Saturday, October 07, 2006

October is Here

Well I am under strict instructions that I am to keep this updated once a week. I will do my best Mom, but I do slack on occasion. So far this weekend has been busy and it’s only Saturday. Today Jackie and I decided to take Baby Zach & Lehna to the Zoo. It was a good time. I have some pictures that I was able to finally GET OFF my camera so this makes me excited for all of those to see Lehna pictures. I’m going to place them sporadically through this update so they may not make sense with the text but bear with me anyway!

Pretty Smile

The zoo was great fun. I really wanted to see how Lehna would react to the different animals and things. And I must say I was a little disappointed. I thought she would react more to the different animals and she really didn’t. Would look at the bears and afterwards would repeat the word bear over and over and that was about the most reaction we got. I think she had more fun just pushing the stroller around when we took breaks to sit down.
A Bear Says "Roaaaaaaar" Lehna says that! (just the Roaaaaaar part)

The zoo wasn’t very busy which was nice but it was a nice 58-65 degrees outside and the sun was shinning bright so it was nice jacket weather. I LOVE jacket weather it is my absolute favorite type of weather. So it was enjoyable to get the kids out to enjoy the day. I don’t think Zach has as much fun as Lehna did. He was upset a lot and Jackie and I took turns trying to soothe him. I think he just wanted to watch the football games on TV today instead of visit the zoo, but we’ll have to try again in a few more months.

Mama and the Kids!

Jackie and I have decided that on the next “crappy” weekends for bad weather we are going to take the kids to the Children’s museum. They have this water part there for an exhibit were kids build boats and test them out, but you can also build dams in the water and reroute the water and stuff. This is Tait’s FAVORITE place to visit. Usually it takes us MUCH longer to get him away from this exhibit then it does anyone else. So I can only imagine what Lehna will be like since she LOVES playing in the water for bathes and even in the dog’s dish. Jackie said they have a glass exhibit right now that is supposed to be really cool so we will go to that before it changes.

"I'm Too Cute NOT to be Rotten!"

Tait and I were going to take Lehna to Feast of the Hunter’s Moon in Lafayette but we both kind of decided that we didn’t know just what Lehna would enjoy there since she’s still just a little young. We think by next year she will REALLY enjoy the festival and we’ll take her there instead. So I think tomorrow the plan is to venture to the Pumpkin Patch which is actually just down the road from us. They always have LOTS of pumpkins to choose from so we wanted to let Lehna pick her own pumpkin this year. So if the weather stays as nice as it’s supposed to tomorrow that’s what we will be doing, oh and my mount of laundry that’s covering my carpet in the bedroom.
"This is MY Baby Zach!" Lehna Says.

I didn’t get to check the mail today so I don’t know if my new space totes came in yet, which I’m kind of bumped about. I want to start working on Lehna’s “new” room but I need to get some place to put all of her clothes that don’t fit anymore so I was watching TV one day and they had the new Space Totes come on for a commercial. They are very similar to the Space bags but these fold down into an actually square once you take the air out of them and I thought they would be perfect for Lehna’s room so I can compile her stuff. So this will be another weekend I don’t work on her room if I’m not careful we will be doing her room the night before Baby B gets here!
Just a pretty smile to make the day go by easier

Well Tait is transferring to a new county starting on Tuesday. This county is closer to home so he is excited. I’m also excited b/c that means about 40 minutes of sleeping EXTRA a day since he will be able to take Lehna to daycare with PLENTY of time every day. But unfortunately it won’t mean much for the next two weeks B/C next week is my early week at work AND the week after that Tait has training for four days so he will not be able to take Lehna to daycare everyday which stinks. He is excited about working so close to home and I’m glad he’s glad. His old county had a going away party for him on Friday and there were MANY in attendance and I think that really made Tait feel good. Lehna and I were at another event helping Tanna with her school project so we couldn’t go but Tait said it was a good time.

Lehna Says "By for Now!"

I think I will close my update for today I may update tomorrow if we do end up going to the pumpkin patch and I take pictures AND am able to load them on the computer… if I CAN’T accomplish all three of those things then… just know we had a good time. LOL okay that’s all I got. Thanks for reading about us.


Sarah said...

Oh my gosh!! She has gotten so BIG and amazingly enough.. cuter and cuter!!! :) You better take pictures tomorrow... get them off your camera and post them.. or... else!! LOL

Stephanie said...

I did it! I was able to take pictures and get them off the camera all in one day. Sometimes I suprise myself! I hope you enjoy them!