Friday, November 09, 2012

News and other Views

So I have to say that one of my favorite past times right now is reading Yahoo “news” articles. I use the word news as very lightly as I can b/c most of the time it’s just crap. Well what I really enjoy reading is the comments that people make, most of the time they crack me up.

I was reading one of the articles about how Kate Middleton was wearing the same dress twice to another event. (like I said this is the News part I was telling you about earlier) the comments were funny so I picked out a few so to show you what I’m talking about…

rocketman : in other news, I wore the same suit I bought 5 years ago to an event for probably 35th time now.

T : So what. Its a lovely dress. Is she supposed to cut it up and make doilies with it, after she wears it once or something?

figure8 They #$%$ if she has a new wardrobe, she makes headlines when she wear something twice, PEOPLE get a life. Go change your underwear or something.

Jennilynn A. Wait, you can reuse clothes?

It really makes me smile some of the comments that are posted on Yahoo at times. Sometimes they can just be cruel and mean but other times it’s slamming Yahoo for their choice of “news” articles. Other times they are just people complaining about why they clicked on the article. I don’t know they make me smile so I wanted to share.

Well last night was a pretty exciting night. I went on a second interview with the company that I had talked to before. I think it sounds like there’s going to be a job offer made. But my ½ hour interview I was planning on ending up taking 1 ½ hours! It was really long, but it was good I understand more about their business a little better so that will help me make my decision a little better. I really am caught between a rock and a hard place as far as the job front goes and I’m worried about all the changes that are going to be occurring and I Really don’t know if this is going to be a change I want to make, or will I need to make it. It’s kind of frustrating, and nerve racking all at the same time.

So by the time I got home it was like 7:30 and by the time I came home I wasn’t able to make my favorite pizza, which is: tomato, mozzarella, basil, and garlic on a homemade crust let me tell you it is YUMMY! And it’s super fast so I love it! But any way. I was craving No Baked Cookies like crazy so I made those instead! I thought for a few minutes that they were going to be bad and not set up but you know they set up fine, I just wasn’t patient. I was looking through Lehna’s homework file and discovered the Lehna actually had WAY more homework than we thought. Tait did homework earlier with both girls and we thought it was completed, but I found more. So we worked on that. Lehna and I were chatting away as I was making No Bakes and she was doing her homework. Maya decided she wanted in on the action and she came in and was telling me about her day as well. It was really fun. The girls really love to help me cook or bake. I let them help as much as they can but my problem is just feeling it’s easier if I did it myself. So I have to work on that.

I am really going to try to work on this better. I know that the girls would love to be able to cook more and I’m going to really try to allow them to help me more. Obviously some things won’t be allowed but like the touching of raw meat or knife things, but dumping things into a bowl they should be able to handle, even Lehna can help with measuring. So note to self allow them to do more.

I feel like since I got home so late that I hardly spent any time with the little man. We are getting into super bad habits with him. Well not starting but continuing bad habits he truly is our little prince, we are going to PAY big time!

But anyway that’s life yesterday…

Oh...  Maya came into our room this morning and told me about her dream she had last night... She said that she went over to Grandma Jeanette's house and when they got there they had two swimming pools in their kitchen.  She said she really loved it because she got to go swimming in her kitchen last night.  
She is super cute... Her dreams crack me up. 

*They are going to be spending the night at Grandma Jeanette's and Grandpa Terry's on Saturday to Sunday b/c we are attending an evening wedding and they are both SUPER excited. 

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