Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Softball Heaven

So as the season is coming to a close I have to say that, yes it has consumed our lives for the past 6 weeks but it has truly been a lot of fun watching the girls get involved in this sport.  The girls have developed a little bit of a like for it, Lehna more then Maya but it has really been fun watching them get better.  Maya has said that she will try out for Pixie’s next year.  We keep telling her that her athletic ability is really high.  She’s FAST and she seems to know what she’s doing when it comes down to hitting the ball.  She runs really fast too so once we get her throwing a little harder she’s going to be a shoe in for Pixie.  I think it will be a lot of fun watching the girls play together as well.  So that’s kind of the plan right now. 

We had two games last night.  Lehna at 5:30 and Maya at 7:30 one in Denver and one in Mexico so it was a little bit rushed but it was fun.  Lehna hit twice she FINALLY got out of her funk of striking out.  She was so sad every time she kept missing the ball.  So finally she made contact AGAIN!  So it’s good.  The second time she batted she got hit by the ball and so she now has a “war wound”.   So she got on base!  They are now doing Live PITCH and this has been interesting to watch.  Basically the girls get to try 4 pitches and if they are all balls then the coach gets to come in and pitch 2 to them, b/c you get 6 pitches a player in live pitch.  I mean it slows down the game and I think once we do live pitching the rest of the season that will help with the scoring as far as keeping the numbers low!  But it was interesting.

Maya’s game last night looks a lot like the other games they play.  It’s basically just learning what baseball is and how to play it.  There aren’t a lot of skills or anything of that kind it’s just kind of fun for them.  She really likes playing the bases where there’s action.  So first base and pitcher also mainly b/c she gets to get to the ball before everyone else. 

I did get their softball pictures in so I’ll get those up to share very soon.  Speaking of pictures for some reason this reminds me that we got our Official letter for Maya and Little Miss for this year.  Her reign is actually THIS fair season.  So she has been asked to be present at the fair every day and she’s to wear her crown and sash while she’s there.  They have also said that she is invited to go to the Miss Miami County Fair pageant and she’s to sign in as “visiting” royalty and they will make she sure she’s recognized.  She’s VERY excited about her pageant stuff and being able to “show off” her crown and sash.  She will give away her title the last day of the fair so she will only have 1 week to soak it all in.  She said that she wants to do the Denver pageant this year since she wasn’t allowed to last year… but we’ll see it may all fade before then. 

It’s ballet recital time.  The girls are just NOT into it.  I don’t know why they just do not love it.  So Tait is VERY happy that they don’t want to do it next year.  For me I’m a little sad that they don’t want to do it.  I thought they would be excited and it’s so girly that they would be all about it, yep not so much.  Oh well we will just be softball and pageant parents?  Yikes I don’t know about the pageant part of it all.  That’s a different world that I am just not really to get into.

So we are on day 3 of accident free with Mr. Nikolai.  I had to get him more underwear today b/c I couldn’t find ANY this morning.  I only had like 6 pairs for him but they have all disappeared.  Maybe he’s hiding them who know.

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