Thursday, March 06, 2008


Okay so I’m finally writing an update I know that I totally suck I haven’t updated in two very long months so I’m sure you are all on pins and needles wanting to know what’s going on… well… Let me just summarize…

The flu hit us, I had a business trip, Valentine’s Day, I saw midget celebrities, Trip to Wisconsin, It’s a new year, and EVERYTHING in-between it’s been busy!

Let’s start with the update…

We all are slowly coming back to life after the flu struck us over the past two weeks. It was NASTY it’s kind of like the type of flu where you really do just want to crawl under a rock and sleep for like 500 days. I managed to bring it back with me from my business trip and it was horrible. Maya had it first, and then I, then Tait, then lastly this week Lehna Belle got it. It just wipes you out and for us it sat in our sinus (still not fully recovered from that but I’m surviving). It’s been exciting. Having children and being sick just isn’t the best combination I mean when I was sick I depended quite a bit on Tait and Tait did quite a bit for me, he did a wonderful job. When he was sick he didn’t miss any work he just kept on trucking through it. Then I got to be provider for the girls which it was easier for me b/c it was the weekend.

I did go on my first really (big deal) business trip. We went down for an annual conference in Nashville Tennessee. It was a ton of fun. I left Wednesday Night and didn’t get back until Sunday afternoon. My entire office got to attend so that was a lot of fun. We drove down instead of flying since it was so close. Which that wasn’t too bad considering there were 6 adults in the back of a big SUV but it was quite roomy so it wasn’t bad. We had our own personal Vince Gill concert which I’m a country fan but he’s not my favorite… I only know like ONE of his songs… but it was cool to be so CLOSE to him. We also had General Collin Powell speak at our conference… he was interesting actually. He has some interesting political views that he divulged I guess is the correct terminology. But he was interesting.

Then my BIG news we are going to change names of our company, which really doesn’t bother me too much it’s just going to a pain… LOL we are supposed to start calling ourselves out new name April 1st and I guess deep down I’m hoping that they come out and go “just kidding April Fools” but I don’t think that is going to happen… Oh well. So we are having an update… I don’t want to say the new name or tell you what our old name is actually just in case there are haters in the audience… and I don’t want obscenities on my blog! LOL

But then some other exciting news is when I was out our FABOULOUS hotel this place was AMAZING I got to see some Famous people other than Collin Powell and Vince Gill that is… I ran into the family that is on the TLC show Big World Little People… which is a reality TV show about this family of midgets living in the US. Well it was funny but the father of the show went by me in his little scooter and I glanced at him and thought “man he looks familiar” but I couldn’t quite place as to why he looked familiar. Then I went into this store and I saw the mother of the show and she was paying and I was like ‘OH MY GOSH THEY ARE FROM THAT SHOW!’ So I was trying not to stare at them… they had the TV crew and everything following them so that was a bit strange… but it was pretty cool… I didn’t take a picture of them b/c I didn’t want to be “that girl that took a picture of midgets” if that makes sense… but I thought it was cool.

So that was my business trip. I got home and welcomed seeing my children and stepping back into mommy shoes. I really do enjoy being their mommy so it’s all good.

Well we are going to go to Wisconsin THIS weekend so I can’t really update you on that YET. BUT I can tell you what we are planning on doing. We are going to a hotel that has an INDOOR WATERPARK for the girls. We are going north to the Dells and I have heard really cool things about the Dells so it will be fun to go and see them. I can’t WAIT! The thought of me being in a bathing suit in public I’m not so thrilled about… but oh well… I’m going for the girls.

Lehna of course wins the Child to get stitches first on BOTH sides of the family… if you didn’t know there was a competition there was and Lehna won....LOL She was playing this weekend in the hallway with one of those BIG exercise balls and she slipped on her pant leg and bit into her lip. Well it bled of course… and it stopped but she had this major gash in her lip so we decided to take her to the ER. Well let me tell you that was an experience from HELL! I went with Lehna and Tait stayed with Maya at home and everything was fine for the first hour… then after about hour 2 Lehna was driving me INSANE she wouldn’t sit still she was all over the room she would play with the automatic doors, she put quarters on the floor and tried to run away from me a couple of times… I was ready to KILL… which I know her lip is split and it’s been 2 hours very hard on her… Well… I decided that I had to have back up so I called Tait and Tait came and Trent stayed with Maya. I was grateful for the help. Well after 4 hours we FINALLY got back to the area where they actually see the doctor… well we saw the NP and basically she said “okay let’s stitch it up” and we they did… they did it with a pain number which I know is hard but we didn’t have a choice it was either half sedate her or stick her with more needles and I personally don’t think she would have stood for that. So we went with nothing… she cried but she wasn’t too bad she cried… and I held her feet and tried to calm her down as much as I could… hard to do by her feet but we ha to put a stitch in I didn’t want her scared for the rest of her life. So she’s being showing everyone her stitch all week. I guess one of the kids a daycare told her she had bug on her lip and she cried b/c Tait was telling me that story and she started to cry. So she was teased this week the poor baby. So she’s all better and bad to her old self.

Maya is truly going leaps and bounds. She still is creeping along she doesn't ventured away from something close. She did take her first step by but she instantly fell. Tait and I were trying to get her to walk by herself and we I took her fingers off and she took ONE step then fell down. So we are working on it. But it was very sweet. She is STARTING to babble but not all that much. I thought she would really take off quickly with speaking but she really hasn’t yet. She also doesn’t really want to eat baby food any more. We have been giving her baby food b/c that’s easiest but she really wants to eat big people food, which is hard when she only has 2 teeth. It’s so crazy I totally expected her to be away ahead of the pack but she really hasn’t. She’s kind of slugging along at her own pace. I guess Lehna was just quick. I have been putting Maya in 18 month clothes b/c she has the same Buda butt that she is cursed with the length is RIDICULOUS on how long it is… but 12 month she can’t really bend her knees so you know it’s one or the other.

Church. Well it’s going. I loved to say I love my calling and it’s wonderful… but I can’t tell you how much work it truly is. I love working with the Young Women but I have to come with activities and plan things and all that jazz and I have to say it’s difficult. I keep coming up with ideas to do like crafty things which are kind of boring if you do that all the time. This week I had to come up with an idea in Divine Nature which is kind of hard… So I have Individual Worth next month so I have to come up with something that’s not so crafty. I don’t know I just don’t want to bore them to death. I just need a good book to come up with some ideas. It’s just hard to come home and then have to turn right around and go to church for Mutual luckily I just have to go once a month instead of every week or I WOULD go crazy. I really don’t know how the other lady who has 3 young children does it. I mean she’s a stay at home mom so she probably welcomes the break. I just can’t believe how many members in our ward is stay at home moms. It’s crazy! I’m like the odd duck that is a working mom. It’s so insane.

Okay well that’s all I have for now. I will update better. I will just have to make time for it!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hooray for your update!! It's good to know what you've been up to. It sounds like the Memphis trip was awesome. I'm so sorry you've all been sick. No fun at all! Have a good trip to Wisconsin.