Monday, April 04, 2011

Weekend Update

Well another weekend has come and gone. I have to say as the count down slowly comes down I am having mixed feelings about having to return to work. On one hand I'm excited I like my position and enjoy the work that I do. We have had changes while I was out and I now have a FULL TIME OUTSIDE SALES PERSON that means I don't have to do that any more thank goooooooodness but that was seriously the worst part about my position. I know I'm going to be going back to being Branch Manager but with me not having to go out and do outsides sales that means that I can be the Staffing Coordinator on the inside and do my inside sales which is WAY easier. I just don't want to get bored with it. On the second hand I do enjoy being home, I'm definitely not 'made' to be a stay at home mom and kudos to all of those that go out and do that. I just enjoy being around adults and not having to watch day time tv b/c if I had to do it the rest of my life we would have serious issues. I think people turn to Dr. Phil and Opera b/c seriously they have to break up the boredom during the day. I realize that if I WAS a stay at home mom I would have to join a mommy's group or something b/c I would gain 500 lbs. Also I really don't enjoy the normal household chores, I know what person in their right mind would, but I am so bored during the day that I look forward to having to switch and fold the laundry, and that my friend is NOT normal. But I do enjoy rocking Nikolai to sleep and me knowing this is my LAST baby it makes me a little sad knowing that I won't be the person he shares his firsts' with. The only thing that makes it a little better is knowing that Helen will be the person he does all of those things with. I also enjoy having the finances as well. I know you aren't supposed to feel that way but I do I like being able to take my family on "mini" vacations and be able to go shopping when I want... I like those things, so that means sacrifice and that means working. I also have set myself up for a goals to reach and one of those things in my professional realm is I want to be an owner of my own Express office. So in the next 5 years that's what I want to have accomplished, even if I have to start off as a partner office I'm okay with that. Tait told me that once I get my own office he'll come work for me. So I already have my staff :) Of course that means I'll have to go back to outside sales for some time, but maybe it will be easier when you know that whatever you sell the profits go DIRECTLY to you... the motivation I would imagine would be different. I just would like to go to Aruba for a week when you make circle. Now mind you our office did get a trip, to Vegas, of course I was on maternity leave when it happened but still. Having my own office would allow different opportunities for myself and for my family and I just want a shot at those opportunities. Today is kind of an off day today I'm feeling kind of sad for some reason. I was searching on face book for friends and found a couple and sent requests but just feeling "off" today. Maybe it's b/c my time home is almost over who knows it's hard to explain. Life does have it's ups and downs and today I wouldn't describe as a total "down" it's just not an up. Who knows it's probably just baby blues. I'll get over it, I always do. I'm also on a kind of random rambling spree today. So just two weeks left. April is going to be a busy month for us. But it should be a good month. I know once I return to work I'll get back in the swing of things fast I just don't want to lose my workout schedule or time spending with the kids and I know that by going back to work some things will be more difficult to do... But that's life as I know it for now...

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