Monday, August 19, 2013

ACL Surgery & Dream

So it’s time to update my blog.  Sometimes there are lots of things to say and others there are lots of things to report on.  So I’ll do my best not to be too wordy but at least you know… me. 

Any who.  So I had my ACL surgery last week.  Luckily it was on the first day of school for the kids.  Yeah I’m not sure if that’s sarcastic or not, can’t decide.  It was very painful the first day.  The second day I was on pain pills and slept a lot.  By day three I was up and moving.  I did have to go to the doctor for Nikolai on day two.  Strep and ear infection.  That made it a great day.  The on Day three we went back to the doctor for Maya.  Yep Strep.  So other than those minor hiccups we are on the mend.  All of us.  So I’m doing okay.  I’m a little stir crazy so I went back to work full day today. I had a good time at work I managed to get all my work done today and I have a little bit to do tomorrow.  This will be good.  I am off crutches… Mainly because I just don’t like trying to hobble on them.  I think I’m just as reckless on my own two feet as I am on crutches.  So I’m just running with it.  It’s fine.  My instructions from the doctor (which I have to say were very scarce) were to walk on as tolerated.  So I’m tolerating.  I was trying to explain to Tait that the worst part is it feels like my calf has a huge Charlie horse… my calf is just tight… like a huge knot.  Then the top part of my knee I have a “pain” which I’m starting to form a bruise and I don’t know what’s going on the inside but it’s kind of Ouchy on the out.  I have slept more in the last few days then I have in the past year.  It’s hard for me to even stay awake when I’m seating in a chair.  Tait just says “your body needs it” I think it’s just my mind just bored.  I want to do something with my hands.  Reading doesn’t appeal right now.  Even though I have a book to read.  And well I just am bored.  I thought about counter cross stitching… but I don’t have that kind of supplies… that would require a trip to the store… and payday isn’t until Wednesday… then there’s the whole getting there and buying and blah blah blah… yeah not so much.  So I’ll just complain I guess. 

I did get up and clean the house on Sunday.  I just couldn’t take it any more just sitting.  So by the evening I was tired.  My leg was sore… but I managed to get to my bed (upstairs) and sleep for the night.  Nothing like your good ol’ bed to make you feel better.  The issue is now getting the two year old BACK in his bed.  We made the huge mistake of letting him sleep in the bed with me for the past 5 days and well now we have a third bed mate.  And let me tell you… I am ready for him to move back to HIS bed.  This weekend we are planning on moving beds around and giving him his own bed.  So maybe he’ll be excited about that and want OUT of our bed…  I don’t know a couple more trips to his bed after he’s fallen asleep and we’ll be good. 

So with all this time I have been sleeping I had this dream the other night.  It was probably one of the best dreams I have EVER had.  I woke up the next morning feeling so good and refreshed.  So I thought I would share it with you. 

Enter Dream Sequence: 

So we were at a lady of our churches house I, Tait, Nikolai, Lehna, and Maya.  So we were there visiting them and the lady we were visiting has been really sad.  And after pulling her teeth to find out what the problem was she finally told us that.  She and her husband have really been struggling with the loss of their three children (this had happened over a course of 15 years, not all at the same time).  And the issue that there was having was they felt that the children that had passed on were not agreeing with some of their life choices they were making.  Now this wasn’t like some creepy thing.  They just had these feelings that they weren’t getting the same support from the spirits of their children.  And they just didn’t know what to do about it.  They had prayed, and felt like they were talking to them about their issues but still just didn’t know what to do.  Well we were taking pictures and it just so happened that their images were captured in the camera like in mirrors and windows.  Again NOT creepy.  Actually normally this kind of thing would have freaked me out and probably turned into a night mare but not this night.  This was actually one of the best things that could have happened.  Because in the images of her children they were smiling and were happy.  This gave the couple GREAT comfort and felt that they finally had their approval that they needed.  Then the husband had a strong feeling or urging to go outside.  So we all followed and we watched from the sky (they lived in a house in the middle of a corn field) this blue smoke and kind of like Blue balls of smoke coming to the earth.  And the urging for all of us to find out what it was.  There were HUNDERDS coming from the sky.  And as we got closer we could see that they were people.  In fact everyone that I saw was people I knew, but didn’t know their name, but the felt so familiar to me.  Well as we walked farther.  There came my father and Teresa.  And we gathered around them and hugged them.  Then I realized that all of these people were spirits and again most of them I didn’t know, but they ALL felt so familiar to me.  Well they said that they needed to speak to all of us.  So we walked with them up to the house.  And we just walked along and we talked to them about how much we missed them and how much we loved them and they said that they loved us and they were so happy to be able to see us.  Well as we started to talk to them they were talking about being across the veil and what life was like for them.  And they kept saying it’s just like being here but it’s very different.  And we asked, “How is it different but just like this.”  Well they said well for one you don’t have to worry about things there.  Like food, shelter, jobs, money, roofs on the house, none of that matters where they are because all of those things just don’t matter where they are and they just aren’t needed.  It sounds so foreign yet familiar to me but strange all at the same time.  So as we talked a little longer they kept telling us.  That what really matters in this life is showing those around you that you love them.  They love being able to still feel our love that we give them even though they are not here with us in body any more.  They said it gives them the greatest pleasure.  And they kept saying.  It doesn’t matter where you end up.  Their example was you could be a millionaire or you could be dirt poor, but how did you live your life.  Where you kind to those around you, were you giving in everything you did?  Did you always do your best were you honest and kind or did you cheat your way to where you were?  Soon the left after we talked and Nikolai came into the room and he said to all of us the purpose of this life is to show you love one another.  That simple.  It just struck me as amazing that he could remember so clearly what the purpose of life was since he was so young and he could remember being on the other side of the veil.  So then one of the spirits came and said that sometimes we put spiritual blocks in our way.  And how we do that is we put things, ideas, people, or even thoughts in our way of growing and loving.  So we have to be really careful and making sure we always have a clear road/path to our spirits that are on the other side of the veil because they can help us and we have to make sure that we remember to live clear of spiritual blocks.

End dream sequence:

So it was al little long but I have to say I woke up knowing the I spoke with the spirits of my parents.  I felt so good and so refreshed.  They made me really think about the things I’m being “worried” about like my career and really put it into perspective.  So that really helped.  So I just really enjoyed my dream.  Hopefully you enjoyed reading it as well J

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