Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Zoobley Zoo

Well the Beast Lehna has finally developed…

Last week when Tait went to pick up Lehna and Maya from daycare the teacher pulled Tait aside and told him that Lehna was HORRIBLE all day long. She then proceeded to tell Tait that Lehna was put in time out for calling the teacher a bad name and then while she was in time out… she then proceeded to THROW CHAIRS at the teacher demanding that her daddy come pick her up.

YIKES does this sound like a story that MY parents would have told people! Well Tait said in the car ride home Lehna was HORRIBLE she didn’t listen ran away from him… it was just a bad day for Little Miss Lehna.

Well when she got home she has stopped crying and we put her in her room in her bed for about a ½ hour to kind of “reflect” and I went in and told her how disappointed I was in her for not listening. So during that time I found out “what happened” to her during the day. This is Lehna’s side of the story.

She said that she was put in time out b/c she called Ms. Angie a poopy diaper. She said that when she was in time out the rest of the children got ice cream and she said that she wasn’t allowed to have any b/c she was in time out so she got ANGRY b/c she didn’t get any and started to throw the chairs b/c she was mad that the teacher didn’t give her any and did demand for her daddy to come pick her up.

So it also turns out that the day before a little girl in Lehna’s class got really mad and started to throw chairs… they said that she DEMANDED for her daddy to come pick her up and they said that she was bad enough that they did have to come pick her up… So Lehna was in fact copy catting that girl. So that is good news… I never found out if the ice cream part of the story was true but I’m sure she did call the teacher a poopy diaper right now Poopy is kind of her “word” of choice.

So we had to bibe her. We told her that if she is good the rest of the week then on Saturday we would take her bowling. Well she was excellent the rest of the week and we took her bowling on Saturday. It was really fun we played just one game… we did the whole 2 games before and that was a WAIST Lehna was just so done. But she lasted until frame 8 and then she started running around and stuff, but it was fun. Then we played some games and stuff in the arcade which was pretty fun. Lehna did trip on the step and hurt her head but other than that it was a pretty fun activity.

This week we told her if she is good then we will get her a Dora Birthday Movie… but she changed her mind and decided that she wants Sleeping Beauty BUT we found out that isn’t going to be released until October 7th. So we told her we would get her another movie of her choice on Friday. BUT then last night happened.

Lehna and Maya went to bed pretty easily last night. Maya was totally zonked by 8:30 after of course a screaming fit that lasted like 15 minutes (she was VERY tired). Then Lehna went right into her room. Lehna was pretty quiet and then as I was lying in bed I could hear her wrestling around, so I had to go investigate.

When I went into her room the little stinker had pulled all of her clothes out of her drawers and took ALL the toys and diapers and such off of the baby changing table. And piled them in a huge MOUND in the middle of the floor she even pulled off her blankets of her bed and piled them under the floor. So I told her very firmly (mind you I can’t yell b/c Maya is in the same room sleeping) that I was very disappointed in her and that she has a major mess to clean up tomorrow after daycare. She gave me attitude… which just DRIVES ME CRAZY and I put her back in her bed turned off the TV and soon she fell asleep, but mercy me is there a mess to clean up. Tait told her that she wasn’t going to get a movie unless she helped pick up the mess. Which NEVER goes well… she also stands along the side and says she’s not going to help…

I haven’t quite figure out when she does that how to make her start helping… without pulling her arms to hold things… which I don’t think would be very successful… but usually if she does that I just ignore her… thinking that reverse psychology will work… IT NEVER WORKS… isn’t that sad L so if anyone has any suggests on how to get my young three year old motivated when she’s being a young beast… please let me know.

Tait and I have decided we are going to do the bribing thing for awhile so far at DAYCARE she has gotten really good remarks about her behavior and how well she is doing. At home… not so much, but I really just care how she is with other people. I mean I realize that at home she is always going to be worse b/c we are her parents so she’s going to challenge us more… you know what I mean.

Maya has been given some really good compliments from daycare. They said that she is the best speaker in the class. Which she does have a large vocab but she still is kind of hard to understand. She knows the word Thank you really well. Also please she knows well. You really have to listen to what she is saying but you can normally pick out the words she is saying. She knows Bottle REALLY well… I need to hide them I think pretty soon b/c she is a BIG bottle baby. I mean she’s 18 months old… it’s time. But she really does speak well. They said she also is really well behaved, so that’s good am glad that she is good. Of course at home she throws HUGE fits. This past weekend she threw herself on the ground and started kicking the floor… it was an interesting site to say the least. So I know that she still gets frustrated… It’s mainly when we tell her No to something she wants… she normally “wants” to climb on chairs and on the table… things that are VERY unsafe… the silly girl.

This past weekend another exciting thing was that Maya was now old enough to go into Nursery at Church. So Tait and I were able to sit peacefully in Sunday school and also in our separate meetings afterwards it was so wonderful. They said that Lehna was SOOOO helpful with Maya they said she would show Maya were all the toys were and that type of thing. It was really very nice. Lehna keeps asking me if she is going to go back to nursery next week and I keep telling her yes. It’s very cute how protective she is over Maya. Maya I know loves her big sister. They are always playing together and Lehna gives Maya her suckers all the time usually unused but still really sweet. I am glad that they seem to have a good relationship in that way. Well so far anyways.

This is an update within an update… you know me I start and update get distracted then have to start a new one… this one I’m just including old news with new b/c you know I’m just really too lazy to rewrite the whole darn thing again.

So what’s the news around our home this week?

Well Lehna has managed to “earn” bowling & a movie for behaving at daycare. This past week she was so good I took her to Wal-Mart and told her she could pick out any movie she wanted (in the kid section of course) and the little girl picked up this Barbie Movie and said “this is the movie I want, it has princesses” Well you can’t argue with that and that’s the movie we went with… it was ONLY $5 bucks! So what can I say she has cheap taste? So this week I decided to make the ‘prize’ a bit smaller and I told her that if on Friday if she gets good reports I would take her to the store and she can pick out any color of nail polish and we will paint her nails and toes, she’s VERY into this. So we have talked about it all weekend long and she can’t wait! So like I said she has CHEAP taste LOL.

This past weekend we headed down and over to Williamsport. Tait’s parents were in town and we had tickets to the football game so they watched the girls on Saturday and we went and had tailgating and football. It was a ton of fun good game too. Since the game was sooooo early we brought breakfast items. Its was a good time. My coworker had extra tickets so we went up and sat where his season tickets were and they were really awesome seats so that was really fun. After the game we went back down to Williamsport and visited with Tait’s grandmother and Aunts and Uncles it was good time.

Then on Sunday we skipped church and headed back down to Williamsport b/c there was a festival going on and they were having dinner and such. It was really good they made Ham and Beans so we were very AUROMATIC afterwards but it was really fun. The parade was also really nice they gave out SO much candy every person in the parade had candy so we sat with a bunch of kids so they threw out gobs and gobs of it. We let both Maya and Lehna eat their fill of it on Sunday then I put it “up” for now. Lehna asked where it was yesterday but I told her it was put away for now. I would have given her some but it was like 8:30 at night and knew she probably wouldn’t go to sleep, if she would have had sugar that late.

Well Tait and I are still working on our weight loss. I am still hovering at 8 lbs and nothing more. It’s sad. I’m actually going to see the doctor on Friday to see if my blood work is normal b/c maybe there’s a reason why I’m not loosing. I am hoping that there is a solution wouldn’t that be great. So we’ll see what happens. I am still walking everyday; we did start to increase the amount now we are starting to walk every day for 45 minutes to help get things moving a bit faster. It’s nice to have to walk together with the girls. Lehna likes it when we are near the side walk b/c then she gets to walk along side us on the side walk… yes we walk in the streets but it’s not a booming metropolis so it’s fine.

Tait is really close to one of his goals… he is going to probably hit it this week… and he will be at 32 lbs lost. So I’m so very proud of him. None of his clothes fit him so I had to get him smaller belts to help hold up his pants. I also went through his smaller clothes that I had packed away and pulled out his 2xl shirts and XL shirts and rotated them into his closet. I didn’t remove anything yet... but it’s coming. I don’t really want to go out and spend 300 bucks on more clothes for him though until he kind of tapers off a bit. He really is doing well and I’m just so proud of him. I hope he doesn’t hit a plateau any time soon. My clothes are still fitting darn them. I can really tell in my lower baby belly (I have two you know, upper and lower, each child left their own special gift) b/c my clothes are looser through there but nothing dramatic. I want to buy smaller belts b/c my clothes won’t stay up… but again… not so much. So I’m going to still keep working and eventually the darn stuff will come off. I am considering doing weight watchers but I’m really worried that that will not help b/c I KNOW I don’t diet… and I will do it for about a week and a half then go back to old habits b/c I’m just that lazy. So we’ll see what happens.

Maya is in this HUGE climbing stage so every vacant chair she wants to climb up on and go from chair to chair like a crazed monkey. She’s cute but it is challenging.

I am getting ready to make a huge movement in their room to get them all set for a brand new set up to put the girls in the same room still but put Maya in a bigger bed. I’m excited about it I just need to have time to go through the room and move stuff to the garage. So fun fun J I went through Maya’s clothes this weekend and removed all of the too small and moved bigger ones into her closet that took a while… I need to go through Lehna’s and I was going to… but after I got done with Maya’s I was so done going through clothes it wasn’t even funny. So I will save Lehna’s clothes for another day but she is going to probably need “bigger” shirts for fall time b/c I think that she is growing faster then her clothes will allow.

Okay that is all I have for now.


Sarah said...

Wow!! That was a huge post! LOL

I must say that I too still have issues with Aubree and her additude. Luckily she never misbehaved at school. It's hard being a parent that's for sure. I have a book "parenting sos" that I need to drag back out and look at. You may want to check it out as well. I've heard it's pretty good.

Congrats to you and Tait for the weight loss. I really need to get back on track. I am thinking of doing Weight Watchers online again. When I did it last time I lost 27lbs and my BFF lost 40 something and has kept it off. Good luck with whatever you decide and keep me posted!! =]

Stephanie said...

LOL I know I write huge posts but this one was two updates in one b/c I didn't get it completed LOL.

I need to read that book. Lehna has my genes so I know we WILL have a little attitude but there are times I just want to slap her face off... I don't but really want to... and it's ONLY 3 WHAT IN THE WORLD IS IT GOING TO BE LIKE WHEN SHE'S OH I DON'T KNOW 13!!!!! It's a scary thought... but at least it gives me something to write about LOL...

I thought about doing WW but I just don't "diet" well I mean I have been watching what I have been eating I cut out all chocolate, sugar, pop, you know all the horrible things but still am waiting... I hate dieting... b/c seriously I don't do it. I get bored to easily... So we'll see what the doctor says this week... maybe there's a reason...

Rebecca said...

Hey Steph! It sounds like you're staying busy! You're kids sound like they are keeping you on their toes. :) It was good to catch up on what you're doing. Congrats on the new car too!

Sarah said...

RYC: It's not that I don't want to go to the football game.. I wasn't invited LOL This is something that Dwight and his friend do every year. They root for a team in Ga so they only have this chance once a year. Otherwise when we have Jaguar tickets I'm there!! =]

The thing I like about Weight Watchers is that it's not a typical "diet". You eat what you want you just have to stay within your points. No other rules at all. You can have whatever you want as long as you don't go over. That's the flex point option. There is another option that you can only eat specific things but I can't do that one! LOL I need variety and my favorite foods in there!

Good luck with whatever you choose to do. And Good luck at the Dr's!!

Stephanie said...

Yes are staying very busy, work... well not so much. This is normally the BUSIEST part of the year and not so much right now. We hit an ultime client count with 65 clients this year... but that was back in June and we have teadered bewteen 50-55 which is GREAT but our hours are really horrible. So work... has been slow. You know the routine. the girls are great though I enjoy them very much.

Stephanie said...

Aww I see it's not a you don't want to it's a boy annual thing... I see. Tait will do that with his brother about once a season, of course he always asks me to go but I normally don't want to take the girls so I just opt to stay home with them, b/c it's usuaully for a team that we don't really care about and it's usually away from us.

Well I have been thinking about weight watchers I really have been but I don't know. I will look into this afternoon and get more info on it. It won't hurt me you know. I just hate paying for that kind of stuff, it upsets me that I can't do this on my own I mean I got fat on my own... why can't I get skinny on my own. Oh well... Well see what the Doctor says today... there is still a little light at the end of the tunnel. :)