Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Weekly Update

Well another it’s time for another episode of WEEKLY UPDATE! (Round of applause) Okay so maybe not but here’s the update.

On Friday of this weekend Tait and I were enjoying a nice peaceful evening at home with Lehna Bean and the puppies when all HELLLLLL broke loose! Everything was going well it was about 8:30 and we had just put Lehna to bed when Tait was in the bedroom with Molly and Daisy. Well all of a sudden I was just about to come into the bedroom and Tait started Yelling for me and I could hear Molly and Daisy having it out.

Molly was eating some of the dog food that was littered on the floor and Daisy was starting to have a treat as well. Well Molly attacked Daisy and Daisy was growling and barking and Molly had a hold of Daisy by the back of the neck and was not letting go. Tait was straddling Molly and had a hold of Molly and was frantically screaming and trying to get Molly to let go of Daisy… Well I come in and I tried to pry Molly off of Daisy by reaching around Daisy (the front of her) and pry Molly off, well in the mean time Daisy reached out and bit me! Well I then went to the back of Molly with Tait and I reached under Molly and started pinching and pulling Molly’s belly to get Molly to let go of Daisy. Well Molly let go of Daisy and in the mean time bit Tait on the knee, but he a hold of Molly’s head (it was kind of a mess) and we put Molly in her create and put Daisy in the other room. Well Tait and I were both kind of in shock that this had happened and we walked out into the living room Tait was limping and I was going into the kitchen for an ice pack for my bite. Well Tait put alcohol on his bite and I kept ice on mine and after about a half hour we went to bed. It was one crazy night. When I woke up the next morning my arm was still hurting and I looked down and it looked horrible. The bite had bruised my arm and I could still see the teeth marks (not to shabby for a dog with no teeth) and Tait was still limping! We were a sad sight to see. Well the dogs were totally fine with one another the food was cleaned up and everyone was okay.

On Saturday we went to Purdue for tailgating and to watch Purdue get their butts handed to them. It was a horrible game and it was sad to watch. This weekend is going to be Northwestern and I have a feeling it’s going to be another beating. YUCK! But the tailgating was a lot of fun. We of course had a ton of great food and that was a LOT of fun. Theresa watched Lehna for us so I was a little bit freer to overindulge if you will and I got a pretty good buzz which was nice. Jackie and I were both feeling really good by the time game time rolled around. Of course by the second quarter I was back to my normal self and as we were walking back to the car Tait kept telling me how annoying I was the first quarter and the walk there… but other than that I had a good time. I am hoping that next weekend is chilly b/c Tait and I would like to bring our fire pit grill thing and have hot dogs and smores for the next game, but I would like it to be a little chilly for us to bring that contraption. Which it doesn’t sound too promising, I love football games when it’s cold outside! OH and this weekend for football picks I kicked Tait’s butt. I won BOTH college and Pro picks! So that means that I’m ahead in overall points for both and Tait has to make dinner on one of my nights this week AND he had to spend one night this week with NO play station/computer and have total attention towards Lehna and I. Not that he normally doesn’t spend time with us… it’s just this will be total our time to play and stuff. I can’t wait! So hopefully next week will bring the same… VICTORY IS MINE attitude!

Sunday we headed out to the Roy’s for the weekly Colt’s game and the Colts won Yeah! So now they are 5 and 0 which is great b/c it gives us Purdue fans something to cheer for! But Lehna was great she played and played and didn’t whine the whole day. She’s become quite the mommy’s girl this weekend. She would constantly reach for me and watch me when I’m in the room making sure that I’m paying attention to her. It’s very difficult to get anything done when she does that though, b/c I feel bad for not paying attention to her!

On Monday we took Lehna for her 6 mth check up and she got three shots. Dr. Patel checked her out and said she was a very BIG girl and that she looks really healthy. She said she can still hear some wheezing due to her latest cold but she thought it would clear up in a couple of days. She’s still on the liquid steroid for a few more days and then she’ll continue her breathing treatments for twice day until November then she’ll go back to once a day. Lehna is a whooping 19 lbs 2 oz. and she is 26 ½ inches long. She said that due to her weight she’s in the 90th percentile and she’s in the 75th percentile for her length. She was impressed by Lehna’s constant on the go, busy demeanor when we where there. I told her that Lehna has been getting on all fours and rocking but we haven’t seen crawling yet and the Dr. said that normal development is 9 mths for crawling so she said she’s ahead of the game. Dr. Patel also said that by her next appointment at 9 mths she said that she is certain Lehna will be crawling if not more… so we need to get our house baby proofed as soon as possible, which it some needs work. Lehna was upset by the shots but after both Tait and I held her she stopped crying and managed to let us take her to Kroger’s and out to eat so I was happy about that. She even ate lunch really well.

Once we got home we played with Lehna some more and enjoyed the day with her. Well minus the shots of course but Lehna was a trooper and that was wonderful! She did get a little whiney as the afternoon let on and she wanted me to hold her, I would walk out of the room and Lehna would cry, or I would just walk by her and she would cry wanting me to pick her up! So at night we gave her a bottle and tried to put her to bed at 8 and she just wouldn’t give into it so as she was drifting off to sleep I decided to put her in her crib to “fall asleep on her own” and I placed her in her crib and before I had even shut the door she was crying. I let her cry for 5 mins before getting her. I know I should have let her cry more but I just couldn’t do it. So I went in and picked her up carried her to the front room and sat down in the chair and in that time she had fallen asleep she was THAT tired, she just was being stubborn. What did I expect though after having a day full of shots and being carted around everywhere… she was bound to be fussy some time! But for the most part that was our day.

I have also found out that the weekend of the 22nd in October we are going to go north and visit my mom in Wisconsin again! I’m sooooo excited! Tait said he can’t wait to see mom’s new house and check out where she lives. The original plan was that Trent and Tait were going to go to the Purdue vs. Wisconsin game while Lehna and I went to mom’s to hang out with her…. But since Purdue is just sucking all over… that may not happen and Tait and I will just visit mom. I can’t wait regardless! Okay so I should go since this post is like forever long but I will have pictures THIS week probably tomorrow b/c I need to post them for all of you Baby Hounding Monkeys!


Sarah said...

Wow... what a weekend!! I can't believe the dogs bit ya'll!! Craziness!! I can't wait to see the pictures!! Talk to you soon I'm sure!!

Stephanie said...

We live in the center of craziness Sarah! Where every day is an exciting adventure!