Thursday, April 18, 2013

So what’s new and exciting.

So much has happened since my last update. So let’s get a going on updating.

So as you can tell I didn’t get the job at DCFS on Friday. I was more than disappointed after the news came out. It actually prompted a quick trip to my mom’s house. Sometimes you just need your mom. I also got the offer of going to the Sheriff’s Department for a position there. That I had turned down the week previously. So there were a couple of decisions to make. You probably don’t understand what decisions so let’s rewind.

Tait and I had been talking about moving back to Indiana. We have been struggling financially with living here and honestly the bump in pay from the DCFS job was going to help us remain here in Kenosha. And we kind of were waiting to see what was going to happen with DCFS. So we kind of just waited so then when I didn’t get the job but the Sheriff’s job was open again it kind of made it a little tricky. I mean the issue that we were experiencing was do I roll the dice and stay a temp, there wasn’t a guarantee that I would find another position and I didn’t know when it would happen. I didn’t know when my current position was going end, so I could have the issue of not being eligible for unemployment because of timing. So we wanted to make some decisions. By the time I left my mom’s there wasn’t a clear answer I was leaning towards turning down the position as I felt that I was only being offered the position b/c I was last candidate as they offered it to me again, and I felt that it might be a bad job b/c no one else had taken it, so what was wrong with it? This crossed my mind a lot. Then I felt that I would roll the dice on finding another position. I would apply to jobs in Indiana and hopefully be able to get there soon. Tait was planning on applying in Indiana and we would move forward.

On Monday I called the HR office and spoke to them further about the position. They said I was the ONLY one they had offered to them and wanted me to tour the position. They felt that by doing that I would be able to see the environment and kind of moving forward with that one way or the other. So on Tuesday I toured the facility and I got a good vibe there the people were really nice and I felt like they really wanted me there. So that kind of changed my perspective a little. I have had many roads and bridges to cross recently and so unfortunately the waiting for DCFS opportunity didn’t come to fruition so it was deciding on what to do now. So after touring I felt that I should take the position. If anything it builds my resume and it allows me to continue to work. I found out on Wednesday that my position for DCFS is going to end on Friday. So timing couldn’t have been better b/c of unemployment and the requirements and etc. So I went for pre-employment screening yesterday, physical and drug test. So I’m waiting on those results but I won’t have any problems.

So we are again at a cross roads. Tait wants to move back and so he has taken necessary steps towards that. He has been contacted by the recruiter for Indiana and they would like to set up an interview so that’s moving forward. In the time being I have also been contacted by a company I applied to in Indiana and they are going to do a phone interview next week. So things are kind of fuzzy at the moment. We are just trying to muddle through things and figure things out. I don’t know what we are going to do in the long term. There are some advantages of moving back but there are some disadvantages. The same is similar to staying in Kenosha. So it’s hard to figure out. I know the answer will come to us but in the mean time we need to stay positive, which is super hard, and these short term things will work themselves out. We just need to come up with some long term goals and what are we going to do to accomplish them.

The paths are opening for us again. We just need to figure out what we want. It’s interesting that the road was back open for me and I feel like I need to investigate the road that was given to me and kind of decide what to do. It’s tough. The kids are still young enough they don’t have a strong opinion either way. Lehna has said she wants to stay here. Maya on the other hand has said she wants to move. So there isn’t a push either way.

So we’ll see I’ll keep you posted either way. At least I will have a job and will still be building my résumé. I’m hoping that I can continue to grow and develop the way I need to.

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