Monday, June 11, 2007

Another Two Week Update

Okay so I haven’t been really good on keeping this blog update but I have been trying to do it in like two week intervals… so this maybe a bit longer then normal b/c I have so much to say so much has happened.

The first weekend in June we had a lot of family over. The reason why is b/c Tait was baptized on Saturday and we had Maya’s blessing on Sunday at church so we had family that came to participate in the craziness.

Tait was baptized on Saturday and it was a very nice ceremony. He did have to go twice b/c the missionary messed up the prayer and when they dunked him his entire body didn’t get under he was missing his upper hand. Then the second time they did it everything went off without a hitch. The only true problem was is the baptismal font is new to this church so the time filling the water it was supposed to be a like an hour and a half so it was only like ½ full so the missionary struggled a little bit with Tait and helping him back up. The floor is really slippery anyways and when the tank is only ½ full makes it a bit more difficult. After the baptism we went back to our home where my grandmother provided quite a spread of sandwiches and chips for us all to enjoy.

On Sunday we then all went to church for Tait’s confirmation and also for Maya’s blessing. The bishop said that it was definitely a Wagner Show and he was right. After church we then went to the park for a BBQ and some family fun. I don’t have pictures of the events b/c I was just too busy I did bring my camera I just didn’t take any pictures.
Lehna & Maya

So this past weekend we went to the Strawberry festival which is in Crawfordsville. WE have lived her for the past four years and we had yet to attend the festival but we figured now that Lehna was a bit older and we had Maya that it would be a good opportunity for us to enjoy the tradition.
Lehna & the Duck Pond
Maya slept
Lehna playing Plinko
Lehna had a blast I think we played some games. Some we cheated at b/c she was so young but she got some jewelry and candy. I tried to interest her into getting into one of those inflatable castles but she wouldn’t really hear of it. She didn’t want anything to do with it. But we put her on the pony rides and at first I took her and she was so scared she clung to me as we walked around in the circle but by the time the ride was over she was sitting by herself and holding onto the saddle. She said she had a good time.
Lehna & Pony
After we took her to the children’s part we went to go get something to eat. I was really hoping to get some strawberry shortcake since it was the strawberry festivle but we had a heck of a time finding it. So we tired strawberry tacos instead and they were pretty tasty. There was a band that played so we watched that for a little bit and I tired to convince Lehna to dance but she really didn’t want to so I didn’t push the issue. After we got done eating a quick lunch we went to the Colt’s Caravan which they had a few things on display and that was kind of fun looking at that stuff. They had this thing where you could guess the different referee signals and I didn’t do to well. I thought I knew the signs but I was wrong on so many of them and some of them I didn’t even know what they were signaling.
Lehna, Me, And Pony
Lehna enjoying her Tiger Ear
We then went to go back on the horses again b/c Lehna kept asking to go back on them so we did that after the stop at the Colt’s Caravan. Lehna was so excited to get on the ponies and was just jumping with excitement.
Colt's Caravan
The strawberry festival was about like Circus City Days except it was smaller. I did enjoy that all the food places were in one location and the kids section was also in it’s own section that made it nice. So I definitely want to take Lehna to circus city days come July so she can have fun at that carnival as well.
Tait & Lehna
That was pretty much our weekend. It was busy but it was fun. Next weekend is Father’s Day and we have convinced Julie, Jackie’s Sister, to watch our rugrats so we can go out to dinner and watch a movie. It’s been a while since we have seen a movie so it will be nice to have date.
Maya in an Express Shirt
Maya and her hands


1 comment:

Mom said...

What great pictures! I have them plastered all over my office!
love Mom!