Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Short Week!

Well here is the week/weekend wrap up for this week!

This has been an exciting week for as short as it has been!

This weekend my mom came down from Wisconsin to visit Lehna & Zachary. She spent the day with us and night then went over on Sunday to visit Zach. I think they had a good time together. Lehna was really shy at first when mom first came around but she opened up. But the end of the night mom was wrestling on the floor with her and tickling her belly. We had gone to Pizza Hut on Saturday night and I don’t know if that “fruit drink” is all sugar or what but when we came back Lehna was like a wild child she was running around the table yelling and running into our legs and laughing then she would run into Mom’s it was fun but she was wound up.

Lehna got a new book it’s called ‘If you give a mouse a cookie’ my mom got it for her and as most of you know her favorite book is ‘I Love you through and through’ well Lehna now carries both books around to each of us every night for us to read them to her so I think that’s pretty cute. So Mom the book is a BIG hit she really enjoys it. It’s great it’s one of those books where there are only a few words on the pages so Lehna has the attention span to sit through each page. It’s a cute book if you ever read it I think you would enjoy it.

On Sunday we went to Indy to get our pictures taken. I’m a portrait member (so they wouldn’t have sitting fees) and Jackie and Marcus want to get their pictures taken AND we wanted the kids pictures taken together as well so we all went together to get them done.

We went first and Lehna was not too happy through the picture she was shy around the photographer and was leering of her and they only took 4 pictures total and we did manage to get 2 out of the 4 so that was good. They turned out cute but Lehna wasn’t into it too much I mean what you want for a 2 year old. Marcus, Jackie, and Zach’s pictures were cute too but they only took 4 of them as well and they did get 2 out of them as well which was nice. After the “family pictures” we got the kids together and Lehna was better but she still barely smiled for them. She did the same blank expression on her face. The goofy kid, so as soon as I get those pictures back I will be adding them to the website or at least Jackie will update them for me… won’t you Jackie (you love me right Jackie?).

This week has been pretty exciting even for a short week. Work was kind of slow this week when we hit the holidays I guess we slow down tediously so I don’t have very many job orders or anything to do besides sales calls and let me tell you THOSE SUCK! I’m just bad at them and I get really nervous I’m always afraid the people will start yelling at me or something… I know they won’t but I just get nervous about it. I always have it in my head that they are going to say no but they want us to contact people that we haven’t used us and that just makes me nervous b/c I’m afraid they’ll ask me questions they won’t know. I don’t know it’s kind of funny that I get worried about it but I do…

One really exciting this is our furnace broke on Tuesday night. We were sitting watching TV and we were talking about how drafty our house was like by the windows especially. Well Tait sealed the windows with plastic and it still was cold in the house and during that time I had turned the heat up to 70 degrees. Well after Tait got done sealing the windows he checked the temp again it the temp gage hadn’t moved… big Uht Oh… so we kept watching it until we went to bed and the fan was continuously running like the thing didn’t shut off. Well this has happened before with our furnace and it was a build up around the burner and they had to come out and vacuum it out last time. Well we had to turn the power off to it last night b/c the fan was constantly pushing out cold air and we went to bed with lots of blankets. I have put in a call into a service center and they are supposed to be there today to fix it. So hopefully they will be able to fix it today and not have to worry about it anymore. It’s stressing! I hate that.

So on happier news

So this week we are going to go to Williamsport for Thanksgiving Lunch then Up to Peru for Porgies! I’m VERY excited. It’s going to be a great weekend busy busy but it will be fun I think! We have talked about doing Black Friday but nothing is in stone yet. Tait and I have decided that there really isn’t anything that we need as far as the “special deals” so we may pass it up totally. I don’t know though it’s still very unclear. So we’ll have to see what happens. It’s just too early to make those plans so far this morning.

Baby news.

What’s going on with Baby B? Well I am feeling her kick more and more which is kind of fun. Tait said he did feel her kick the other night while his arm was draped across my tummy. That apparently made her very upset b/c she kicked his arm and he felt the little bump then. So that was fun. We still don’t really have a name we have tossed several around but nothing has really stuck yet. Tait keeps trying to teach Lehna new names that we come up with and I keep telling him to stop since it will confuse her so he said he would. So hopefully something will come in and I’ll really love it. Just nothing yet has really struck my fancy.

Lehna News

She’s still as rotten as ever. Her room is coming along it’s just slowly we still didn’t take the bed out. I’m thinking about getting a single bed for her room only b/c once Baby B is finally born we won’t have any place to put out visitors so we may put the single in Baby B’s room since the baby will be in our room. So I don’t know we will have to work on that problem. Lehna has also started to slowly work her bedtime up 9 p.m she is doing it herself. She is just SOOOOO wound up by the time bedtime rolls around we can usually tell she’s tired though b/c she gets to start throwing fits of little things that’s usually when I notice the time and I go.. .Lehna are you ready to go to bed and she usually goes “no” and I go that’s too bad and she usually runs away from me… it’s a game… Probably not a smart game to play with her but it’s part of the “routine” I KNOW again not a smart game to play but she’s so rotten sometimes but so cute at the same time. It’s a hard battle. She’s pretty cute though I love her. I can’t wait for this weekend she is going to have so much fun planning with all of the relatives. I can’t wait to EAT! LOL the joys of Thanksgiving when your pregnant! I just hope she’s good this weekend there’s nothing worse then a bratty 2 year old. I know I can’t think of anything worse maybe when it’s MY two year old that I want to kill!

Lehna’s hair is STILL in her eyes. I have tried once to get her hair cut but there was like a 45 min wait time so I decided against it. I am planning on getting it done it’s just hard to plan a time that she won’t be wild and trying to think of a place that will “entertain” her. Trying to get this child to sit still is quite a feat! I mean she is the BUSIEST little kid that I have ever seen. She won’t watch TV we have started to get her into SOMETHING and she will tolerate the Wiggles for about 5 mins but if they aren’t dancing then you mind as well forget it b/c that’s all her attention span will handle is just dancing. She really enjoys the dancing… though you can’t tell her to dance b/c if you do she just spins round and round until she falls down and I hate that. I am always fearful she’s going to hit a sharp corner or something like that. Not to be a worry wart but I do worry. Which is kind of interesting b/c the other day Tait took Lehna to the book store and there was book about all the wiggles and she picked it up and was VERY excited about it so Tait got it for her so she does recognize the Wiggles which is kind of fun! At least we can say she’s “sort of” into something… Lehna would much rather be putting on her shoes to go somewhere then watching the TV. Which is kind of nice b/c taking her to the grocery store or shopping is so easy with her. She enjoys watching the people which is nice. You just can’t look at something too long b/c she does start to pull clothes of the hangers and that’s kind of annoying. But she’s a good kid overall. I am very curious to see what type of personality her sister is going to have. I mean if she’s “anything” like Lehna Lord help us all! Lehna is just so busy and always wants to do something which is just so cute. Lehna’s “swing set” fund is growing which is nice. My office has office meetings weekly and there are questions at the end of our “training” and they pass out 1s & 5s and anyone I get I put in her swing set fund. I want to get her one of the nice wooden swing sets so I need like 300 or so to get her a nice one. We also put ALL of our loose change in there and I have two piggy banks going for it. I told Tait one day we are going to count it and it will be like 50,000 which would be nice! LOL

Okay that’s all I got for now I know its exciting isn’t it… I was just looking over what all I typed in and boy did I type a lot but boy it is just crap isn’t it LOL



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