Monday, July 01, 2013

Two weeks in review

So where to begin.  I’ll start with the oldest information first.  So two weeks ago I traveled north to Wisconsin to see the performance Wicked.  It was a good weekend.  We had a GREAT time, the kids stayed with Tim and Helen with a last minute change, but they had a great time.  The show was amazing.  I didn’t know what the story was about at all.  I know Jackie and I had talked a long time ago what the story was about, but I truly didn’t remember any of.  The music was really good as well.  Our seats were AMAZING.  We were two rows from the front!  We could see them sweat and spit!  The spit a LOT.  But the music was wonderful.  I liked it so much I downloaded the music to my kindle later that night.  I’m glad that we were able to see it.  It will be in Indianapolis in November and we would like to take the girls to it.  I think they would REALLY enjoy it. 

 Tait and I were also able to get a nice hotel room and had dinner out in Milwaukee.  It was a great weekend.  We really enjoyed having our date weekend and the best part was it was only one week away from when he was coming home for good. 

He came back on Friday and the kids were excited.  It was amazing and it is wonderful having him full time.  He has this week of “vacation” before he starts with Indiana DCS again.  He’s so excited about being an investigator again.  We both really enjoy being back in Indiana.  It really is good being so close to family.  It still feels like we are visiting but it’s good.  It adjustment time for us as well. 


So that’s two weekends ago…

Now for the big news from THIS WEEKEND! 

Maya won the Little Miss Miami County pageant.  We were so excited for her.  Her rein will be from Now – until the next fair 2014.  She will be in three parades this summer and then will be able to judge and crown her replacement come next summer.  We were very shocked but Maya was just herself and really was cute.  (not that I’m biased) 

The girls were asked 4 different questions below are the questions and answers she provided.  (the first 3 questions we knew what they were going to be the 4th was a wild card question from her information sheet)

1.       What was your favorite thing to do at the fair? 

Maya’s Answer – Eat Cotton Candy

2.       Where would you like to go on vacation and why?

Maya’s answer – To my cousin’s house Zach and Evan, b/c they are my favorite cousins

3.       What is your favorite animal and why?

Maya’s Answer – an Elephant (which she was carrying) and why, because if you had one in your home they could give you a shower every day (she then proceeded to lift it above her head upside down) 

4.       What do you like about your favorite TV Show Peppa Pig?

Maya – They fall down when they laugh

We can that Lehna coached her a little but she did these things on her own.  At practice she said totally different things, so we didn’t know why was going to come out of her mouth.  She just was really natural and she smiled really well and blew the judges a kiss.  It was really good.  She was shocked and was happy that she won.  She LOVES her crown and sash.  It should be interesting watching her on the parade routes.  I know she will really like being on the floats and waving.  She keeps asking if the people are going to throw candy at her and we keep trying to explain that SHE will be THOWING candy not the other way around. 

We have had some green with envy from Lehna, which is totally to be expected.  She cried a little bit when Maya was wearing her crown.  But Lehna wants to do the Denver Pageant and we told her she could.  I don’t know if she’ll win or not but I hope regardless of what happens she doesn’t turn into a sore loser.  She told Maya that she couldn’t do the Denver pageant and we told her that she already had a crown she doesn’t need to enter that pageant.  So hopefully that will settle her down. So we’ll see what happens. 

I have more pictures but they are not off my camera yet.  L  I know I know I suck big time.

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