Friday, September 05, 2008

News from the Zoo

So I managed to go an entire month without updating… bad blogger bad…

But the good part IS Jackie and I were able to come up with a new “theme” for my fabulous blog… and it’s true… I truly live at the Wagner Zoo! Thank you Jackie. There are days in which no zookeeper in their life would work at this zoo b/c the animals are so moody… Tonight has been a rough night so maybe this isn’t the best night to blog… but heck I’ll give it a shot.

So let me begin. The beginning of August was really good. I was able to have a very romantic 5-year anniversary with Tait. We had a babysitter for 24 hours and Tait and I rented a Jacuzzi in the room… talk about fabulous… I want one of them for my house… So we enjoyed that quite a bit and went swimming and out to eat… it was a nice “relaxing” BREAK.

For Tait’s birthday this year we were VERY informal. We had a nice quite dinner at home. Tait didn’t want a party or anything he just wanted to enjoy his “girls” is what he told me. So we got an ice cream cake and southwestern chicken… pretty fabulous.

Then the end of August… well things got a little interesting out our home. Well it mainly involved the vehicle at our home.

As I was driving to work one morning, I noticed a shape in the roadway… well at first I thought it was a Styrofoam cup and there was a car in the other lane so I really couldn’t avoid the cup… and ran over it… little did I know that this “cup” was actually a HUGE concrete chuck of the roadside… and I SMACKED it HARD! I mean it hit my car… rattled around a bit underneath it and then it rolled out… and I was like “holy crap what the hell was that” well… I then put it all together very quickly… that it was a rock that I hit… so I got to work… and I got under my car and it totally smashed my oil pan to crap… soooo I was now leaking oil. So GREATNESS! This was the Corsica a car that I have had, then was then used by Jackie and Marcus, then was used by Trent, then was used once again by use… it is like the rotating car. It was a 1994 Corsica… so it was quite an old car… Well I called the police to make a report… I don’t know what else to do… and the police officer I have to say was QUITE a jerk face… I don’t know if he just thought I was ridiculous for making a report or what… but I didn’t know what to do… I was REALLY angry b/c there was a freaking piece of the road in the middle of the road… and I just happened to hit it and there was nothing I could do… quite crappy. Well after we took the car to the car place to get it fixed… I called my insurance company and more bad news that car didn’t have comprehensive or collision… it only has liability… soon the car WE would have to fix. More then upset is how I felt about it.

Well we got the car fixed b/c we knew that it was going to have to last at least until March b/c the SUV wasn’t paid off until then… well so we pressed forward… well… then all kinds of things started to happen. The transmission was starting to act up… it would kind of forget to shift… the car place said it sounded like that there was a problem with the timing belt or something like that… have no idea not a car person… soooo we decided that we couldn’t just continue in this car b/c it wasn’t dependable… I was really afraid to drive the car to Lafayette everyday. So we went car shopping.

So finding a new car was really fun for me b/c unlike last time when we got the van and even though Tait kind of left the decision to me, even though he was going to be driving it all the time I know that this CAR I WOULD be driving all the time. So it was a different experience. We went to this place in Lafayette after looking on line and kind of window shopping… they had a 2005 Certified Toyota Corolla. It drove soooooooo nice. We drove it around it was really a great car. So we bought it. It is lovely. I love being able to get in my car everyday and have a working AC and be able to go someone at lunch and have the car start and not have to worry about the car dying in the middle of an intersection every day… what a relief. So now we have TWO new cars… yeah for us. So we should be car happy for awhile. And the good news is the Corsica AND SUV are gone… YEAH! The SUV was such a burden this is really a great thing that we have now. It’s really fabulous.

So now it’s starting September and things are getting back into the school routine… I mean even though our kids are in school yet… daycare switches curriculum and Lehna comes home now talking about different letters and counting in Spanish and stuff, compared to the summer where she comes home and talks about which movies that she has seen. Which you know summer they relax and I understand you know…

So Tait and I looked into registering Lehna for Dance classes we actually told Lehna that we were going to register for classes but when I went to the studio to register Lehna they said that she was going to be in the “creative movement classes” which is the kinderdance classes… but what the means is she won’t be in the end of the year program… which kind of sucks… so we decided to keep Lehna out for a year, and wait until next year when she’ll be in the program at the end of the year… so keep that day open… lol.

Maya is growing and growing… she has really started taking off verbally… she was at the doctor’s yesterday for another ear infection and the doctor said that Maya is really ahead of where she’s supposed to be so that is good. She says phrases things like “I want more”, “Thank you”, “Bottle”, “Lemha, (which sounds like a combination of mommy and lama) it’s hard to explain, “Hold baby” “Molly Dog” she also counts to five after you say the words (so its more of a parrot thing verses her KNOWING the words) she also is learning where her nose, eyes, hair, tongue, tummy, knees, you all the body parts are… It’s so strange when you have one kid you teach all of these things too… then when you have a second kid you kind of “forget” that you have to teach the second one all of the same things you just taught your first kid… I don’t know it’s hard to explain. She is really doing well though. She still takes a bottle and pass… basically I AM NOT in a hurry to break these yet… passes am as serious as bottles to me… bottles I want to start anytime… but I’m not quite ready yet… Lehna was really easy but Maya I think it going to be hard… b/c Maya KNOWS what a bottle is, where the are, and how to get them… and she throws a HUGE fit when she doesn’t get them and to save my sanity… I’m not ready yet… I know that is ONLY going to make it that much harder later… I just am in no hurry to break it yet, at daycare bottles are totally gone… so it’s just at home that we are still doing it. The doctor really didn’t seem too concerned yet… so we are going to just pass.

Well some big news or I should say “skinny news” Tait and I have been working on loosing weight… Tait have to say has been doing a GREAT job. He has lost 28 lbs. so far in the past 6-8 weeks approximately. I have lost 8 but then I gained some back then lost some… so my total is like 5 lbs.… My body moves so slow… I have lost “roundness” but not really lbs. yet… we have been weight lifting and walking every since day. Tait really changed his diet and that’s where a lot of his weight started to come off. I didn’t really start changing my diet until like ohhhh two weeks ago… so that’s why mine has been up and down… I don’t believe in dieting b/c I know when I “diet” I don’t follow it so I have been educating myself on calories, excerise, reading labels… all kinds of education that I never did before. And it’s really changed… but I really didn’t get serious until like two weeks ago… when I saw how much weight Tait was losing I definitely wanted to get on the bus! So I’m very proud of Tait he is looking really good. I will have to get a new picture of him up…

Well that’s all that pretty much what’s happening right now. Hopefully I will update again soon. This week is the first Purdue football game… so I can’t wait for that… and we will be tailgating on top of that…

Talk to you all later and thanks for reading about us.

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