Sunday, May 27, 2007

Two week update!

Well it’s been about two weeks since my last update and it’s time for an update. Last weekend we were in Peru sooooo I wasn’t able to update then so here it is.

I started back to work two weeks ago and things have been pretty busy at work. Which it’s kind of an odd horse I mean we are busy but our hours, which affects our bonuses is low so I don’t know. My boss reassures us that we are going to rebound and we are in GREAT shape and it’s all up to marketing. UNFORTNATLY for me I AM A HORRIBLE at sales calls. I know it’s partly b/c I don’t do them enough so I don’t practice but at the same time it’s another thing that I just don’t like them. I mean I HATE calling ANYONE and asking them for anything and it’s even harder when you have to try to get people to listen to what you have to say… especially in a world of people HATTING telemarketing… which is kind f what I do in a not so fancy way… I mean I am not given a script which most teleamarketers do get that… and I think there are scripts but I just don’t think that is the solution either… I just have to suck it up and get it over with then…. It WILL be easier, but other than that little part work is great. It’s wonderful to get back into a routine and establish myself back in my position. I really like being able to place people at jobs it’s really a great feeling and we have really gotten some deserving people in our system and it’s nice to be able to help them. So work is GREAT!

Maya is doing great as well she is now 2 months old she has her check up next Monday so we’ll be able to see how big she is. Everyone that sees her says she’s petite, which I don’t think I would describe my chunky monkey as petite, but I guess everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. She really is responding to people. Her smiles are so grand and inviting it just makes me want to just nibble on her she’s just so sweet. She is just a doll I mean she’s patient (for the most part) and doesn’t ask for much in return. Her personality is just already so different then Lehna’s which I can’t wait until she gets older just to see how she changes and grows in her own personality. I don’t have very many people tell me she looks like Tait or Lehna which to me she looks exactly like Lehna when she was this age but everyone says no… nor do they say she looks like me which when people say that I kind of raise a questioning brow b/c she definitely looks related to me I mean her eyes are exact copies of mine but what the heck do I know anywise.

Lehna is still doing great with her she still likes her mommies time but she also let’s me love on her sister at times. She really is very protective of her sister though she doesn’t like it when other little kids touch her or get near her so that just makes me really proud when she is protective of her sister. Lehna is just a mimic of us so much this afternoon I was simply calling Maya’s name and then kissed her on the hands and Lehna would imitated me the entire sequence of things I was doing to her which was so sweet. It’s scary just how observant she is though, and makes you really stop to think what you can and cant’ do in front of her. Take for example potty training.

Lehna this last weekend went with us to Peru and her cousin Landyn has been learning potty training… well Landyn is a little boy and he has MASTERED peeing outside in the yard to a science… and inside peeing well they haven’t been as successful with, but Lehna has been watching Landyn standing up with he is peeing well Lehna has been trying to mimic this very stunt. When we came home on Sunday Lehna announced she needed to go pee and she ran back into the restroom and pulled down her pull up and promptly standed in front of the toilet pretending to “hold” herself and tried to pee… (Sigh) when I asked her what she was doing she said “I go potty” (sigh) I then tried to explain to a two year old why she didn’t need to hold herself (b/c there is NOTHING to hold) and how being a girl means she has to sit down to pee. She simply stared at me and like a very obedient little girl turned around and sat on the potty and said “I pee in the potty” and go up and ran down the hall way with a complete naked butt. (Sigh) Over the course of the week I have seen her attempt peeing standing up again but quickly tell her that she needs to sit down to potty b/c she is a little girl. It’s amazing just how much this little girl mimics. So everyone around her needs to realize that b/c let me tell you when you “think” she’s not listening that is when she’s tuned in the most so you have to be careful what you say around her.

Some more exciting news for our family is Tait has decided to become a member of my church and he is going to be baptized next weekend. We are going to make it quite an event b/c we decided that we would also have Maya blessed on the same weekend so we could have a GIANT bbq and celebration. I am so excited for Tait and my family b/c we are now one more step closer to being an eternal family. A goal I have always wanted for my family and myself. We are very excited and I know that Tait is making a good decision and I hope his faith continues to grow and we learn more about the gospel and of our Heavenly Father.

Some more good news is most of my family probably remembers my best friend Sarah. Well Sarah was incredibly important to me and she was like my sister I shared so much of my youth with her and my dreams with her and she meant so much to me. Well about 10 years ago I was not a very good friend to Sarah and I betrayed her and our friendship was completely and utterly dissolved and I was left with a completely empty space in my heart. I never thought I would ever get to speak to Sarah again b/c I know how much she hated me and rightly so. Well last weekend I went to church in Peru and Sarah was there. I kept glancing over to her trying not to look over in her direction b/c I didn’t want to draw attention to her or anyone else that I was looking over there. Well I was so frightened when I saw her b/c I knew that she was going to ignore me and possibly even say horrible things to me again rightly deserved. Well I only stayed for part of church and left right after sacrament. Well my grandmother told me that she talked to Sarah and she told me to call her. I was so frighten what she was going OT happen and later on Sunday afternoon I decided to face my fears and called her. Sarah was so happy to hear form me and we talked for awhile. Over the next couple of days Sarah and I have gotten a chance to say all of those things that we wanted to say to one another that we didn’t get to say over 10 years ago. Part of me is so sad that Sarah couldn’t be in so many things in my life and I told her just that. I missed not being able to talk to her about plans for after prom or which college we were going to attend or even having her in my wedding. I mean so many things we didn’t get to share in and it just makes me so sad. I am so glad that we are starting to talk again to kind of restart a friendship that I thought was completely gone. I can’t wait to hear more about what has happened to Sarah in the last 10 years and hope soon we can catch up even more b/c I miss her as my sister.

It’s amazing how many things that have changed for the better since I have starting going back to church. I mean not to get sappy or anything but I am truly blessed. Tait has asked me to speak at his baptism and at first I was kind of upset that I had to do it but now I’m glad that I was asked. It’s something that really is important to me and I just didn’t realize how important until now.


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