Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Still Expecting

Well I needed to update my blog and let everyone know that there still is no baby yet. On Monday I FINALLY lost my plug and was VERY VERY excited about it. I called my mom and put her on Yellow Alert and she said that she figured by Wednesday we would have a baby. Well I had had contractions ALLLLLLL day on Monday and I was all excited about it b/c to be honest I didn't know what they were so when I did find out what they were I was VERY excited. Well I started to time them and they were about 16 mins apart well about 8:00 Tait and I decided to put the car seat in the car so we would have that ready. Well we had LOTS of problems getting the stupid then in. Well about 8:30 the contractions stopped! I was pretty disappointed. So I went on Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment and the doctor basically talked me out of getting checked, he said it was up to me but he said that he could tell that I wasn't 4 cm but I was probably between 2 1/2-3 cm which he said that still isn't going to tell me when baby would come. So I kept looking at Tait and he just was like "it's up to you" and I passed. I didn't want to be disappointed. So after talking about induction and how he doesn't want to do that b/c I am making progress and by inducing it doubles your c-section rates he just would prefer we wait it out. I was pretty down by the time we left the doctor's office. Tait kept putting his arm around me saying "it will happen soon enough" and I have to say if I hear that again I think I may shoot someone! But after talking with my mom later night she really made me feel better. She told me that even though the doctor sounded like it was going to be a bit longer she said no one can predict when your water will break. So she said that it is possible that my water could break tomorrow. So that helped keep my spirits up. This waiting stuff is like the worst thing ever. Tait and I think that it will be best if we don't go to the family Easter's on Sunday and we just take it easy. So that will be sad that we are going to miss seeing the family, but I don't want to go into labor on the way to Peru or Williamsport... NO THANK YOU! So it will be for the best. I think Tait is starting to experience some of that nesting phase last night he cleaned the entire living room and our bedroom, which if anyone that knows Tait knows this is TOTALLY unlike him to just want to clean up. He will help me if I ask him to but he normally doesn't take the initiative. And I mean he did actully "clean" not like just shuffling stacks around his normal cleaning style. He vacuumed, washed the walls, went through the pile of junk mail, adjusted the blankets on the chairs and couch, fixed the books on the book shelf, he vacuumed the cobwebs in the corners. It was very odd and not like him. So he's having some nesting periods. He said that since we are going to have people over for the first couple of days he wanted to make the house look really nice. Then all evening he kept saying "I love it when our house is clean" that's when I know that he is satisfied with his work. Last weekend when I had the nesting urge Tait and I washed the cars. Which they look fab now! So I think between Tait and I our house is going to be spotless before the baby gets here! Well that's my update for this week. I hope I have better news next week. I REALLY want baby (like you couldn't tell) but we'll see what happens maybe with the full moon being on Friday and The Easter Bunny coming on Sunday maybe we something exciting will happen this weekend! Oh and Marcus if you talk to the stork again tell him that I'm not below bribing and I'm willing to pay Big Bucks for some information... Oh and also Tait was a little tiffed at me when I started the whole alert color system without telling anyone what they mean... So here's the "code" Yellow Alert: MP Gone, and contractions (very light) Orange Alert: Stronger Contractions and the doctor has been called (may or may not mean water has broken) Red Alert: On the way to the hospital. I didn't think it was brain surgery but he wanted me to tell everyone what they meant. So there's no confusion. Thanks for reading!

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