Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Teaching moment.

Don’t you love it in life when you get little teaching moments? Our family has been going to church off and on now for 6 years. The girls have been going to Iwana for the past year and they have been too MANY Vacation Bible Schools it’s truly ridiculous how many they have gone too. Well at times there are different topics that come up that the girls will ask about and we will take a moment for a teaching moment. Well for Iwana this week the girls are to bring Easter eggs that have something in them that remind them about Easter. Something that they find is the most important thing about Easter. Well I was telling them that I needed them to get their eggs ready tonight instead of waiting until the last minute so they will be ready to go for Wednesday night. Lehna goes “well mom mine will be really easy b/c I’m just going to put a picture of a bunny in my egg.” So I asked the girls what the most important thing about Easter is and Maya shouted out “The candy!” and Lehna said, “The Easter Bunny is also important Maya” I go but girls why do we celebrate Easter? CRICKETS! Literally nothing... Really we have been going to church for 6 years, you go to bible study, and VBS and you don’t know? Hum... So I said the reason why we celebrate Easter is because we are remembering Christ and the sacrifice he made for us. He died on the cross so we could be forgiven of our sins and etc, etc... Still blank stares. Then Lehna promptly goes “well I’m going to get a picture of a cross instead of a bunny.” Maya just goes “but I like the candy” LOL MY kids they crack me up. They truly say the funniest things.

I was over hearing yesterday as they were playing and the line that made me laugh the hardest was Maya saying to Lehna and her doll “Yes this is the hospital and I was just stopping by to see if your legs were working?” Lehna of course responded but it was too funny. The things they say are just so funny sometimes and they way that they play. I’m glad that the girls are able to play with one another. You can tell that Lehna is starting to drift away from her play stage however. She is must more interested in being a girl girl rather than playing with dolls and house. But you can still catch them on occasion playing mom and school. Those are probably their FAVORITE games; I hear school more than house however.

So this is an update on top of an update since I didn’t get this posted yesterday this is from Monday and Tuesday. So where Tait and I work there are several different departments and we have in our building but we are all pretty much Kenosha County employees. There are lots of bake sales and raffles going on and yesterday there was a bake sale with a raffle and we won a raffle basket. It was perfect actually for us. It is a basket that will be great for Maya! She will really enjoy it its all princess “dress up” themed so we were excited that we got this basket for $5 bucks (we had 6 tickets and only one won). But it was great! So now we have to make the other baskets look similar but it is a really cute basket and with all the stuff that’s in it, it’s quite a steal for $5 bucks. I am doing something different for the kids for Easter this year. Since we will be coming home on Easter we are going to have the kids wait until we get home before they get their baskets. But I have received a note from the Easter Bunny telling the kids that their Easter Baskets are at home with a surprise. When the kids get home the baskets are going to be hidden and they will have a scavenger hunt in order to find their baskets. I’m really excited about it, this is the first year we are doing this and I’m hoping it’s successful. So I’m hoping that they have a good time with it. So I will take pictures so we will have memories captured. It should be a good time. Since Maya has a premade Easter basket are ready I had the brain child of getting a BIG Easter basket and filling it with candy (since I already got that) and putting that out for all of us to enjoy, so than I won’t have to open the already perfect Easter Basket.

So tonight is going to be pretty busy, luckily the girls have Awana so they will attending that and while they are there we are going to be getting the Easter basket goodies, their birthday gifts, and packing. I have a feeling the evening is going to FLY by! But we leave tomorrow for Indiana. We have a neighbor checking in our kitties while we are gone just to make sure that they are well taken care of. I have my long list of everything that I want to get for the trip and the list is VERY long! I will probably have to scale it back a bit.

So I’m going to sign off now. To the weekend of traveling and having a good time with family!

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