Thursday, June 06, 2013

Moving on UP

Well we are getting ready to close a chapter of our lives. We are digging up our roots in Wisconsin and replanting them back in Indiana. We are actually moving close to where we grew up as children. I remember when I was in high school telling myself “I will never return here” and now I’m so excited about returning. Tait and I always talked about returning, I knew when we were dating and his dream of being a high school teacher, specifically history and a golf coach for Peru I knew then that we would be returning, which is fine because I want to return myself.

So we are almost done packing, the truck is reserved, we have calls out to the wards in both locations so hopefully we will have people willing to help us. I’m just anxious about everything. I want to be there and setting up our house and up packing. I wish I had a couple of days to do that but it’s okay. I was telling Tait it will give me something to do when I get home from work. You know like taking care of the three children won’t be enough. But I’m excited still.

The girls are excited that school is coming to an end. Every day they bring more and more stuff home. I feel like my trash can is just full of school papers. I just have to do it when they don’t look, b/c if were up to them they would keep every paper they colored on! So as they bring home their stuff it goes into a box (the stuff that I’m keeping any way). I have packed most of their clothes and I wash and dry their stuff I put it in a box.

Lehna initially didn’t want to move to Indiana. She wanted to stay and live in Wisconsin. She was nervous about moving to a different school and starting to make new friends. Once we explained that she would be going to a school where her cousins when then the move didn’t sound so scary. Her only request was that she could finish the school year. We told her she would be finishing this week, so she won’t finish one day as we are moving one day short of the school year. After that she was TOTALLY fine with the move.

Maya can’t WAIT to move. She has been asking for weeks about when are we moving and when are we going, etc. She refers to the house in Denver as her “home” and keeps asking when we are going there. I keep explaining to her, her “home” is where we all our and regardless of the state we are always home. She doesn’t care. This goes right over her head and she continues to ask when she will be going home. So it will be okay.

Nikolai is really happy about moving as well. He doesn’t quite understand what all is going on, but he’s excited about being able to see Tim every day. I have been packing their toys so we only have one bucket of toys left for them to play with and yesterday he made a mess all over his floor with the toys. So I was excited that he was playing with them because the last couple of days, since we live in a sea of boxes he didn’t have any interest in playing with any of the toys. Now boxes he has been LOVING. Yesterday the girls drew a house on the box and he was going in and out of the box pretending it was a house. He also LOVES his riding toys. He has a TON of them let me tell you and in the new house we have carpet so it should be interesting in him playing with his riding toys. He’ll get really strong legs pushing himself around that’s for certain!

So it’s official however Tait did get the CPS job in Howard County so it will be official that he will be employed when we move to Indiana. I will be starting my job in Wabash on June 10th, which I’m excited about that. It should be a good match for me as well. So it should be exciting times at least a lot of changes. Lord knows I do enjoy as many changes as I can make for myself!

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