Thursday, October 20, 2005

Whiney Weekday

AWWWW my time to vent some steam... ENJOY!

1. Keeping up with the Laundry… Since we will heading north this weekend I have made it my GOAL for this week to actually keep up with the laundry allllll week so that we have clean clothes to come home to.

2. Daycare… So the lady that normally takes care of Lehna is out for a death in the family and her replacement is the most INCOMPETENT person I have ever met. Penny and I have an agreement that she is NOT to let Lehna sleep more then an hour and a half at a time because if she does she will NOT sleep at night. This lady KNOWS THIS we even talked about it… on Monday she let her sleep a little longer then her normal 1 ½ hour but she didn’t sleep really well on Sunday b/c of her coughing which I told her that was fine on Monday but try not to let her do that the rest of the week. Well last night Lehna was restless and woke up like 3 times last night. I asked her when I dropped her off this morning how much sleep she had gotten and she said “I don’t think very much” and she looked at the chart and SURE ENOUGH Lehna got 2 ½ hours of sleep in one chunk!! It's not a surprise that Lehna didn't sleep last night! When I questioned her about her she said “well she just looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake her up.” Well that’s fine at 3 am she can come over to our house and stay up with her if she things she looks so peaceful the stupid woman!

3. Stupid Daycare lady… I know this is another repeat but what’s scary is in less than 4 month this lady is going to be in charge of Lehna THE WHOLE DAY! I am NOT looking forward to that b/c the stupid lady doesn’t LISTEN to a word I say… grrrrrrrrr!

4. Kitty Kats… The two kitty kats have this FUN game at night where they run up and down the hallway all night making quite a commotion. I can hear their paws clumping down the hallway through the baby monitor and then I can hear it when they reach our bedroom door. It wouldn’t be that bad if it didn’t wake me up and then have my OVERACTIVE imagination on top of that thinking that it’s some killer that is coming to do me in, in the middle of the night! Once they run back and forth a couple of times they will then run to our door and start to sharpen their claws on the door frame of the bedroom door… so then I start thinking that we have little goblins in our house that have sharp swords that are Jumping to reach the door handle… I swear one day I’m going to wake up and I’ll be staring into the eyes of a horrible red goblin with a sharp sword!

5. Coupons… I was so excited about getting the Indy newspaper every Sunday so that I could get a BUNCH of coupons to help save money, but as I’m using these HORRIBLE coupons I have found that I’m spending MORE money on stuff that I don’t normally buy but I justify it to myself b/c I have a coupon! I’m out of control!

6. New Shoes… I need to get some new shoes for work. I have a few pairs of tall shoes that I really LOVE but one of the pairs of shoes is a sandal and with winter just a few weeks away I won’t be able to go open toe to work any more so I need to hit the shoes store.

7. Garlic Breath… Today for lunch I put garlic salt on my food and I feel like I could repeal any vampire away within 100 miles. My mouth is almost burning because of the garlic taste and wouldn’t you know it. I have no gum or mints AGAIN!

8. My feet hurt… I got two new outfits the other day and since I’m short I have to wear tall shoes so that my pant leg don’t drag the floor and by doing this I have made my feet so very soar. I have only worn my platform shoes twice this week but they are definitely starting to revolt… I think it’s time for new shoes… please see above whine.

9. Dirty Clothes… Now as I mentioned before in my whines I stated that I have been trying to keep on the laundry this week b/c of our trip this weekend. So I asked Tait on Tuesday VERY nicely to please make sure he took his laundry to the white hamper in the laundry room this week, instead of leaving it in our bedroom. Well last night I came in and THERE WAS HIS CLOTHES ALLLLLLL OVER THE FLOOR! Men!

10. Spam email… Our office doesn’t have a spam filter right now so I am getting some of the MOST disgusting spam emails ever. I am so tired of getting emails that say things like “Want to give you girlfriend more pleasure?” “Do you dribble?” “Get it up quicker” I think you get my point. It’s gross and it drives me nuts. I know that everyone is getting these emails but MERCY SAKES! There was even a picture of a NAKED woman in my email and I’m talking TOTALLY naked she wasn’t hiding ANY secrets. Isn’t there a law that says that people can’t be subjected to this kind of nastiness? I mean if was searching for these type of things on websites then SURE bring it on… but I don’t get on those types of websites… please make it stop!

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