Thursday, March 14, 2013

Easter is seriously so close!

Okay so I realize that it has been awhile since I have updated but there really hasn’t been too much that has happened.

Nikolai did have his 2nd birthday. We had a small gathering for his birthday. He got trucks and trains and he was OVER the MOON! Those are a few of his favorite things! My mom got him a semi truck that has little trucks inside of it and not only does he love the fact he can carry his trucks wherever he wants. He also enjoys the fact that he can RIDE his semi from room to room. That is one of his favorite things to do is sit on the big semi and run it up and down the hallway. So he’s very inventive if you has me! He’s such a funny little boy.

The girls birthday is literally right around the corner and I can’t believe it! It’s amazing just how fast it goes. It’s hard to believe that it’s already ½ through MARCH. I mean truly, didn’t this month just START! Lehna is scheduled to get her ears pierced next weekend. I found a lady that has her own beauty shop and she does them out of her home. She is very excited about it. I’m nervous b/c I know that she gets SUPER anxious over that kind of thing. But I know she’ll be fine. I am very upfront about how it will hurt. I have told her that it’s like a shot it will hurt. So we’ll see if she will go through it. If not it’s okay, she can wait for a little longer. She knows she had to be eight before we would even consider getting her ears getting pierced. But this is a weekend before her birthday. But since we are going to be out of town for her birthday I told her we would do it 7 days early. So she was excited about that.

Maya is excited to be 6. We keep calling her six and she says “I’m not six yet daddy/mommy.” It’s funny b/c to her she really just wants to go visit Deklyn in Indiana. That is what she is most concerned about. We have told her that she shares the day with Easter this year and it really hasn’t set in what that really means. We normally take them out to dinner for their birthday so with us being in Indiana we will have to go somewhere on the way home or something like that. We will be going back to Indiana before my family dinner in Peru, which is sad  I miss seeing my family but we are planning on seeing them that weekend so it just won’t be for Easter dinner.

So that’s life right now… not too much going on. A lot of the same things over and over unfortunately.

I’ll keep you posted on what happens with the birthdays!

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