Thursday, January 22, 2009

Breaking News!

Okay so like I totally suck… I was going to make sure that I updated every week… and well last week....didn’t get it done… so this week I’m going to update double…

So this is a year for change definitely! Tait accepted a new job in Milwaukee. He starts in February. I am very excited for him. He is going to live with his parents for awhile until I can get a job up there. We are getting ready to list our house next week, and get things moving in that direction. I have an interview set up for Jan 30th and I’m hoping that I get the job. Things are going pretty quickly with the move so far but it’s still kind of early.

I know this probably out of left field for some of you guys but I knew that we would be changing something this year and this is what it’s going to be for now. I’m excited about a new place to live and a new job. I hope that I get the job on the 30th but if I don’t then I will continue to work in Lafayette UNTIL I get a job OR sell my house. So hopefully that will be soon. Now the girls well until I get a job they will live with me and I will take them to and from daycare you know the whole thing. I’m nervous b/c where the daycare IS compared to where I work but hopefully I won’t have to worry about that b/c I’ll get a job and move right after Tait moves. I think we are going to rent a house that’s what I would like to do and hopefully we can build a little savings and pay things down and off while we are living “apart”. I’m nervous about living apart but I think that it’s not going to hurt anything. I hope that the girls are okay with the shift, I mean I’m really going to shake their world quite a bit. Tait will come home for the weekends and such but hopefully we won’t be apart for very long.

Lehna got her hair cut. She kept asking me over and over to get her hair cut and I finally said FINE and took her. It’s super cute on her. So I will post pictures. I didn’t get Maya’s hair cut only b/c I want it to be longer when we get it cut it costs 10 bucks to do four snips so I like it to long all over so it makes it worth it… and if get in her eyes I’ll just pull it back into a little rubber band b/c that always is supper cute. She should be getting her hair in faster… I mean Lehna’s hair took FREAKING FORVER to grow out but by the time she was two she had quite a head full of hair… Maya’s hair is coming along it still has a way to go… but it is coming.

So quite the excitement is what’s going on, I’m planning on spending quite a bit of my time this weekend packing things up and decluttering my house… doesn’t that sound like fun. I’m very worried about getting it “sell ready” but I feel like God is making this easy for us so far and if this is where we are supposed to be then we will be provided for. I have asked for the path so hopefully I’m reading all the signs correctly.


lkmanitou said...

Wow! Congrats on getting a new start and best of luck on the job hunt!!

Stephanie said...

Thank you. I hope all goes well in the trasition...

Rebecca said...

That's grrrrreat! I'm happy for you. Good luck! I hope you get the job on the 30th too. Will be doing something similar to your current job? Well, whatever it is I'm sure you'll be awesome at it!

Stephanie said...

Thank you Becky. It is for an Express in Racine actually they are opening in an office right down the street from Tait's parents... so I"m HOPING since I have 2 1/2 years experience they wil "snatch me" up... but I don't know... I think they are overstaffed so I don't know... hopefully I can knock them dead!!!!