdue Band, and took a nice nap. She’s pretty content where ever she is so it wasn’t a bad day. There was a group of guys that we pretty smashed a few tailgating spots down from us and they provided much of the entertainment for us. They were wrestling on the ground and walking along the bed of their trucks singing and chanting various things it was funny. We only got a little scared when they started tossing the football around and were not doing a very good job b/c the ball kept bouncing into other people’s camps. But all in all it was a good time. Of course this was all BEFORE the game started, once the game started then it wasn’t very much fun. Lehna crashed about 7 ish and so we started walking back to Tanna’s apartment b/c they left the minivan for the people that went to the game. So as we were walking back Tait and Tanna ranted and raved about how horrible the game was going, and the players. It was quite a pleasant walk. Once we got in the car and headed out of Lafayette Tait was angrily listening to the game and grumbling… finally he got fed up enough to turn the game off. So we listened to 80’s music the rest of the way home. IT WAS SOOOO MUCH FUN! LOL Actually it wasn’t too bad I’m glad Trent wasn’t with us… I can only imagine what kind of a mood he was displaying, Tait was bad enough. After we got home we put Lehna in bed and Tait kept flipping the game back on and would get mad and flip it off. It was kind of entertaining. I kept telling him to turn it off and not watch it… but he didn’t listen… I think he likes torture. So that was SATURDAY night!

On Sunday we polished up the house for the Colt’s game on Sunday. We had a house full of people and it was soooooo much fun! It was so worth cleaning the house and getting ready for everyone! Jackie entertained Lehna so that was a great break for us. Thank you Jackie! We had really good hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill with chips and a VERY yummy chocolate chip cake! (I didn’t make the hamburgers this week we bought them already in patties, not to have a repeat of LAST weekend!) It was a nice time. The Colt’s won if you didn’t know it was GREAT! It was actually a higher scoring game too so that made it even better! So it was nice that one of our teams pulled through for us! Oh and the Tally… I won the Big 10 teams this week and Tait won the NFL picks. So Tait has to give me a back massage for a half hour… and I have to give him one! Darn it! Just once I’d like to win BOTH but one is better than none I guess!

Lehna was having some minor digestive issues on Saturday and after a full day and a half with no BM I decided to take action and give the poor girl some prunes… let’s just say Lehna is back to working order. Lehna got a mid-afternoon bath during the Colt’s game!

As far as big plans for the week we really don’t have much going on this week. Just normal work and such YEAH my favorite! I do have to go to the grocery store once this week to pick up more baby food and lunch stuff… but that’s as exciting as I get. I know I’m BORING!

Next weekend it’s the Iowa game and Theresa is going to watch Lehna. I know she’s very excited about it. Well at least I hope she’s excited about it. So it should be a good time. It’s funny every time Purdue doesn’t do well the boys in my family always talk about how they aren’t going to get season tickets next year and blah blah blah… every year… the same old story. It’s kind of amusing and after this game the talk of not getting tickets was again tossed around, but I know for a fact that they would HATE not being able to go to the games! Boys they are so silly sometimes… but when you look forward to this EVERY year… Poor Tait… I think he’ll pull through. Okay well that’s all I got for right now. I know I don’t have pictures on this post… but hopefully through out the week I can get some up. Lehna’s not feeling 100% right now she has a little sniffle… too much fresh air I guess! Or it’s those WONDERFUL Sick Gods that are sprinkling us with their magic pixy dust once again.