Thursday, August 11, 2005

Mid-Afternoon Update

Well I decided to write another entry this week. I know I don’t have any pictures like I mentioned I would try to do… I suck badly I know! But I do have cute pictures… doesn’t that count for something? Probably not!

So I wanted to let everyone know that I took Lehna back to the doctor this week. As most of you know Lehna has had a cough from about the age of 6 weeks and I have mentioned it over and over to Lehna’s old pediatrician and always received the response that it was nothing, and there really isn’t anything you can do for it. Well lately Lehna’s cough has become increasingly worse. It’s been so bad to where she is no longer sleeping through the night because she wakes herself up with her coughing.

Well at her well baby appointment Lehna’s new pediatrician checked Lehna out and stated that she sounded very raspy and raddally (scientific terms). Well her new pediatrician told me that she was concerned about the sounds she was hearing and gave her some medication for me to try for her sinuses and she said it may help with her chest problems but if it doesn’t and if she still sounds congested to call her next week. Well she didn’t improve this weekend her sinuses aren’t bothering her any more but she still was coughing. So they had me bring her in. Her doctor said that she sounded even worse. I told the peditrician that she’s had this cough since she was six weeks old. The doctor then told me that she’s probably had this congestion in her for that long AND she said that she was surprised that it wasn’t worse! Can you believe that! So much for “oh it’s nothing and there’s nothing we can do!” I HATE the idea of what would have happened if we would have continued to take Lehna to her old Pediatrician… I mean we probably would have to deal with pneumonia which is SCARY STUFF! So Dr. Patel ordered her to do 5 breathing treatments a day and wants to see her again next week to check on her progress. She said that if when we go back on Monday if it’s not any better she will have to prescribe a steroid for her inhaler medication! I really want to go put the smack down on her old pediatrician b/c I mean that’s just ridiculous!

So hopefully Lehna will continue to get better. In the half a day of treatment that she recieved she was already coughing and getting rid of some of her congestion which is GREAT! I hope she continues to get better! Well thanks again for reading about us I will continue to update you on her progress! I hope everyone has a good rest of the week. I WILL have pictures next update!


Jacqueline said...

Steph, I LOVE the baby animal pictures!!!!!! So cute!

Stephanie said...

Thank you! I figured I made up for having NO pictures of Lehna this week! I'm such a bad mommy!

lkmanitou said...

*asthmatic side of me kicking in*

Is she on an albuterol breathing treatment? If so, don't be surprised if she gets really wired or shaky after a few days of treatments. Does her new physician think that she has asthma then? I'm VERY glad that her new one is doing something about her breathing problems!

Stephanie said...

She does have the Albut. treatments but the dr said this doesn't have the streoid in it. She said that if she doesn't get better then they will have to do the streiod treatment... but so far Lehna is much better so far so hopefully that won't be an issue! The dr said that since asthma doesn't run in the family then it's possible it's just congestion that was built up (from 6 weeks old) but she said that it's possible Lehna will be plagued with this off and on until she's two sooooo hopefully that won't happen but she said that it's possible... so we'll see.