Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Another Update after Lehna's appointment

Well I wanted to write to update you on Lehna. Basically after her appointment Monday the doctor feels that she did have a febrile seizure. They think that it was brought on by the heat that was going on outside on Friday. They said that it can happen again but most children if they have had one then there is only a 30% chance of the group of children that have one will have another one. They said to watch her when she’s outside watch for signs of her getting dehydrated.
The concerning factor with Lehna is the fact that when the EMT’s got there and at the hospital Lehna didn’t register a fever and that’s the problem b/c if she had a fever induced seizure then with her not having a fever is concerning. The doctor is fairly certain that it was a febrile seizure they are recommending that I see a neurologist just to rule out epilepsy, which it’s just a precautionary thing. So the appointment isn’t going to happen until August 31 which is a MONTH away. I wish that it would be this week but they won’t be able to do anything until then.

They do say that it can happen again so we need to make sure that Lehna is drinking water and staying cool. Of course this week it’s hotter than hot. We sent a water bottle with her for daycare so she can drink out if all day. They said at daycare today she was outside for just a few minutes and she came up to Shari and they said she had a rash all over her body like little bumps. It sounded like heat rash to me but I told them that I would talk to the doctor to investigate further, but in the meantime to keep in inside for the rest of the day. They said that even though she’s been out of the heat for the last couple of hours she still appears to have the rash. I will know later on today what they are talking about when I see her, if she still has the bumps, and go from there. I called my doctor but they are of course overbooked and are too busy to return my phone call so I’ll give them a couple more hours and then try back. I mean now that they are going to keep her out of the heat that will help but it still makes me crazy. I don’t think I will feel better until the summer is over and it’s freezing outside. It’s all very scary.

So until then I’ll keep posting on how she’s doing. If you would just look at her you wouldn’t have known that she scared the living daylights out of us. I am still not sleeping very well. I am up constantly checking on her making sure that she is okay. It’s awful.

I just wanted to give another update to you since it’s been another day. Yesterday was Lehna’s first day back to daycare. Lehna’s teachers all were giving her love with big hugs and telling her to stop scaring them so badly. They said that they took her outside for just a little bit when she came up to Suzie her teacher and Suzie noticed that she had a rash all over her arms and her legs. They said that the immediately brought her in and gave her some water and pulled up her hair and even gave her a cold wash rage to cool off with and the rash still stayed. Even several hours after she was inside for awhile the rash was still apparent. When I talked to Debbie it sounded a lot like heat rash so I told them I would check with the doctor but it sounded like heat rash. Well after speaking to the doctor the doctor said it sounds like Roseola which is a rash children develop after having several days of a high fever. It’s contagious and can be spread to other children. So my concern was all of the other children Lehna was around over the weekend. B/c she is past the contagious stage it’s only contagious when they have a high fever so that would be: Deklyn, Maya, and Landyn. Well Maya and Deklyn are too young for it so that shouldn’t be a problem but Landyn is in the “danger zone” so they said to watch him for a high fever. Well the doctor also said that it will go away in a couple of days. Well by the time Lehna got home from daycare the “rash” was gone. So I am not back to my original thought that it was in fact heat rash rather then Roseola I mean if it was Roseola it would still is visible when she got home from daycare. I told daycare this morning to keep her in the rest of the week since it’s supposed to be so very hot this week just to be sure.

I was thinking this morning that either way whether Lehna had a Febrile Seizure or an eplitoic seizure neither is very good. I mean Epolitic seizures means there’s something wrong with her brain which is no good and febrile seizures can be caused by heat and fever, I mean its Indiana we have HOT DRY summers. I mean either way they are too unpredictable and way too scary. I wish I could choose neither I mean they both are pretty sucky. But anyways I’ll keep you posted on her condition and her health status.


Sarah said...

How horrible.. Please keep me updated. How is Lehna doing so far?

Stephanie said...

Lehna is doing great we haven't let her outside since Monday and things are MUCH better now. We are supposed to have more hot days but hopefully they will end soon and then she can go out on a regular bases. She's fine though healthy and happy.

Karla said...

Jackie called me crying on the way to visit Lehna in the hospital. Lehna has a lot of people who love her dearly!! I hope that it is good news at the doctor. I am glad that she is doing better!