Sunday, August 19, 2007

2 Week Update!

So much to update… so I will try to keep it as SHORT as possible but I do have a tendency to ramble on and on AND I haven’t updated in 2 weeks so let’s just so MUCH has happened.

Let’s start with the simple stuff first. Tait turned 30!! This past week! He had been counting down like the dooms day clock every since January and now that it’s come and pass he can say that he survived it, with very little injury. We had a nice celebration. Helen and Tim had taken our children from Sunday-Wednesday of last week so on Tait’s birthday we got our children back. All I have to say is THANK YOU HELEN AND TIM! It was such a nice break. Lehna was on my very last nerve. Recently she’s going through this two year old “stage” and let me tell you it’s been AWFUL! She won’t listen she refuses to sit quietly for ANY length of time and her behavior can go from ‘good girl to ROTTEN child’ in seconds. It’s so unpredictable she gets mad at silly things and becomes frustrated VERY easily and when that comes there is NO reasoning with the child. So when Helen and Tim offered to take our children it was SOOOOO wonderful! I was all over the idea because I NEEDED a break. So after a refreshing 3 days of NO children I was ready to be able to handle Lehna once again. She still is having her Mood swings but at least I’m not ready to kill her when the evil Lehna appears. So Tait’s parents took us out for dinner for Tait’s birthday, then the next day I made Tait’s favorite meal and we had ice cream cake. It was just a small thing for his birthday. I feel bad b/c I know Tait was really expecting something grand since he’s been talking about his birthday sine January and I feel bad disappointing him he says he’s not but it still makes me feel bad.

Lehna Looking Pretty Cute!
Why do the make kids clothes in WHITE?

Some Lehna health news while Lehna was at Tait’s parents she was playing outside with Tanna and Landyn when she fell to the ground and her eyes rolled back into her head again. She did not shake she just kind of acted out of it just really spacey for about 2-5 seconds. Tanna said they brought her inside and she had a retired Sheriff help her but they said she wasn’t hot or anything she was literally playing and fell just out of the blue. Well I called the doctor when she got back and the doctor got me in touch with the neurologist (the one she’s seeing at he end of this month) and he wanted more details of what happened. He asked me if this has ever happened before I told him that the “episode” where she just falls and her eyes roll back and she gets really out of it has happened before. The doctor informed me that this is actually a form of seizure that she is having. So he sent us Friday to a children’s cardiologist to rule out any problems with her heart. We were pretty nervous about this appointment b/c the doctor said that if she has something with her heart then it’s going to be some serious things. Well Lehna went and all of her tests came back as perfectly normal. The doctor said that as far as her heart is concerned she is a perfectly normal healthy little girl. So we were VERY relieved to hear that. He said to just keep our appointment with the neurologist. The neurologist did give me his on call number that he wants us to call if this happens again. So we will be on the look out for more of that.

While we were in Indianapolis on Friday for the tests we were also there for Tait’s cousin Travis’ Wedding. Travis and Sheri Lee have been dating for about 4 years so it was exciting to see them get married. I have a few pictures from the wedding. I didn’t take too many only b/c I really wasn’t in a good spot for pictures. Lehna sat on my lap for the entire wedding just pointing and asking questions. Maya sat in her car seat for the wedding just sleeping and then work up when they started to sing, but she laid their the entire length of the wedding, just happy as a clam. Maya is so easy compared to Lehna I hope she continues this trend when she gets mobile… I’m sure she won’t but it sure would be nice.

Bride & Groom Dancing

The Happy Couple, Look at those frowns :)

Lehna & Landyn Dancing

Landyn & Lehna doing the "One Leg Shake"

After the wedding (which was on Friday) we went to Tait’s aunt and uncles pretty much all day on Saturday. It was pretty fun we just talked and watched the kids play. It was a nice relaxing day. It was nice b/c we still had one more day left for the weekend before we have to return to work. So I recommend Friday weddings they are nice, sure you take the day off of work but that’s never a bad thing and it doesn’t take your entire Saturday you still have time left in the weekend.

Deklyn Swinging

Lehna Playing with the Cork Screw!

So great news. Tait’s dad got a job in Wisconsin! Can you believe it? They are actually on their way up now b/c he has to fill out some pre-employment papers/screenings. Helen will also be moving up with him, you can tell that she isn’t too excited about it. I think she’s keeping an open mind but I think she wants to stay close to her grand children. Where they will be living from my parents is about 70 miles south from Hartford they will be living in Kenosha, which is literally just over the boarder in Wisconsin. Tait and I are now tossing around the idea of moving up to Wisconsin now actually. Tait said with his job he can pretty much go to any state b/c he has the necessary 2 years down and well my job isn’t really “transferable” but I’m sure I could find something up there that would be wonderful. So I don’t know. I mean I kind of want to wait and see what happens with the Wagner’s first to make sure they are going to “stay” up there and kind of go from there. We don’t have to pack up any time soon and quite frankly our home needs some work. I LOVE the idea of being able to be near of both sets of grandparents so when we go to Wisconsin this coming week it will be something we will investigate a little further. I think I have the support form my mom but I kind of just want to feel it out. Maybe in a year or so we will make the move we’ll just have to see.

I have talked a lot about everyone in my family except baby Maya. Let me tell you what a GREAT baby she is. She takes over her daddy’s personality 100% she is so happy and patient. She doesn’t have a problem just waiting until you have a chance to pick her up if she’s laying in her swing, jumperoo, or car seat. As long as you talk to her periodically she will lay there forever. She is also so happy. She just lights up when she hears voices and gets REALLY excited when she sees her big sister. Lehna adores her she loves to bring her toys and say things like “that’s my sister Maya” and make her laugh. It’s really quite fun for all of us to watch them interact. Maya really hasn’t shown any interested in getting mobile at all. She can “almost” flip over but hasn’t quite mastered it yet, probably in about 2 more weeks before she gets all the way for the full rotation, but even just holding her she doesn’t really have any desire to stand on her own feet or anything like that. She has started to stand more her just putting her in her jumperoo has really improved that but as far as wanting to get mobile she has NO desire. It’s so fun, I LOVE that she wants to stay a baby longer. I love just snuggling her and rocking her to sleep she’s just in no rush and it’s wonderful.
Maya's Tummy Time

So we still have Molly we had a lady come by and meet her last weekend but she decided that she wanted a puppy instead. I mean I don’t really blame her if I had a choice between and older dog and a puppy it would be pretty easy to determine what I wanted NEITHER! So we still have her she still listed on Craig’s list but we have only had two inquires about her so far. I don’t know. Daisy is the dog that’s been annoying not Molly so we’ll have to see what happens. Trent is going to come dog sit when we go to Wisconsin so that will be nice not to have to worry about what kind of disaster the house will be in when we come home. WE are going for like 5 days I’m so excited.

Well that’s my update for now… it’s brief but there’s so much to say and hard to summarize it… at least for me it is. So until I update again have a GREAT week for me it’s going to be VERY short!
Girls Tummy Time!

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