Thursday, June 28, 2007


Welcome to another performance of the Wagner Circus. It has been one heck of a whoorling weekend! We decided Friday afternoon about 3 p.m that we were going to go to Peru for the weekend sooooo it was kind of chaotic getting things ready for that.

I hadn’t planned on going to Peru on the weekend so my home wasn’t “ready to leave” condition if that makes sense. I have a ton of laundry scattered all over our bedroom floor and the laundry room was piled as well so I did what most people do and I took “essentials” to my mother-in-laws and she did our laundry J Thank you Helen! She actually did the girl’s laundry, Tait and I have enough clothing that we didn’t have the “need” right away but the girls their clothes are kind of limited especially Lehna’s wardrobe so I had to bring all of hers and I grabbed Maya’s as well b/c I didn’t want her to mold b/c of the nasty formula that gets on her clothing. So Helen was very kind and did the girl’s laundry and she also did the stuff we wore all weekend.

So after work I got home to get the house picked up b/c we had the missionaries scheduled to come over and to start packing. By the time Tait got home I had gotten the house picked up and the girls packed. Then Tait and I packed at the same time to get things ready. We had planning on barricading the dogs in the kitchen again so we got things ready for that as well and by the time the missionaries got there we were ready to go. So after they left we left shortly after them.

Lehna was so excited to go to Peru to visit her Nana and Papa. Lehna and Maya were both good for the most part when we visited them. Tait got to go to the race track on Saturday night and we played golf on Saturday morning. We didn’t go to church and I felt a little guilty for that but other than that we had a good time.

When we got home Lehna wanted to wear big girl panties. Landyn is currently wearing underwear so she saw him wearing them all weekend and asked to wear them. So I promptly put them on her. I mean if she’s willing to wear them then I’m willing to put them on her. And she didn’t have an accident all evening. Then the next day Lehna asked to wear them to daycare. Again wasn’t going to deny. On Monday she had 3 accidents so that wasn’t very successful. But so far the rest of this week she has had NO MORE ACCIDENTS at daycare. She did have an accident last night but that was it. They said at daycare she’s asking to go potty so I’m VERY proud of my Lehna.

Maya is really growing like a weed she has moved into 6 month clothing already. I put away her smaller clothes not b/c she can’t fit into them anymore but b/c I have some many summer clothes that I’m ready for her to wear. This morning I caught the little rat trying to sit up on her own. She’s such a happy baby she really reacts when you talk to her. She just smiles and kicks her little legs it’s just amazing how happy she is. I don’t want her to grow up very quickly though b/c I don’t know if Tait and I will have any more children. She’s just a pumpkin baby I know that sounds odd but she’s small and round. I just can’t believe how content she is just sitting in her baby seat or swing just observing what’s going on. She’s a good baby very easy, of course this probably means she’s going to be a hard teenager but right now I enjoy her. Oh the idea of having teenagers… YIKES and teenage girls on top of that DOUBLE YIKES! I’m glad I have a few more years before I have to worry about that. I’m just glad that they don’t come out as teenagers at least I have a few years to prepare.

This weekend sounds like it might be busy as well. Tanna and I have decided to take all four munchkins to get their pictures taken together… Tanna will probably agree that when we took just Lehna and Landyn to get their pictures taken that it was QUITE A CHORE I can safely say it was awful. So I don’t know why we think that we can manage two MORE children and get them cooperate all at the same time. I guess we are just gluten for punishment. I know that when we took Lehna to get her two year pictures she was horrible. So I don’t know if she will cooperate or not… I hope for the better but I’ll prepare for the worst if we can’t get them altogether then oh well. I just want Maya’s picture to be cute. We are also going to have Maya and Decklyn’s picture taken together so that will be cute. Then we were invited for a family get together in Williamsport this weekend as well so we will be attending that if all goes well.

I don’t think we have anything going on for Sunday yet… but it’s only Thursday.

Well that’s all that life is right now. Busy and not busy all at the same time. I enjoy busy though helps keep me out of trouble!

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