Thursday, July 31, 2008

A couple months review

Okay nothing is going to stop me from updating now!

I have started this update so many freaking times.

Okay so here is the update right now.

Most everyone know already but Tait’s Father about a month an ago had a heart attack. He is improving everyday and he says he’s really sore after therapy. He had to have a three bypasses done (I think that’s how you say it) so he has been pretty sore. We have been getting updates everyday which is a good thing and we have heard that he improves everyday. I know he’s probably ready to get back to life. So it’s been a stressful time for our family. We went up the weekend that he had the heart attack to make sure that he was okay and this was before the surgery happened… they didn’t set the surgery until several days later due to scheduling which was frustrating. I’m glad that he’s okay though and I’m happy that he’s been improving.

Two weekends ago we had plans that we were going to go to see him in Wisconsin but on Wednesday Night Lehna was running a fever and Maya’s teacher at daycare said that she had the chicken pox… so we ran them to an urgent care and Lehna was given some antibodies for her soar throat and Maya they said that her “chicken pox” was actually bug bites they thought… but to watch them. So we decided instead of taking the risk of getting Tim exposed to chicken pox and a sore throat we decided to stay home. I was very disappointed b/c I wanted to check on Tim and also see my parents. We will just have to go up another time.

Maya doing a Belly flog onto the bean bag
The month of June as a whole was a pretty insane month. I turned older… this was a rough birthday for me for some reason b/c it’s one year closer to the big 30 which I don’t know why that makes me sad but it does… I mean you’d think being the mother of two would be enough for me to realize that I’m getting OLDER… but still it was a little rough. I guess we can’t stay young forever.

Maya eating a toy

Maya with a spoon

We also have been doing some cool things with the girls this month. We took them to the strawberry festival and that was fun. Maya slept through most of it until it was time to eat then she woke up waiting to eat some tiger ear and corn dog. Lehna had a blast, when we first got there I thought it was going to be horrible b/c Lehna saw a clown and demanded to go home and was crying and was REALLY upset. So we got her settled down but having her ride the ponies and she really liked that. She held on to Tait with a death grip but eventually she kind of settled down and kind of was really to play.

Maya playing the duck game

Lehna Showing her Lute

Lehna and Tait with the pony
Now onto July. July has been yet another busy month. But what else would you expect right.

The beginning of the month started busy and it hasn’t settled down yet… thank goodness it’s almost August although looking ahead doesn’t look like it’s going to get any easier. But I digress.

The Fourth of July was really fun. We had a BBQ the beginning of this month. We were supposed to go to Wisconsin that weekend to check on Tait’s dad but as you can see from that last week in June we had too sick kids so we couldn’t go. So plans were kind of turned on their head. We went to Marcus and Jackie’s for the Fourth of July for a little BBQ. Lehna’s fever was gone she was still on antibiotics but Jackie said we could come over anyways and Maya’s “spots” turned out to be mosquito bites. So we could have gone but oh well.

Lehna & Zach in the pool

Maya in the pool

Zach in the pool

Pool Party

Lehna and bubbles

Maya and bubbles

On the Sunday of July 4th we went to Peru b/c my cousin who I haven’t seen in several years was there. We got to see Sarah and I got to meet her daughter Aubree. It’s so strange seeing people you haven’t seen in awhile and I haven’t really talked to Sarah either by email or anything for awhile so it was kind of strange, but it was good to see her. We were TWO peas in a pod growing up. We are only two months apart in age so you can imagine J she also took some really cute pictures of my kids. So is quite the photographer.

Picture by Sarah

Picture by Sarah

The next weekend we welcome a new baby into our family. Jackie and Marcus we able to welcome a new baby Evan Kristopher into their family on July 10th. He is SUCH a cutie. Jackie went REALLY fast from start to finish; I think it was a total of an hour and a half. So very quick indeed. We took Zachary to our house the day Jackie was released from the hospital so that was really fun. Zach and Lehna played so well together, Maya followed along in their shadow but they all seemed to have a good time. Zach didn’t really come out of his shell until later on in the evening and then he was chasing Lehna down the hall and laughing and really playing well it was fun. He was exhausted he crawled up on Tait’s lap he wouldn’t sleep but he just layer there all tried, it was cute.
I have one picture of him... when I first saw him I forgot to get pictures so I'm a HORRIBLE aunt...

Last week we had the 4-H fair so we went up there to look around and have dinner and stuff and we happened to hit the night that Dance by Deborah a dance troop in Lafayette was performing. It’s very similar to the dance troop I was in when I was younger so it was exciting to see Lehna watch the dance troop. There was one particular dance she wouldn’t stop talking about. It was the song from Cinderella called “We Can Do it” it was two little girls about Lehna’s age dressed up in cute little pink tutus with little mouse ears and tails and they did ballet and I use the term ballet loosely. She watched with STARS IN HER EYES and she kept saying that she wanted to get up there and try and she watched the next class line up and go up on stage and she was so very excited about it. Tait and I had talked about getting her involved with dance come fall so this was really a push. She talked about the dance and wanted them to come back and do the dance again and of course I tried to explain to her that it didn’t work that way but it was very cute.

So the next day I started calling the three different dance troops in our town and we decided to go with Crawfordsville Dance Academy. I think that she will really like it. The classes are going to be easy for us to get her to and it’s pretty reasonable as far as pricing so I was excited. We told Lehna and she keeps asking if she is going to do dance class today. They start in September this group only performs one big recital in June and then during the summer they have lots of places they go to perform. They also do some things during the fall but it’s mainly just “learning time” I think Lehna will really enjoy it. I can’t wait until Maya is old enough to learn as well b/c I think Maya will enjoy it too b/c big sis is involved. But they also have gymnastics around here to… so if Maya wants she can do that if she doesn’t want to do dance. We want to involve both girls into golf when they get a little older so that will be our “family” time as far as activities. I know Tait is ITCHING for them to get older so he can teach them his favorite sport. We have enough golf clubs for them we will have to cut a set down but that will be okay. It should be cool but that is in the future.

Then that weekend we went to Peru for the Annual FOP golf Tournament. It was A TON OF FUN. I love this golf tournament we always have so much fun. We played with Trent, Tanna, Tait, and I. That would are team of champions. We did okay I mean we were 5 under by the end of the round by 11 under won. So that SUCKED but we did have a good time. We managed to be Sam’s team, Tanna’s boyfriend, so that was fun. We stayed at their house over night and then went home on Sunday. Sam has a pool so the girls had some pool time. Tait’s Aunt and Uncle came up and watched all five kids at Sam’s house and so I am very appreciative for them b/c it allowed me to have fun.

So that is us up to date. Tim is doing much better they are actually going to try coming down this weekend and staying a couple of days so that’s a good sign of improvement. Helen is really excited. This weekend is going to be BUSY. We have our 5 year anniversary on Saturday and we have gotten a sitter for Saturday to Sunday to Tait and I can celebrate our anniversary in style. Then on Sunday we have two family things going on. We have Tait’s family reunion on Sunday at noon then we are going to jump to Lafayette to have my grandma’s annual birthday celebration dinner at 5 on Sunday… so it will be a busy day. But it should be an AWSOME weekend, I just can’t wait.

This week we have some excitement going on. We have the annual Lafayette Transitional Housing Bingo thing on Thursday. It can’t wait… I like playing bingo too. I like the pull tabs they are so much fun. Tait jokingly said that if his parents are still here next week they will be able to visit him in the hospital. I mean Tait has Appendicitis once at this bingo and now he carries a grudge… LOL… just rub some dirt on it honey.

So it’s been busy busy busy recently but we all seem to strive when it’s busy. The girls are growing up so fast it is really changing. Maya has moved to a new room at day care she is now with the toddlers so with the new move she is starting to babble more. Her comprehension is excellent you can ask her if she wants a drink and she will shake her head yes or no… but talking… that’s still a struggle. She calls everyone dada… which drives me totally batty, I just want her to call me mama… she will say it if you say… who am I… sometimes… but not often enough for me… usually she wonder through the house going “dada dada” and I don’t know if she means me dada or Tait dada. She’s such a cute doll baby. We got her first hair cute two weekends ago and her bangs are SOOOO straight... .she looks adorable still but her bangs… man they are straight… She is slowly getting hair in but it has a reddish tint to it… its more red then my hair is… but it’s like blond red like strawberry blond or something. It’s really cute.

And now a tribute to my best friend and husband
5 years already… it has been challenging but it has been really amazing at the same time. We have managed to bring two beautiful children into the world. And so far we haven’t had any major issues which is good. We have a home and we both have careers that are rewarding and challenging. I love being married to Tait he puts up with all my crazy mantic moments and loves me full in return.
The last couple of months have been so very hard but we are really doing well with all the stresses of life and we are growing closer together. I am definitely learning to appreciate Tait much more and I know he has learned similar things. I’m proud to have Tait as my husband he has such a giving heart and is a caring person. He loves me and that is a challenge in itself. He is a wonderful father and provider to our family and he is my partner in every aspect. I love you honey and the past 12 years have really been amazing. I can’t believe we have been married for 5 years already. You truly make me happy; I can’t wait for the next 80 years. Like our Wedding Invitations stated “Today I will marry my friend the one I will learn to live with, laugh with, and love” That is still all true I would marry you all over again. You are my best friend and I am still reminded every day how lucky I am to have you in my life. Happy Anniversary sleepy bear.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Yeah! You updated! Oh, it seems like you have had a lot of fun and stressful things going on. I'm glad Maya didn't have chicken pox! That will be cute when the girls are golfing too. What a fun thing! Congrats on your anniversary!