Wednesday, May 08, 2013


Don’t you just hate it when time gets away from you? I had been doing SOOOO well with my little updates and etc than… you know I stopped. Sometimes you know…

Anywho. Soooooo life. Well I can’t go into much detail but things are going to be changing for our little family. We have stuff going on behind the scenes that I can’t get into too much but change is near and coming upon us FAST! So stay tuned for later updates. I feel like a news caster that is giving you a “teaser” for more on this tune back in at 10. No I’m hoping that I will be able to release more information soon, but can’t… not yet.

So let’s going on with things I CAN talk about. Well I started my job at the Sheriff’s Department. It’s fine. I wouldn’t describe it as WONDERFUL, quite honestly it’s BORNING. I have to go and look for work all the time and I hate that. I was assured that I wouldn’t have to do that, but apparently I do or they don’t realize that they truly don’t need a full time person in this position. But whatever I am not the chief I’m just a soldier. It’s kind of strange getting used to everyone around you carrying a gun, and they are very proud of the fact that they are carrying a gun. I still sense the arrogance when they walk around me, but that will take awhile for that to fade. It’s kind of a bizarre thing to be honest with you. Law enforcement what a crazy field. I work at the detention center so it’s like Ladoga Academy. You can’t go anywhere without control having to pop doors on you and you are constantly on camera. You just feel like you are being watched at all times. Which you are and it’s for your own safety so its fine. We have pretty mild inmates/detainees here so it’s fine. I am supposed to be teaching other departments, which I learned the front desk position. That was a BUSY position. I’m sure she does it VERY quickly but I felt SO slow at it. So I wrote lots and lots of notes on it, so when I go back in the role in however long I will have some idea of what the heck I’m doing. As long as I can continue to have time to be able to compile my notes after doing the job. I should be fine. I have to tell you though my chair is so uncomfortable. It’s seriously the worst chair ever. I’m going to have to do something about that. Anywho… enough about work blah!

The kids and etc. The kids are great. They are really in slow down mode since school is coming to an end. Lehna works everyday to get more AR points for her swimming party. She only needs 1 more point which equals two books and you would have thought that this is something she will die over if she doesn’t get. Life or death let me tell you. She normally reads 2 – 3 books per week so she is of course being very dramatic.

Maya well she is ready for school to be over. She doesn’t like school or her teacher and really doesn’t want to have to get out of bed every morning. And usually I am getting her ready and she goes back to sleep in the bed.

Nikolai is almost done with the speech therapy program we have had him in. He is still struggling with speaking but he does speak more. He is now working on developing the right sounds with the right words. So sometimes we can’t understand what he’s saying and we have to have him repeat what he is wanting. Tait has gone to the full classes and he said that they are so boring. LOL We only have one more class left and I get to attend it  After this last class they will then set up a time to reevaluate him. We can say that he has improved he now has the desire to want to talk; he just now has to figure out the words and sounds. So we can continue to do more individual therapy sessions, group speech therapy, or classes where it’s more individualized. The issue will be timing of course b/c a lot of the parents involved with this class actually don’t work so having their child scheduled from 10-12 okay b/c they don’t work anyway. For the other working parents it more difficult. The therapist asked if our daycare provider would be willing to bring Nikolai in for the classes or if she would be willing to have her come to her home to work with him. HUMMMMM I don’t like either of those options. Can’t you just arrange for an evening class from 5:30- 6:30 once a week or something and put all the WORKING parents in that… so who knows. Tait wants to be done with the entire thing. He doesn’t want to move forward with any more classes, he feels that they haven’t helped at all. Which I have to agree, I don’t think they have been that helpful. They have been a LITTLE but I think I could have just read it in a book for as much information we have ‘gained’ in this process. So we’ll see. With stuff a happening we will figure out a path.

So we took family pictures they are all over my facebook page. I like getting their pictures taken once a year and I’m so glad that we have done this because I love having the update of them. It’s amazing to see how much our children have grown from year to year. We get their school pictures but with Nikolai not being in school yet he would be “left out”. It love updating my pictures and enjoying the new ones. I know it’s such a silly thing but I truly enjoy having them updated.

 Family ~ 2013

 My Three Kiddos

 Lehna Marie

 Maya Elizabeth

Nikolai Anthony

Purging purging purging. So one thing that I AM doing is cleaning. We are purging a BUNCH of stuff. We have so much crap in our house that we have to reduce and reduce some more. It’s amazing just how much stuff you “collect”. I have taken FOUR van loads to goodwill and still have MORE. How is that even possible, but it is trust me and we are getting rid of stuff. We still have quite a bit more to go through but we have made a HUGE dent in what we are doing. Our church is doing a fund raiser for the Young women and they need stuff to sell for the yard sell so we are donating donating donating!!! I’m hoping we will get more to them before next week as the sale is on the 18th! We are going south this weekend so we will lose this weekend, but I think I can get in gear and get more to them. We are going to pack more of Helen and Tim’s stuff in the van on this trip to give it to them. I told them that whatever they want they better come and get b/c if they don’t take it, its going! So supposedly they are coming to get some, but we will bring what we can this weekend down to them. I have also been putting “free” stuff on our yard for people to take… that’s been fun too. Yesterday we put out a power wheels, that needs a new battery and it’s HUGE so we gave that away. Maya of course cried. But we told her that we needed to get rid of stuff and I promised her I would get another charger for her power wheels that she has right now. So she was okay with it.

Well that’s life as we know it for now. I know it’s not super exciting but sometimes life is just boring.

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