Monday, October 31, 2005


Here is a little brief update for this weekend. I am not going to get the Whiney Weekday up today but I would imagine I will have some time this week and I of course come up with some stuff to whine about which I am SURE it will be tough for me… yeah right!

This weekend as you can see we were able to catch Lehna crawling. Jackie managed to upload the pictures to the site… she’s much quicker than I am AND she knows how to do it. I hope we can get some more clips up as Lehna grows.

Here is Lehna taking a bath this weekend. I figured out that I didn’t have any “bath” pictures yet, I do have some video of her taking a bath but… not pictures… so here’s a picture!

Rub and Dub Dub I see Lehna in the Tub!

This morning we dressed Lehna as a pumpkin for daycare. She really isn’t as unhappy as she looks in this picture. Lehna was GREAT she didn’t take her hat off once athough she did pull it down over her eyes, she might have been embarrassed.

"Mom MUST I wear the hat?"

Here is a picture of Lehna and Tiger. Tiger is REALLY good with the baby. He is more interested in getting “laptime” from me so he doesn’t seem to mind that Lehna constantly pulls his fur and gives him kisses. I’m lucky we have such a docile cat… of course to us he bite our fingers and stuff.

"Pretty Kitty!"

The last picture is of Lehna and her piano. The foam squares have a piano with like playable keys and stuff… of course Lehna could care less about that she just wants the square box that changes the sound and stuff, figures.

Well I probably will have another update later this week, Mom is coming down from Wisconsin tomorrow! So Lehna and I will be spoiled all week! YEAH! AND I’ll have a bunch to write about!


Anonymous said...

I loved the little movie. Pretty cool. I also really like Lehna's fancy pants jeans.
I saw Tanna's comment. Where are the Wagner grandkids going to Trick-or-treat at?
Poor little Olin doesn't get to go tonight. He went to the Dr. with this cold, cough, fever thing today, and the Dr. suggested no trick or treating for him tonight. (This is cousin Tammi if you couldn't figure it out.)

Sarah said...

Hey Steph.. just wanted to say good luck tomorrow!!! Lots of love!!