Friday, July 26, 2013

Update Time


So I know it’s been a couple of days but I really wanted to update before the weekend I have forgotten all of the things through the week.


So what’s been going on.  Well we had the parade last Saturday and Miss Maya was in the parade for Little Miss she was super cute and I think she REALLY enjoyed her time being in the parade.  I had Joyce do her hair and it looked SOOOO cute.  She was really done being in the parade by the time it ended but it was fun for her.  She only has two more parades left and then she’s done until next summer J


This past week Nikolai has been really cute in him learning how to say Please and speaking more.  He has learned quite a number of words and has been using them more and more frequently.  We still have periods of time where I can’t understand what he’s saying but compared to where he was before it’s truly been good.  He did say “I love you mama”  of course it was prompted but I was excited that he started saying it.


Lehna meet some more friends up the hill.  When we first decided to move back to Indiana Lehna was so worried that there wouldn’t be any kids her age to play with.  Well Lehna meet two little girls that are RIGHT up the hill from us (you don’t even have to walk across the street) that are 10 and 7 so they are the perfect ages for Lehna and Maya to play with.  So I’m really excited about that.


This weekend we have playtime at the hotel.  The kids are going to go spend the night at the hotel after swimming of course and then tomorrow we have the FOP golf tournament.  It’s a tournament was play in every year.  This year it feels a little strange just because of things that are going on in the background but I’m hoping it’s still fun.


Anywho… that’s what’s going on right now.

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