Saturday, April 16, 2011

2 Months Old Already!

Well I wanted to update everyone on Niki’s progress. He is now 12 lbs 11 oz (75th percentile) and is 22 ½ (50th Percentile) inches long. So he’s very short and round almost like a little ball but he’s super cute! He does has a herniated belly button which means his belly looks like his hiding a little grape inside. The doctor felt it and goes “yep we see these all the time” and he said it should be soft and bubbly feeling inside when you touch it and it doesn’t hurt him at all. He said that if it’s still around when he’s 3 or 4 years or age then they will do surgery. He is very congested sounding but he said that’s from reflux that he has and since he vomits or spits up quite a bit from his nose that’s why he sounds so noisy when he sleeps. Again nothing to worry about but just something to watch and hopefully by 4 months old he will not make that noise anymore, but I guess time will tell. The poor baby also got 3 shots when he was there and he cried so very hard I felt very bad for him. And then the poor baby slept all day Friday. Overall his is healthy and growing very strong. He has a very firm grip. We still try to capture his very sweet smile on camera but it’s a hard battle. He smiles but mostly in the morning and he smiles when he is laid on his changing table as he’s talking to the stars on the walls. He is cooing quite a bit more and is starting to react to faces. He’s just taking his sweet time as he’s developing which is okay, I don’t want him to go too quickly any way. They said that by 4 months he should be rolling over, but if he’s not its okay too. It’s amazing how fast it’s going by. So things are getting ready to go “back to normal” on Monday. I’ll be back at work and the world will return back to a semi normal fashion once again. I’m excited about going back to work and sad at the same time. The normal feelings that a mom has when they go back to work I’m sure. I do enjoy spending my days with Nikolai and Maya but I’m glad that I’ll be back working again. I’m still working on my Couch to 5 K and right now I feel like I’m sucking a little bit. Today’s run was run 25 minutes. I had to slow my pace way down after about 3 minutes I felt like I was going to die then after that I had to stop 3 times I was soooo disappointed but since I had to stop I made myself do a 2 minute penalty which basically means that I watch for how long I stop and if it’s more than 30 seconds than I run an extra minute instead of doing the full “cool down” walking part I just add the time on there. I got to 2 miles but it was really hard. I should have it 2.25 miles but it just didn’t happen but luckily the next 3 work outs are this same thing again so maybe by the 4th time I do this I will be able to do this time with no problem. We have been doing this for 6 weeks now and during the time I lost 7 lbs but right now the last 2 weeks I haven’t moved in weight loss so it’s a little frustrating. So hopefully my metabolism gets a move on soon b/c I’m starting to get frustrated. So that’s life right now. Hopefully after next week I won’t be too tired and hopefully I’ll blog again soon. We’ll see how this whole returning to work thing works out.

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