Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What a weekend!

This is another busy weekend for the Wagner Family! This weekend we traveled to Peru to go th Grand CIRCUS CITY DAYS! Tait and I try to get there every year and so far we have been able to get there. Every once and awhile we don't get there.

This is was also a weekend of Firsts! So without further delay let me get into the meat of my update!

Tait took our children early to Peru on Friday since he had the day off and he has a new football game that he wanted to share with Trent. So I came after work. When I got there Tait was on the golf course with Trent so I got to see my girls and everyone else there at the Wagner homestead. Tait's Aunt and Uncle were also visiting from Williamsport so we got to see them as well. When Tait got back from golfing we took Lehna up to the carnival it was already 8 something so taking Maya would have been more trouble than anything. So we had some volunteers to watch Maya we went up town.

There are some people in this town that this is why they live in Peru is for this carnival every year and you can always kind of tell those people. They are the one's that are usually staked out sitting on the benches for HOURS at a time not budging or moving for anyone regardless of how long they have been there. The carnival this year was a little concerning this year they have added a BUNCH more rides this year and have taken away some of the food booths, which you know how many elephant ear booths do you really need but I was not impressed by the 'junkness' of the rides. It seemed to attract a ton of teenagers. The also set up the rides up a bit differently this year usually all of the rides and games are down behind the courthouse and by the jail this year they spread the rides out quite a bit more. Instead of being able to avoid the rides and all the chaos involved with the rides they put them on the end of Broadway so there was no way to avoid them at all. Which I don't have a problem with the rides overall I mean I think it's fine but I just like the opportunity of avoiding the whole scene although and we definitely couldn't do that this year there simply couldn't avoid it. It just made it harder to get around w/ a child in a stroller b/c of all the power cords and lines to walk through.

Lehna's First Ride on a Merry-Go-Round

The food booth selection just wasn't that there normally is it just was every different this year with the addition of the rides. We did run into a few people that we knew which was kind of fun but overall it was kind of a disappointment.

On Saturday we went down to the parade to check things out there. We went down to my grandma's house but there was no one there. We thought my grandma knew we were coming we arrived about an hour early before the parade. We found out later that they had already gone down to the parade and had actually scooped us out a spot. I decided instead of going down to our normal spot that we would just go to sit with Tait's family since we knew where they were at. We sat in the sun the entire length of the parade. I had put sun block on the girl’s b/c I figured they would need it, but Tait and I decided not to put sun block on, this was a mistake.

When's the Parade is going start?

The parade was pretty good overall it was a bit on the long side but other than that it was good. Maya slept the entire length of the parade. Lehna wasn’t so fond of the clowns; every time a clown came over to us she would get close to an adult and start to cry. All the little kids didn't like them Camryn actually ran behind the stroller and said that the doodle bops were going to get her. So the kids got their slue of candy, hats, and necklaces it was pretty fun overall. It was just a long parade. At the end of it as we walked back to our car we ran into my grandma & Aunt Annette and they informed us they had a nice shady spot for us by the library apparently we missed them. There were a number of tigers, lions, and goats in the parade. Lehna really enjoyed watching the horses going by.

'That's not a clown is it?'

After the parade we went back to Helen & Tim's and got ready to go swimming. I put sun block on the girls again put some on my face (but didn't put any where else, another mistake) and we took Maya & Lehna to Vicki's to swim. Vicki is a friend of Helen, we had our rehearsal dinner at their home and they have a heated pool. The pool was an awesome 84 degrees and Vicki kept apologizing to us for the coolness of the pool. We kept telling her that we are used to a cook 46 degrees at our home pool that we got for the girls this summer so anything was an improvement. It was a lot of fun I think Lehna really had a good time. She played on inter tubes and noodles and that type of thing and seemed to have a good time. We put Maya in the pool after she woke up from her nap. She just stared at the water and didn't cry she did a good job. It was really nice for them both. We got home and I knew it was going to be a problem with the lack of sun block for Tait and I b/c by 5 p.m. we were already starting to show DARK PINK! It was pretty sad. By the time the sun went down we were nice and red. Even the girls with two applications of sun block were pinkish. Lehna and Maya the next morning were nice and tan.

Tait & Lehna at the Pool

Maya is in the Pool!

That was our weekend it was pretty exciting overall. We spend a LOT of time outside playing and eating Freezie Pops! As you can tell from the pictures below!

Big Smile!

I Look Like My Daddy in this Picture!

I love this Rollercoaster!
A few days later…

I always start a blog update but I simply can’t finish an update in one sitting. Well I got the new Harry Potter book and I have started reading it. It’s pretty good so far it has it’s raises and falls when there is lots of things going on it’s a real page turner then there are just spells of just under nothingness and that’s when I am ready to put the book down for awhile. They are opening lots of questions but answering nothing so far. But I am enjoying it even though it just seems to be taking a LONG time to draw out everything…

This week at work the new client that I was supposed to have new orders from cancelled on Friday of last week, so all my hard work was basically for nothing, which was kind of sad. I wasn’t so sad that the job was cancelled b/c of the work I put into it I was just sad b/c now I couldn’t get 16 people to work. It’s kind of sad, but so far I have been able to place some of my people at other positions and that has really seemed to help.

I also had my review this week. It went well I guess, I don’t know really what I was expecting but it didn’t quite meet my expectations not that it was bad it just wasn’t what I expected. I got a good review overall I have some areas that I need to work on so at least I have some goals to work towards. I did get a raise so that was nice. Tait was excited to hear that. It wasn’t huge but again I don’t know really what to expect this being my first year with this company. So we’ll see what happens in the future.

This is going to be another busy weekend. We have an annual golf tournament that we play in this weekend so we will be off for that. I’m looking forward to it. It’s a little strange this is a BIG drinking tournament and I have always enjoyed it just for the drinking element but this year we have kind of shifted our “realms of things that are important” so we are going to focus on winning this year verse getting hammered. I’m SURE it will be a tough temptation but I really want to shift things in my life to better myself so this is just one of those things.

On Sunday Tait’s family is having a family reunion so we will be attending that. I’m looking forward to it. Last year Tait and I we actually at the hospital since Tait had his appendix removed the weekend it was last year so it will be nice to be able to join the family in some good fun. Tait’s cousin Travis is going to be married in a few short weeks so there will also be a wedding shower at the same time. It should be a nice occasion I’m looking forward to it. We are also planning on seeing Tait’s grandparents I know they really enjoy it when we bring the girls to visit with them. So that’s what’s going on it’s just one busy run after another. You’d think with all the running we do I would be like a size 0 unfortunately it doesn’t work that way… darn it!

Okay well have a great rest of the week and weekend!

Bye Bye!

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