Friday, March 21, 2008

Catching up with us this week!

Well I have to tell you Lehna is really just developing her own personality and she has said some of the funniest things over the past couple of days that I wanted to share with you.

We were in church and Lehna was coloring on her white paper and Lehna grabbed her white crayon and goes “The White doesn’t work I think it needs batteries”

Then later on that day We were sitting with Lehna and Maya on our laps and Maya started to cry for her bottle and Lehna looks me in the eye and grabs the sides of my head and goes “give her, her bottle this is SERIOUS” That was hilarious.

When ever Tait has to be called out to an investigation we tell Lehna that ‘daddy is going to save babies’ so she doesn’t get upset when Tait has to leave. Well the other night Tait was called out on an investigation and when Lehna came back she had asked where Tait had been and Tait goes “I went to save babies” then goes “oh well did you bring me one?”

She cracks me up just the funny things she is starting to say. She also LOVES to perform as long as you don’t look at her. LOL Which sounds kind of strange but she’s a big show off loves to be in the middle and have all the attention well if you watch her and she doesn’t want to she gets upset. She loves to sing to herself and put on pretty dresses and pretend she’s going to the party. It’s all very sweet and I can’t believe how much she’s really changed.

Maya on the other hand is fast approaching walking. She is soooo close to it she can almost taste it. We have really been working with her every night to try to get her to move her feet and walk to us but she still favors crawling over all. Not that I want her to be mobile but I know that when they walk they seem to get around better and things are easier/harder all at the same time… if that makes any sense.

She also LOVES to babble she can say Mama and Dada really clearly, when she says it we know she’s talking to us. She also squeals when you tickle her belly and also SMILES greatly when her big sister is around.

Both girls really enjoy each other and I’m sooooo glad they do even though this is a HARD age on me I’m really glad that they have someone so close to them. I just hope that later I don’t regret having them so close.

They are both fast approaching birthdays! I can’t believe it! It doesn’t seem like this time last year I was waiting for Maya b/c for some reason once you get the babies here you feel like you have had them your entire life but it doesn’t feel like she could be one. She’s still really small for her age she’s very short… so she’s got that going for her but she’s so cute. She definitely doesn’t miss a meal but she’s got these big eyes and just is so curious she wants to always be right next to Lehna.

We are going to do a big birthday party for their birthday which some people may think that it’s a bit much. Of course it IS a bit much but the thing is it’s kind of hard to either do something too small and offend someone or do something REALLY big and outlandish LOL of course we are doing the outlandish. We are going to have a swim party at one of the hotels that has an indoor pool. I think the girls will REALLY enjoy it and for those that have children I thought it would be fun for them to come and have them have fun too. So it should be fun I think. But it being a 3 year birthday and a 1 year birthday we wanted to do something special for them. I know I’m going to be one of those parents that makes a really big deal out of their birthdays but OH WELL at least they will look back and remember they had good birthdays! Of course at 1 and 3 they may not remember much but at least I will… and I think that’s all that matters. Hehehe

Spring is going to be a season for changing. Tait’s parents are going to be moving… guess where? That’s right WISCONSIN! What are the chances right?!!! They planned to be moved by April 8th I have to say that it’s going to be CRAZY they are going through there stuff and getting rid of stuff. So Easter will be a time of sorting and shifting through their stuff, which I can’t wait to help b/c I know that they need the help.

This is going to be A BIG change for us. I have to say that I’m very sad to see them leave. I know that things change from time to time so you have to adjust. I know the girls will really miss them but I know they will survive. My parents get to see the girls fairly often about every other month so that’s really not too bad. It could be much worse. I think the hardest adjustment for us is going to be adjusting to the fact that Tait and I won’t be able to go to Peru as much. We will still go there for family holidays with my family but it will be hard not to have a weekend “off.” Tait and I kind of used Peru as a place to recharge our batteries, Helen would watch our children so Tait and I could play golf or play bingo and stuff like that and so that will be a BIG adjustment. It will be hard not to have a place to escape to but I know that we will survive just like the girls. Helen said she’s planning on coming down to visit as often as she can and she’ll stay with us and stay with Tanna and also travel down to Williamsport as well. I will just have to find a sitter or something in my area so Tait and I can still escape.

So that is all that is going on right now. We do have the Easter Bunny coming this weekend. So that will be fun. I’ll take pictures…


Rebecca said...

That's really cute about what Lehna said about the crayon! LOL! I can't wait to see the Easter pictures!

Sarah said...

HAHAHA!! Lehna is a trip! I needed a good laugh =]

Hope you all had a great Easter! ♥