Thursday, June 30, 2005

This and That...

This is Hilarious!

This weekend flew by again! This past weekend Tait, Lehna, and I went north to visit everyone in Peru. We had a great weekend. It was nice to be able to have extra hands around to hold Lehna. I know that everyone enjoyed holding and seeing her. We spend Friday through Sunday with the Wagner’s and I also managed to visit Grandma Sullivan and Aunt Joyce so they also got to see the love bug.

Lehna is now rolling over! Can you believe it?! She can roll from her tummy to her back with little difficulty. My plan was to get the video camera out and record her rolling over so I could post it on the web (well Jackie could post it) and wouldn’t you know the little rat wouldn’t TURN OVER! She was watching TV on her tummy and chewing on her hands but she wouldn’t turn over. Sooo I’m going to have to surprise her with the video camera and capture her! I tried again last night but when I put her on her tummy she just go REALLY mad and cried. So I decided that it wasn’t the night either… soooooooooo I’ll keep you posted on her progress or hopefully I can get her turning over posted! It just so amazing to me that she is learning things so quickly. She also is trying to sit up on her own. Tait and I have both watched her pull herself away from the car seat and your arms if she’s in the lay down position. Last night I even caught her trying to lift herself up when I was changing her on the changing table. So she is trying to sit up… it may take some time but she’s doing a GREAT job!

This week Tait and I managed to get her high chair together. We both heard that soon she’ll be starting fruit and such so we wanted to make sure that we were “ready” with the high chair. And we can pull her into the kitchen with us and she can watch us make dinner or fold the laundry without us having to leave her in the living room. We also discovered that Lehna likes to play in her exesosauser. She can’t quite reach the toys yet but she loves being able to stand and look around. It’s also nice not having to hold her quite as much b/c I can get so much more done.

This week has been the week for change in our family. With Lehna starting to change and grow and learning new things, Tait has decided that he needs change and growth. Tait has been looking for a new job for the last couple of months and right before Lehna was born (the day before actually) Tait got a new job. But with all the excitement of Lehna’s birth and with both of us needing a lot of help. Tait passed on the new opportunity. Well the time has come again to where Tait has another opportunity to change his current work environment. He is really debating and he’s on edge of trying to decide what to do. We are waiting to find out about another job opportunity but unfortunately for Tait the time is ticking away on the other job. So he has until Friday to decide what he’s going to do about the new job. I really hope that these decisions could be easier for him. So we are in limbo right now he is trying to decide what to do and I’m trying not to push to hard. I really want him to have a new job in a better working environment. He’s so stressed where he is now and I know that once he leaves he will be in such a better place. So wish Tait luck this week. And hope MULBERRY calls him back! Thanks again for reading about us!


Sarah said...

Hey guys!! I can't wait to meet Lehna!! I wish I could come soon!!

Tait... I know how it is when you hate the place your in. Change is difficult but a must. I really think you should take this new job if you will be happier in the end. Lehna can catch vibes from you being stressed and all so it will be best for everyone involved!! :)

Good luck guys!! I love and miss you all!!

lkmanitou said...

I'm sending good job vibes your way! Being stressed out isn't good in the long run - Tait, you do have a lot of on the job horror stories :) Hope everything goes well with all of you, especially as Lehna goes from an, as I call them, "stay put baby" to a mobile one :)

Jacqueline said...

I can definitely say that life is much better "on the outs" (as I remember the girls used to say...)! Go, Tait, Go!!! :)

Fellhammer said...

Great to hear how Lehna is doing. I'm tring to make my way over there soon to see my little neice. I'm sure that both of you will come to the right decision about Taits job. I know exactly what your going through. I'm currently looking for other oportunities myself and the decision on if they would be a good move or not is quite difficult. In the end as long as Christina and I are happy I will be fine with my choice. I'm sure you will make the right worries.