Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welcome to Break Down City... Population EVERYONE!

So I was watching the news the other day and it was talking about how this father has developed a blog called “Reasons why my son is crying” and it’s a blog of pictures of his son that he takes of his son while crying and puts captions under. He was recently on Good Morning America and I have to tell you I can totally relate with this man. It seems like the last two weeks we have had break down after break down for our kids. It’s crazy it seems like right now they are passing it from one kid to other.

Last night for example. Maya was put in time out b/c she was talking back and just acting horrible. So she was put in time out... than she was allowed to get up. Then she refused to get up and then started saying some pretty horrible things to me so I made her go to her room b/c she refused to change her attitude. So she was in her room just crying and crying. Then Tait comes in and he’s like “what’s going on” and I’m like break down time. So he goes and talks to Maya. Maya is now fine. Than que Nikolai. He was upset over not having his cup of milk. I gave him a cup of milk than he refuses to take it from me. So I walked away from his break down and he chases me asking me about his cup the entire time. So finally I got him to take his cup and he is fine than, then que Lehna. She starts getting all upset because we decided we weren’t going to go to Iwana last night because the neighbors weren’t going and it was guest night and we didn’t have guests and etc etc... So she started throwing a fit. So than She finally settles down and so than we decided we were going to order pizza for dinner... then Maya starts in again how she doesn’t want pizza she wants hot dogs... I mean it was a circle over and over again. It so drives me nuts when they get likes this. I don’t know if the weather or what the heck is going on, but seriously... YIKES! So anyway back to my original point. The blog I can relate with. I feel like I could write a book over why Nikolai cries. He is constantly crying over crazy things. I know its age but mercy it’s contagious. Like he keeps getting upset over having to change his shirt every day. Some days I don’t fight I just put his new shirt of his pj shirt. I don’t have for this crap. So hopefully the kids well settle down.

This morning we had another break down morning. It was time to have the kids get their shoes on and get in the car. So I make the announcement, like I do every morning, “okay guys time to get your shoes on and coats and go.” So Maya is sitting on a chair in my room and I go “come on Maya”... she says “nope, I’m not going to leave this chair today” I said “okay but you are going to be home all by yourself, b/c we are leaving” So than she comes in the front room laying on the floor “I don’t want to go to school today.” I told her that I was sorry but she was going to school today. I said “you have 5 minutes and if you don’t have your shoes and coat on you will go without b/c I’ll carry you to the car” So she finally gets her shoes on... Then que Nikolai. He’s playing with the case of DVDs and he picks out Dora and I go “okay buddy you want to watch that in the van today.” And so I “Okay let’s go get your coat on so we can watch it” This child falls down on the floor and refuses to put his coat on. Finally I pick him up take the DVD from him and get his coat on him... so he’s now standing their crying at me. So I tell the girls it’s time to walk out the door. Lehna is walking around “I can’t find my coat.” I said Lehna “you have four coats PICK ONE!” Nikolai is still crying... Maya has her coat on she’s by the front door, and Lehna now walks outside without a coat on... I say “for the love just go get a freaking coat on” She goes back in and selects another coat... and out the door we go. Then we all climb in the car and Lehna goes “mom we forgot our backpacks” REALLLLLLY! We do this EVERY MORNING and you forget your backpacks... So Lehna goes “Maya I’ll get them.” And I go “no you sit, I’ll get them” I run in get them and we are off... did I mention it’s raining like cats and dogs. BLAHHHHH It’s just been like this the last couple of weeks. I don’t know what’s going on but it’s strong in the air. Some of you might be wondering where Tait was with all of this was going on. He has been leaving early to take one of his clients to school so he has been abandoning I mean leaving before us every morning. But supposedly he’ll be back to being back with us in the morning.... LUCKY him. It’s just been a stressful time. We are just adjusting and I know part if Maya’s issue is she doesn’t like her teacher and I’m not all the impressed with her either but the school year is ALMOST over just hang on. I am also finding that one of the older kids in her class has been doing her work for her. They have 1st and Kindergarten in her class so there are older kids in there. I was reading something of hers and part of it was Maya’s hand writing and than the other was obviously another child’s writing on her work and I asked her about it. And she goes oh Mikayla helped me. I told her that she needs to not have her friend do her work b/c than the teacher doesn’t know what she’s struggling with and she’ll get behind. She already struggles in reading and sounds of letters. So the teacher has recommended that she go to summer school this year and I think that is going to be the best thing for her. I don’t know what she knows and doesn’t b/c I think this has been happening all year. Its funny the other day I was reading over her stuff and I was complimenting her on her printing b/c it looked so nice. Well now that I think back and seeing both hands writing on the page it obviously wasn’t her work. But I think she’s getting “extra help” at CLC too (after school and before school program) I think they are just doing her work for her so that has me concerned. I’m telling you this parenting thing... no guide book, it’s rough.

But anyway on the job front. I had my interview with the county for the job that I have been doing for the past 9 months today. I think it went okay. I don’t think it went badly at all. So we’ll see. But at lunch time today I got a phone call from a recruiter in Milwaukee that came across my resume online and is interested in speaking to me more about my job history. So I am hoping that’s not my sign from the big man upstairs that I’m not getting this job so he’s helping me get my next door open. So I asked when I should know something about the county job and they said tomorrow... so we’ll see. I have decided and it’s the truth there is nothing more I can do. Time will reveal its evil plan for me. Although my horoscope told me that the next TWO YEARS ARE GOING TO BE THE BEST FOR MY CAREER. LOL I don’t know what that means... but supposedly. Of course it said that it was going to take off this year and not slow down. LOL I don’t know “when” it’s supposed to happen but that’s what the stars said anyway. Who can rely on the stars right? They have only been there for centuries. I guess I’ll just have to have faith after all.

But that’s life in our crazy house right now... crazy crazy. I need a vacation!

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