Friday, January 26, 2007

Weekly Update!

Well another week has come to an end and it’s time for the weekly update!

Baby appointment.

I had a baby appointment yesterday and well I have gained 9 lbs in ONE MONTH! I was very SHOCKED AND HORRIFIED at this information. The NP asked me if I have had any dietary changes and I was like not really… but I didn’t realize how FAST I was putting it on… so I’m going to SLOW DOWN! She said that it’s normal for women to put on weight between the 2-3 third trimester which is right where I am but she said that now it’s going to be coming on even more so I will need to make “healthier choices” and kind of slow down and I agreed! Mercy me I’m going to be bigger then a HOUSE by the time it gets done with! So I haven’t talked to the doctor about it yet that won’t be for a few more weeks I’m going every two weeks now so I’ll be seeing him next. So we’ll see what he says HOPEFULLY he’ll be kind! But baby is doing well. The NP said everything is on target. She asked if I was feeling any bumps and stuff and I was like yep. So she measured me and said I was right on target. She tried to find the baby’s heart beet and it took FOREVER! She couldn’t find it and finally she found it for like 3 seconds and the rat moved. So she kind of chased her around and found it again. And we listened to it for awhile. She said that the heart beat was at 130 which she said that’s where I have been averaging so she said looks well. So I guess that’s encouraging. I also took my sugar blood test. The lady that did the blood test was CRAZY! She kept going on and on about having an order and I told her that I didn’t have an order sheet and she goes… well you need one I can’t draw your blood unless you have one. And I told her that I understood that but when I was there at my last appointment they gave me the drink and I was told at that point that they would have an order down here. Well the lady was NUTZ so she holds up this pink order sheet and goes… “Do you have this” and I was like no… I have the one from this time but I don’t have one for this time. And she goes well I have to have this… at that point the lady that does the check in intervenes and goes “well did you get one from upstairs” and I go yeah but it doesn’t have an order on it from this time. So she took and repeats exactly what I just told her. So I was like well okay and she was like well let me check and see if we have one on file for you. She came back and sure enough there was one there… I was like just GET ME OUT OF HERE so when she turned her back I gave her the bird. It didn’t think it was necessary for her to go on and on the way she did! But that was the ‘drama’ from the doctor’s appointment oh and the 9 LBS!

Lehna has NOT been sleeping through the night this week so Tait said that she wasn’t feeling good on Wednesday and he said she “looked warm” so I called the daycare and asked how she was doing and they said she wasn’t acting herself. So I called the doctor and got her into b/c I thought maybe she had a sinus infection or something like that. So Tait took her to the doctor and the poor kid has an ear infection. They said that she had a “slight” fever but after she took some of the medicine she would be able to go back to daycare. So Tait said when he dropped her off she threw a HUGE fit and refused to go and cried. Tait said that she looked warm again and so I called to see how she was doing and they said that she was doing fine but if something changed they would let us know. I didn’t get a call so maybe she perked up. Lehna NEVER throws fits in the morning at daycare she is usually running down the hall and can’t wait to eat breakfast. So I don’t know I think it didn’t help that Tait was home with her all day yesterday I think that made her want to stay home again. But the good news is she DID sleep through the night last night… She woke up one time we put her in our bed ONCE and moved her back… but 10:30 she was asleep and gone for the entire night. I was SOOOO EXCITED! So hopefully no more babies in the bed, I know she loves it but it’s getting really annoying b/c I can’t really sleep with in the bed and then I have to move her back… it just makes me crazy! It was a HORRIBLE habit to get into and now we are suffering to break her luckily it’s only been about 2 weeks with this new sleeping in our bed thing so hopefully breaking it won’t be too hard.

As far as everything else goes I was able to get a dresser this weekend for Maya’s room. I’m VERY excited about it! So I know I have said this OVER AND OVER but I am going to get the dumb bed down and actually start setting up things in that room. I really want to get it ready to go b/c baby will be here in about 10 weeks if I go on time… sooooo that’s a little bit of pressure! I know it’s not like tomorrow but I can only do about one project a day one the weekend b/c it wears me out so quick so I have to decide what I’m going to work on a little at a time so I can get it under control and I know it’s going to take some time in that room b/c there are just some many little touches to do.

Jackie was so very nice and purchase Tait and I a whole bedroom set for baby Maya. It’s the John Lennon Animal set it’s VERY cute! And it will look really nice in the room. The room is painted a soft yellow and white so it will look really good in there it almost looks like it was planned. Jackie also offered herself up as FREE slave labor this weekend to help me work in that room. So I KNOW I will be working in there now which is good b/c I need to do it! So if I get it all up and looking pretty I will take pictures so everyone can see. It will depend on the progress. I need to get a staple gun though so I can “fix” the carpet. Daisy the dog was kind enough to pull the carpet up around the door sooooo when you open the door you have to push REALLY hard to get the door open and the carpet gets stuck under the door and stuff… It’s a whole lot of mess. So I need to come up with a way to fix it I figure a staple gun would be the easiest then I can just refasten the thing back down. It won’t look pretty but I’m not too concerned with “pretty” I just want to door to open without having to fight the carpet. Tait suggested we cut the carpet back around the door but I don’t know how that will look; with staples it will at least be hidden. So I don’t know that will be one thing I will have to “figure” out. We also have to get sealers for the windows so that will be done before next winter since we won’t be getting the windows. I am VERY sad about it! The sales guy keeps calling me asking me if I’m for CERTAIN wanting to cancel the windows. I haven’t called him back yet to tell him yes. I just can’t do it. I hate the idea they are going to suck until next winter. We were SOOOOO CLOSE to getting them but the furnace kind of changed our plans, but the new furnace was something that HAD to be replaced and the windows are kind of a thing that can wait. If you know what I mean they aren’t the most exciting thing but hopefully something will come along!

Something exciting happened at work! We just landed a new client that is REALLY going to help keep work flowing in! I’m VERY EXCITED about it b/c it’s now a new 5 year contract. So that will help with our hours which will help and we will be able to place more people at work. Which is SOOOO important? I found out that after I get back from my maternity leave they will become my client. The senior staffing agent will have it until then but then I’ll get it so I’m excited about it. I was able to get another client who they are soooo much harder to fill b/c it’s only weekend shifts right now. Soooo I hope that eventually they have more perm positions or I am going to STRUGGLE every week trying to get it filled. It’s just one of those things you know what I mean! But that’s work.

Tait is really enjoying his new spot as an Investigator. He has only been an investigator for about 3 weeks and he has really enjoyed it. So that’s kind of fun! I have been meaning to write about this before but I kept forgetting. So he is still working for the same company and everything just he’s doing more investigations. The only that kind of sucks is he has weekends where he’s on call and like this week he has been on call all week so he doesn’t sleep very well b/c he’s afraid he’ll miss a call. So it’s kind of strange. It’s like he has to be tied to this beeper it’s kind of funny.

Well that’s all I have for this weeks update. I know it’s kind of long and boring but hey… that happens.

Thanks for reading about us!


Sarah said...

10 weeks left!! Wow!! Thats insane!! It seems to be going so much faster than with Lehna. But I guess thats because I was talking to you daily on AIM then. I do miss our daily chats by the way! :]

Glad to hear things are going well on the job front for you and Tait. I on the other hand am looking for a new job. I just need a change. I'll let you know how it goes.

Well I better get going.. I have a new blog... THe Corby Family. I deleted the other one by mistake when I was trying to delete all the enteries and start fresh for the New Year.

Take care!!

Stephanie said...

I just looked up your new blog very cool I will have to have Jackie change the links on the page... I need her to do that for christina's page as well since her's is different too. Yeah it is FLYING by I can't believe it! It's totally insanity. Tanna Tait's Sister is only 4 weeks away which blows my mind even more, not that I want to be pregnant the rest of my life but still. Yeah we have MSN messgener here so if you are ever on that I can log onto that an add you. Shot me an email if your on that.
Talk to you soon.