Sunday, May 06, 2007

Pictures Here Pictures Everywhere

As promised I was able to get some pictures up for you so ENJOY!

The other day Lehna picked out her own clothes to wear after her bath so I took a picture of it b/c I thought it was soooo cute! She defintely doesn't understand the "matching" concept but I was proud that she was able to bring me both a shirt and a pair of pants!

Some dogs are just MADE for kids and let me tell you even though Daisy is the biggest pain in the butt she was defintely made for children. Her temperment with Lehna is perfect. Lehna plays with this dog all the time... everything from giving her hugs (LIKE YOU SEE BELOW) OR putting her baby blankets on her, to stepping on her (accidently of course) Daisy has never bitten or even nipped at Lehna which mades her perfect for us. (Even though she can be the most ANNOYING dog in the world!

Lately we have been spending HOURS outside this past week mainly b/c we purchased a swing set for Lehna & Maya we saved our change for about 6 months and any birthday gifts in which the girls recieved money we used towards it. It just goes to show you a penny saved is worth it! Lehna LOVES to swing so we spend many hours outside pushing her swing and blowing bubbles. This picture is of Lehna pushing her "baby" in the swing. Luckily we have a pinic table bench so we can push Lehna and not have to stand for the length of time she wants to swing.

Maya on the other hand would much rather spend her days sleeping or being WIDE awake in the pouch snuggie thing that I wear. She will fall asleep in this contraption and it is REALLY nice when she doesn't want to be put down or when the person holding her has to be standing up... for some reason it makes all the different, but for many of the parents out there holding a baby and standing up for LONG periods of time can be killer on the back so this thing allows me to hold her and still allows me to get things done at the same time. As I'm holding her I can just look down at her and see her darling face.

Here is a sweet picture of one of the rare occasions I was able to put her in the swing and actually have her stay asleep.

Lehna seems to really enjoy Maya. She usually tries "playing" with Maya and she will mimick anything that I do with Maya such as talking to her and making funny sounds to her. As I was trying to captures Maya's smiles Lehna got down and I was able to capture the two girls responding to one another. Maya will look for Lehna when she talks and when Lehna starts talking Maya will start to smile and respond it's really amazing. I just hope that the girls still enjoy each other when they are 12 & 14 years old... Lord help us all if not!

As luck would have it I WAS able to capture one of Maya's beautiful smiles. I was NEVER able to capture Lehna's smiles until she was MUCH older so I am glad that I have on of Maya. She has one little dimple on her left check that will peek out from time to time when she smiles. She's such a happy baby it's just so wonderful.

We did get our pictures back from JCPenny and since my scanner doesn't talk to my computer I had to kind of take these creatively and then I had to "adjust" the color so I apologize for the suckness of them... but at least you can see them... right!

This is our NEW family picture. I have to admit I don't like it as much as the pictures we had taken at Chirstmas but I still think it's cute... and poor Tait always having to lay on the floor...
This is Lehna's Two year picture. She was SUCH A PAIN IN THE BUTT the day we got our pictures taken. It was a total nightmare and this was the very LAST picture they took of her... the only way she would go out on the back drop by herself was to kind of chase her with the stool and then take it away from her and then she would laugh and do it all over again... And in doing this "trick" we FINALLY got a geniune smile.

Maya was pretty good during the photo shoot. I figured we would have all pictures of her eyes closed, but she was wide awake and actaully she wanted to eat during the session so we kind of teased her with the bottle but at least she had her eyes open.

These two pictures the quality on them is pretty sucky but they are really cute pictures and I just could NOT go without posting them so if you are able to see them in person I'm sure you will enjoy them a lot more b/c they are beautiful in person.

Here's one just for the art factor. This is baby Maya's feet in Tait's hands. I just think it is so sweet just to see her tiny feet the feet that I was waiting to kiss in her daddy's very large strong hands it's just an emotional picture I think... not to get too sappy of course...

And the last two pictures are for the grandparents out there... Here is one more smile from both of your grandchildren!

Have a good night and I hope this has satisfied your need for pictures for awhile...


Sarah said...

Your girls are beautiful!!! I love all the pictures - so keep them coming!!!! ♥ Have a great week!

Stephanie said...

Well Thank you I think they are pretty cute myself of course I maybe biased... I will try to keep them coming. You also have a GREAT week! This is my last week home :(